Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I am a fan!!! A.I top 12 :D
Okay.. I already have a favorite...
I realized it sometimes ago... but I would like to wait a little bit more to confirm it since it is not like me to have **** as a favorite... Because really, **** is not my type at all.
But today **** So AMAZING! It took my breath away... well as a matter of speaking of course...
Anyway... I will wait until Malaysia air American Idol first, then, I'll say who is ****
Don't wanna be accused for giving a spoiler.:p hehe...
So far, I like **** performance every week... :D
And remember, I'm always a good judge! ;-)
I realized it sometimes ago... but I would like to wait a little bit more to confirm it since it is not like me to have **** as a favorite... Because really, **** is not my type at all.
But today **** So AMAZING! It took my breath away... well as a matter of speaking of course...
Anyway... I will wait until Malaysia air American Idol first, then, I'll say who is ****
Don't wanna be accused for giving a spoiler.:p hehe...
So far, I like **** performance every week... :D
And remember, I'm always a good judge! ;-)
Friday, March 05, 2010
My Fav of Top 20 - A.I
Well, you guys maybe already know who had voted out...
For sure the one I selected here not one of the four :p
Here it is.. The winner of top 20 (for me):
Jump to minutes 1:43 to listen to the singing directly...
For sure the one I selected here not one of the four :p
Here it is.. The winner of top 20 (for me):
Jump to minutes 1:43 to listen to the singing directly...
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Perghhh..Lisssss... Hehehe...
Told ya' that I'm gonna upload the pics of the robe in the plastic bag.. Well, I really mean in the plastic bag okie.. ;-)
Here it is.. :-DD
Orange for Enginering.. weird ha? I thought it gonna be green (typical engineering color in regard of St. Patrick).. I'm glad it's orange.. I like!
Syiