Well... Now is a super busy time... Finals is close.. Project due is close...
So, light up guys.. Listen to David Cook new albums
It's great! :D Gotta love it!
The question is.. Why David Cook is so sexyyyy??? hehehe...
Happy Thanks Giving!!! (Kepada yang sambut la ek ;-) )
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Rise Again My Child...
Dengan berkat dan rahmat-Nya...
Dengan kesabaran untuk todak men-switch ON laptop selama 3 hari...
Dengan pertolongan hair dryer....
Laptop aku hidup semula...
Now, all my worried gone.. (Well, I'm still worried anyway.. hopefully this is not a temporary condition)
May Allah bless us All...
Dengan berkat dan rahmat-Nya...
Dengan kesabaran untuk todak men-switch ON laptop selama 3 hari...
Dengan pertolongan hair dryer....
Laptop aku hidup semula...
Now, all my worried gone.. (Well, I'm still worried anyway.. hopefully this is not a temporary condition)
May Allah bless us All...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Something Horrible...
Something horrible happen...
Last night.. Aku tertumpahkan air atas laptop aku... SO STUPID!!!
Then, my laptop CRUSH!!!
Then, it restart again............................ for 5 minutes....
Befire it go CRUSH AGAIN!!!'
Then.... I cannot Restart it.. My friend said.. It just pengsan... Wait until tomorrow...
So, this morning... I try to on my laptop...
OK.. It On for5 minutes... before it CRUSH AGAIN!!!!!
And cannot restart again.... Until 20 minutes.... And CRUSH AGAIN!!!!
Well.... My friends said.. Wait for at least 3 days.....
NOW.... I WANNA CRY!!!!!
The other solution is >>>>>>>>>>>>> Buy a new laptop.... at WALMART and Return it after I fix this laptop... By sending it to New Jersey???????
The PROBLEM IS...........
NAK BALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night.. Aku tertumpahkan air atas laptop aku... SO STUPID!!!
Then, my laptop CRUSH!!!
Then, it restart again............................ for 5 minutes....
Befire it go CRUSH AGAIN!!!'
Then.... I cannot Restart it.. My friend said.. It just pengsan... Wait until tomorrow...
So, this morning... I try to on my laptop...
OK.. It On for5 minutes... before it CRUSH AGAIN!!!!!
And cannot restart again.... Until 20 minutes.... And CRUSH AGAIN!!!!
Well.... My friends said.. Wait for at least 3 days.....
NOW.... I WANNA CRY!!!!!
The other solution is >>>>>>>>>>>>> Buy a new laptop.... at WALMART and Return it after I fix this laptop... By sending it to New Jersey???????
The PROBLEM IS...........
NAK BALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I Hate This Weather!!!
The weather is just too cold...
Pasang heater pun.. It's still too cold...
I hate udara from heater..
It makes me sick.. aku pening...
Sejuk gila ni... Seriously.. Ni blom winter lagi....
I miss Malaysia's weather....
I hate COLD!!!!
Oh my....
Today max : 4 C and min: -2 C
Tomorrow: a little better , max : 12 C and min: 0 C
I hate this weather... What can I do about this????????
The weather is just too cold...
Pasang heater pun.. It's still too cold...
I hate udara from heater..
It makes me sick.. aku pening...
Sejuk gila ni... Seriously.. Ni blom winter lagi....
I miss Malaysia's weather....
I hate COLD!!!!
Oh my....
Today max : 4 C and min: -2 C
Tomorrow: a little better , max : 12 C and min: 0 C
I hate this weather... What can I do about this????????
Friday, November 14, 2008
Did I told you guys that All Barca's players are GREAT??? :D
One of the greatest midfielder in the world..
One of the Barca's Captains.. (trivia: Puyol is captain no. 1, Xavi is captain no. 2)
The Player of the Tournament - UEFA Euro 2008
The Best La-Liga Player - 2004/05
Well.. To add to all this.. He is cute.. Hehehehe..
Have Fun!
One of the greatest midfielder in the world..
One of the Barca's Captains.. (trivia: Puyol is captain no. 1, Xavi is captain no. 2)
The Player of the Tournament - UEFA Euro 2008
The Best La-Liga Player - 2004/05
Well.. To add to all this.. He is cute.. Hehehehe..
This is the video of him.. Just found it at youtube.. :D :D :D
Have Fun!
p/s: you know guys.. Now.. I'm trying to study again.. hihihi...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Miss post...
Well.. now I'm trying to study but as always.. time ni la aku nak memblog.. mensearch internet.. tgk game bola.. tgk gambar... berangan.. dan sebagainya... Then.. aku baru perasan.. aku hanya post mizzou homecoming parade but not the mizzou homecoming game.. So here we are.. Since, aku mmg tgh distracted.. Let see the pichas ok.. :D

Aku kesejukan nengok game ni.. And kalau korang nak tau.. game ni 1 jam.. main in 4 quaters.. Tapi bila stop game, time stop jugak.. So, total time spend aku rasa dalam 4 jam utk 1 jam nye game.. Punya la lama.. Rules game bagi aku, lagi mudah nak difahami dari game bola (soccer) Aku yang "hate" american football ni pun.. dapat paham the rules dengan cepat.. Dulu aku nak paham rules offside siap kene tgk gambarajah.. tapi well, american football is easy to understand...
Selalunya bila Mizzou main, aku akan tgk kat ESPN je.. dan aku selalu akan tertidur.. Which mean.. american football is boring! Compare to Barca game. which never ever make me feel sleepy... Hehehe... Soccer still ROCK!!!
Anyway.. Mizzou team is good :D.. And that night (which I believed I was the lucky charm).. We won 58 - 0.. HAHAHA... Tell you, It was very Impresive . where we can conclude.. Either Mizzou is too good or Colorado is too bad or Both.. ; )
But.. What I really want is... Be inside Camp Nou, Barcelona and watch BARCA!!! huhuhu..
The End... :D
Aku kesejukan nengok game ni.. And kalau korang nak tau.. game ni 1 jam.. main in 4 quaters.. Tapi bila stop game, time stop jugak.. So, total time spend aku rasa dalam 4 jam utk 1 jam nye game.. Punya la lama.. Rules game bagi aku, lagi mudah nak difahami dari game bola (soccer) Aku yang "hate" american football ni pun.. dapat paham the rules dengan cepat.. Dulu aku nak paham rules offside siap kene tgk gambarajah.. tapi well, american football is easy to understand...
Selalunya bila Mizzou main, aku akan tgk kat ESPN je.. dan aku selalu akan tertidur.. Which mean.. american football is boring! Compare to Barca game. which never ever make me feel sleepy... Hehehe... Soccer still ROCK!!!
Anyway.. Mizzou team is good :D.. And that night (which I believed I was the lucky charm).. We won 58 - 0.. HAHAHA... Tell you, It was very Impresive . where we can conclude.. Either Mizzou is too good or Colorado is too bad or Both.. ; )
But.. What I really want is... Be inside Camp Nou, Barcelona and watch BARCA!!! huhuhu..
The End... :D
Something Great :D
1. I finished the dsp lab on time.. and the TA is cute.. opss.. hehehe...
2. My VHDL homework #6 is made as a skema to all the class.. (Well, nobody knew it was mine but a few close friend..) and I even surprise myself.. Hehehehe...
2. My VHDL homework #6 is made as a skema to all the class.. (Well, nobody knew it was mine but a few close friend..) and I even surprise myself.. Hehehehe...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It's a disaster...
Well, hari ni aku sungguh bercita-cita tinggi.. nak masak lemak cili api udang and kacang hijau.. well, this is not the first time aku masak lemak cili api kat sini.. tapi ntah la nape.. somehow.. aku rasa masakan aku kali ni mmg tak sedap la.. So, aku yg dengan confidentnya telah masak seperiuk..
So, persoalannya ialah..
1. Siapakah yang akan mengabiskan masakan aku itu?
2. Kalau aku tak makan. adalah satu pembaziran yang besar.. bukan setakat wang dan makanan malah masa yg dihabiskan...
So, being me.. aku ni memang tak suka masakan sendiri.. kalau orang lain masak.. tak sedap pun aku makan.. tapi masakan sendiri ni.. kena super sedap atau super lapar.. baru aku lalu nak makan.. So.. esok aku akan berusaha bersungguh2 utk makan jugak masakan ku itu.. huhuhu...
p/s: catz.. aku ikut resepi ko tau.. hari tu aku masak.. aku guna resepi kak ana (wife mr. H).. tapi aku dah lupa plak.. So, haruskah aku salahkan kau catz???? Haruskah??? Haruskah??? hihihi...
So, persoalannya ialah..
1. Siapakah yang akan mengabiskan masakan aku itu?
2. Kalau aku tak makan. adalah satu pembaziran yang besar.. bukan setakat wang dan makanan malah masa yg dihabiskan...
So, being me.. aku ni memang tak suka masakan sendiri.. kalau orang lain masak.. tak sedap pun aku makan.. tapi masakan sendiri ni.. kena super sedap atau super lapar.. baru aku lalu nak makan.. So.. esok aku akan berusaha bersungguh2 utk makan jugak masakan ku itu.. huhuhu...
p/s: catz.. aku ikut resepi ko tau.. hari tu aku masak.. aku guna resepi kak ana (wife mr. H).. tapi aku dah lupa plak.. So, haruskah aku salahkan kau catz???? Haruskah??? Haruskah??? hihihi...
Saturday, November 08, 2008
So Full!! :D
Hari ni gi makan-makan kat China Garden restoren.. Wah.. So nice..
So, finally.. aku dapat makan dengan gumbiranya..
Lots of seafoods.. and the special is ketam.. Hmmm.. I like it.. very much.. hikss.. And Sengkai said, we should thanks the owner of this restaurent because he brings happiness... And my fortune cookies said that, purple will bring me luck.. So, we singgah walmart after dinner and I bought a purple glove.. Hehehe..
So, finally.. aku dapat makan dengan gumbiranya..
What a Stupid Girl..
Hari ni dengan confidentnya aku ke kelas dengan hanya memakai cardigan and jeans..
Semalam, aku check internet.. suhu max is 17C and minimum 3C.. So, 17 is not so bad.. no need to overcloths myself.. Anyway aku akan balik awal hari ni.. so, it will not reach 3C any moment on a day.. Well, cuaca kat Colmbia ni sewel sikit.. 2 minggu lepas aku rasa suhu around 11 - 12.. tapi last week naik balik ke 18 - 20.. So.. Well, semalam not so cold.. why today's different right??? (I'm talking about suhu max ok)
So, abis je 1st kelas tadi.. aku rasa sangat hairan.. Why so cold? This don't feel like 17C.. But, well... it's still morning. it will improve soon.. BUT.. IT'S NOT!
Aku walk dari building ke building.. dengan gigi dah bertemu gigi.. and I'm really confius.. Normally, temp will not drop at noon.. WHY? WHY?
Solution: be inside the building as long as I can... grrrrr..
So, I pun sembang2 la ngan my pren..
Me: "Why, it's so cold? It suppose to be 17.... right?"
Pren: "No.. Why you said that? Today the max is 9 degree!! And I think now is 7C"
Me: "WHATTTT?? No wonder.. See what I'm wearing now?"
Pren: "Yeah.. It's thin"
Me: "Ok.. Ok.. Dont panic.. I just have to stay inside the building"
Pren: "Hahaha.. you gonna sleep here right? In engineering building"
Me: :p
That's my story today...
And.. Run Saira Run.. Well, I'm kidding! I just walk as fast as I could to go home and shelter myself beside my pren from cold cold wind.. The wind is killing me...
And my fav quote of the day "What a stupid girl!!!"
Mata aku spero agaknya semalam.. how could 9 be 17? Mengong!
Semalam, aku check internet.. suhu max is 17C and minimum 3C.. So, 17 is not so bad.. no need to overcloths myself.. Anyway aku akan balik awal hari ni.. so, it will not reach 3C any moment on a day.. Well, cuaca kat Colmbia ni sewel sikit.. 2 minggu lepas aku rasa suhu around 11 - 12.. tapi last week naik balik ke 18 - 20.. So.. Well, semalam not so cold.. why today's different right??? (I'm talking about suhu max ok)
So, abis je 1st kelas tadi.. aku rasa sangat hairan.. Why so cold? This don't feel like 17C.. But, well... it's still morning. it will improve soon.. BUT.. IT'S NOT!
Aku walk dari building ke building.. dengan gigi dah bertemu gigi.. and I'm really confius.. Normally, temp will not drop at noon.. WHY? WHY?
Solution: be inside the building as long as I can... grrrrr..
So, I pun sembang2 la ngan my pren..
Me: "Why, it's so cold? It suppose to be 17.... right?"
Pren: "No.. Why you said that? Today the max is 9 degree!! And I think now is 7C"
Me: "WHATTTT?? No wonder.. See what I'm wearing now?"
Pren: "Yeah.. It's thin"
Me: "Ok.. Ok.. Dont panic.. I just have to stay inside the building"
Pren: "Hahaha.. you gonna sleep here right? In engineering building"
Me: :p
That's my story today...
And.. Run Saira Run.. Well, I'm kidding! I just walk as fast as I could to go home and shelter myself beside my pren from cold cold wind.. The wind is killing me...
And my fav quote of the day "What a stupid girl!!!"
Mata aku spero agaknya semalam.. how could 9 be 17? Mengong!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Happy Study...
Now I'm ok..
Back to my old self and study like crazy.. hehehe.. well.. u know, study like 'crazy' doesn't always mean study hard.. hahaha.. well, u know what i mean.. hiksss
Dua gambar kat library di bawah di ambil selasa lepas sewaktu aku mengular dari seminar yg aku dengan hebatnya menvolunteerkan diri (hahaha... macam dah takde keje kan, register pastu malas) aku gi the 1st half then rehat kat luar kejap... study.. hiksss...

Taaa... :D
Back to my old self and study like crazy.. hehehe.. well.. u know, study like 'crazy' doesn't always mean study hard.. hahaha.. well, u know what i mean.. hiksss
Dua gambar kat library di bawah di ambil selasa lepas sewaktu aku mengular dari seminar yg aku dengan hebatnya menvolunteerkan diri (hahaha... macam dah takde keje kan, register pastu malas) aku gi the 1st half then rehat kat luar kejap... study.. hiksss...
Taaa... :D
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I never mention it here.. but actually last week I have a major shut down of myself..
My mood swing very bad.. I'm homesick and I hate everything...
What happen then...
I just completely hate study and hate anything that related to it..
1. So, as a quiz coming for VHDL subject.. I dont study at all.. I keep trying to study but all I can do is stare at books.. So, on the quiz, I rely 100% on my understanding in class..
2. I also don't do homework very well.. As homework dateline nearer.. I just do whatever I can without giving any extra effort for the difficult one.. I just let go and don't care..
3. I even forget to check DSP website and did not alert that there is homework that need to be submitted.. I just realize it when I saw somebody submit something.. I like.. "What's that?" but I have friends who help me on this.. thanks god!
Ok.. that's three things for the three subjects..
I do try to help myself.. I eat a lot last week.. hopefully it help me. but it's doesn't.. I chats to friends.. it lift my mood for a while but only for a while.. I go out.. (Obama, Halloween, walmart) yes, it help a little... And I also sleep a lot.. I sleep around 12 hours a day these day and still feel sleepy..
So the penalty..
1. I got the VHDL quiz result today.. The subject that I always excellent.. I just got the average mark of the whole class (which is still surprise me.. I thought I'll fail for sure)
2. Somehow.. the analog prof keep giving us chances.. So, she keep postpone the homework due.. So, somehow I have to start thinking on her difficult questions.. Cannot ignore it anymore..
3. DSP.. well, what a friends for right? But I have a very hardtime to understand a simple lab problem which I think my TA will be dissapointed in me.. huhuhu..
So, what now???
I feel better now.. A little.. I begin to cook again (one of my drawback is I just cook like a simple crazy food.. everyday makan nasi+kicap+telur).. I also gain back the interest on my study... (but still not as before)
Somehow.. my sleep patern change.. I sleep more these days.. Kul 10.30 dah ngantok (which is not good for my study)..
Kiranya.. I have "something" like deppression or a very homesick sindrom (call home just don't help.. I need to be home and detoxinizing myself like I always did when I'm working.. need to refresh myself just by balik kampung)
BUT.. I know I should not do that again.. As some of you know.. people can read me like a book.. So, it is noticable.. even my vhdl TA ask me if I'm feeling well or not.. So.. right now.. I have to heal myself.. Anyway, It's better now.. It just I'm easily get headache these days...
My mood swing very bad.. I'm homesick and I hate everything...
What happen then...
I just completely hate study and hate anything that related to it..
1. So, as a quiz coming for VHDL subject.. I dont study at all.. I keep trying to study but all I can do is stare at books.. So, on the quiz, I rely 100% on my understanding in class..
2. I also don't do homework very well.. As homework dateline nearer.. I just do whatever I can without giving any extra effort for the difficult one.. I just let go and don't care..
3. I even forget to check DSP website and did not alert that there is homework that need to be submitted.. I just realize it when I saw somebody submit something.. I like.. "What's that?" but I have friends who help me on this.. thanks god!
Ok.. that's three things for the three subjects..
I do try to help myself.. I eat a lot last week.. hopefully it help me. but it's doesn't.. I chats to friends.. it lift my mood for a while but only for a while.. I go out.. (Obama, Halloween, walmart) yes, it help a little... And I also sleep a lot.. I sleep around 12 hours a day these day and still feel sleepy..
So the penalty..
1. I got the VHDL quiz result today.. The subject that I always excellent.. I just got the average mark of the whole class (which is still surprise me.. I thought I'll fail for sure)
2. Somehow.. the analog prof keep giving us chances.. So, she keep postpone the homework due.. So, somehow I have to start thinking on her difficult questions.. Cannot ignore it anymore..
3. DSP.. well, what a friends for right? But I have a very hardtime to understand a simple lab problem which I think my TA will be dissapointed in me.. huhuhu..
So, what now???
I feel better now.. A little.. I begin to cook again (one of my drawback is I just cook like a simple crazy food.. everyday makan nasi+kicap+telur).. I also gain back the interest on my study... (but still not as before)
Somehow.. my sleep patern change.. I sleep more these days.. Kul 10.30 dah ngantok (which is not good for my study)..
Kiranya.. I have "something" like deppression or a very homesick sindrom (call home just don't help.. I need to be home and detoxinizing myself like I always did when I'm working.. need to refresh myself just by balik kampung)
BUT.. I know I should not do that again.. As some of you know.. people can read me like a book.. So, it is noticable.. even my vhdl TA ask me if I'm feeling well or not.. So.. right now.. I have to heal myself.. Anyway, It's better now.. It just I'm easily get headache these days...
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
OBAMA WON!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!
A good news to everybody.. For once, American do the right thing! And now.. I have no mood to study.. somehow... hehehe..
This is historical moment.. And I'm here witness it all..
This is historical moment.. And I'm here witness it all..
One think I respect.. how professional McCain accept this and how cool his speech in defeat..
Monday, November 03, 2008
Jawapan = Beli je
Aku dah naik gila dah ni..
Ape ke heinye aku kena design single stage amplifier yg spekasinya sekian-sekian....
Berapa biji transistor nak bubuh pastu nak kene kira arus banyak mana.. pastu saiz transistor pun kena amik kira.. voltage swing la.. gain lagi.. pabala lagi ntah.. Ni memang tak tercapai dek akal ku..
Jawapan aku ==== check op-amp IC list... check spesifikasi sesuai ke idak.. pastu..
Kan ke senang? Gila aku nak design bende gini..
BUT... ESOK DUE.. and I have not a single idea...
p/s: Apsal aku rasa semua subject makin lama makin crazy? diorang ni kan.. ingat ni intensive study ke ape ke? logic la sikit.. arghhh!!! ni yg aku nak let go je ni.. tensi.. tensi..
Ape ke heinye aku kena design single stage amplifier yg spekasinya sekian-sekian....
Berapa biji transistor nak bubuh pastu nak kene kira arus banyak mana.. pastu saiz transistor pun kena amik kira.. voltage swing la.. gain lagi.. pabala lagi ntah.. Ni memang tak tercapai dek akal ku..
Jawapan aku ==== check op-amp IC list... check spesifikasi sesuai ke idak.. pastu..
Kan ke senang? Gila aku nak design bende gini..
BUT... ESOK DUE.. and I have not a single idea...
p/s: Apsal aku rasa semua subject makin lama makin crazy? diorang ni kan.. ingat ni intensive study ke ape ke? logic la sikit.. arghhh!!! ni yg aku nak let go je ni.. tensi.. tensi..
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Tagged by catz.. Banyak gila soklannyer...
TAG dari catz...
1.When is the last time you ran?
Everyday when cross the road to go to class.. and as always... I'm LATE!
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears and holes in them?
3. What are you dreading right now?
4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
That date means nothing to me...
5. When is the last time you saw your significant other?
6. Do you get the full eight hours of sleep every night?
Not every night.. some night 12 hours.. some 3 hours.. so.. everage ~ 8 hours?
7. What is your favorite current song?
Britney Spear - Blackout albums
8. If anyone came to your house on your lazy days, what would you do?
Do nothing
9. Who last grabbed your ass?
My self??? HAHAHA..
10. Have you ever been in your school’s band?
YUP! Once upon a time..
11. Do you own a pair of Converse?
Nope.. Apa class Converse.. hehehe..
12. Did you copy and paste this survey?
13. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
14. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Guilty! :D
15. Do you hate it when a radio ruins a song by playing a slow one after it?
Nope.. It's radio.. what do you expect?
16. Do you watch Trading Places?
17. Have you ever stayed on line a long time waiting for someone?
18. Are you ‘cocky’?
Sometimes... Maybe always?? Hikss
19. Can u live without computer?
Computer is my life..
20. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Here.. All the time..
21. At what age did you find out Santa was not real?
I always know it's not real..
22. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are there in your home?
1 house phone.. 1 Malaysia cell phone and 1 usa cell phone.. that make it 3 phones..
23. What do you do when you are sad?
Makan, shopping, crying, and whinging..
24. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My parents...
25. Last time you saw your best friend?
2 months 2 weeks and 2 days ago..
26. Who, or What sleeps with you?
My laptop.. hehehe..
27. Are you still in High School?
28. Is anyone on your bad side now?
29. What jewelry are you wearing now?
Rantai.. Gelang..
30. What is the first thing that you do when you get on line?
Check e-mails and check Barca news... hehehe..
31. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?
Not really.. Ok.. Sometimes...
32. Would you ever wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
34. What are you doing on Friday?
Play Badminton and Halloween Party...
35. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
36. Favorite name for a girl?
My name... hikss
37. Favorite name for a boy?
38. Will you keep your own name when you get married?
39. When is the last time you left your house?
Last nite..
40. Do you return your cart (I assume trolley)?
41. Do you have a dishwasher?
42. What noise do you hear?
Ermm... no noise.. SNR here is good..
I wanna tag Purp and Orren and Mimi.. and sesape yg banyak masa ok.. hehehe..
1.When is the last time you ran?
Everyday when cross the road to go to class.. and as always... I'm LATE!
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears and holes in them?
3. What are you dreading right now?
4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
That date means nothing to me...
5. When is the last time you saw your significant other?
6. Do you get the full eight hours of sleep every night?
Not every night.. some night 12 hours.. some 3 hours.. so.. everage ~ 8 hours?
7. What is your favorite current song?
Britney Spear - Blackout albums
8. If anyone came to your house on your lazy days, what would you do?
Do nothing
9. Who last grabbed your ass?
My self??? HAHAHA..
10. Have you ever been in your school’s band?
YUP! Once upon a time..
11. Do you own a pair of Converse?
Nope.. Apa class Converse.. hehehe..
12. Did you copy and paste this survey?
13. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
14. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Guilty! :D
15. Do you hate it when a radio ruins a song by playing a slow one after it?
Nope.. It's radio.. what do you expect?
16. Do you watch Trading Places?
17. Have you ever stayed on line a long time waiting for someone?
18. Are you ‘cocky’?
Sometimes... Maybe always?? Hikss
19. Can u live without computer?
Computer is my life..
20. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Here.. All the time..
21. At what age did you find out Santa was not real?
I always know it's not real..
22. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are there in your home?
1 house phone.. 1 Malaysia cell phone and 1 usa cell phone.. that make it 3 phones..
23. What do you do when you are sad?
Makan, shopping, crying, and whinging..
24. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My parents...
25. Last time you saw your best friend?
2 months 2 weeks and 2 days ago..
26. Who, or What sleeps with you?
My laptop.. hehehe..
27. Are you still in High School?
28. Is anyone on your bad side now?
29. What jewelry are you wearing now?
Rantai.. Gelang..
30. What is the first thing that you do when you get on line?
Check e-mails and check Barca news... hehehe..
31. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?
Not really.. Ok.. Sometimes...
32. Would you ever wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
34. What are you doing on Friday?
Play Badminton and Halloween Party...
35. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
36. Favorite name for a girl?
My name... hikss
37. Favorite name for a boy?
38. Will you keep your own name when you get married?
39. When is the last time you left your house?
Last nite..
40. Do you return your cart (I assume trolley)?
41. Do you have a dishwasher?
42. What noise do you hear?
Ermm... no noise.. SNR here is good..
I wanna tag Purp and Orren and Mimi.. and sesape yg banyak masa ok.. hehehe..
I Think My Brain's Cell Damage A Little...
Hi guys..
I can't really remember what happen last week.. I become forgetful and I always tired..
Study becoming difficult each day.. I can't really do homework and I really tired of study...
I come to the conclusion that.. my brain's cell is somehow shrinking..
And one more.. The impossible thing happens.. I lost my TV remote control.. which is weird coz:
1. I live alone
2. I already search at every possible place.. (for f*** 2 hours) even in the microwave and freezer..
3. I really don't remember, did I watch tv yesterday or not.. aka.. I can't remember, did I use the remote yesterday???
I'm convince now... There is something wrong.. And the worst is.. I wish I don't have to study or do any homework anymore.. which result to..........
I just stop study and do nothing..... which result to............
I do pretty bad at quiz last Friday but it was also because..........
The question is @$#%#^& IMPOSSIBLY DIFFICULT!!! Even the 2 weeks lab task is easier than that quiz!!!!!
Add that two together.... Then we'll know the consequences this Monday...
I can't really remember what happen last week.. I become forgetful and I always tired..
Study becoming difficult each day.. I can't really do homework and I really tired of study...
I come to the conclusion that.. my brain's cell is somehow shrinking..
And one more.. The impossible thing happens.. I lost my TV remote control.. which is weird coz:
1. I live alone
2. I already search at every possible place.. (for f*** 2 hours) even in the microwave and freezer..
3. I really don't remember, did I watch tv yesterday or not.. aka.. I can't remember, did I use the remote yesterday???
I'm convince now... There is something wrong.. And the worst is.. I wish I don't have to study or do any homework anymore.. which result to..........
I just stop study and do nothing..... which result to............
I do pretty bad at quiz last Friday but it was also because..........
The question is @$#%#^& IMPOSSIBLY DIFFICULT!!! Even the 2 weeks lab task is easier than that quiz!!!!!
Add that two together.... Then we'll know the consequences this Monday...
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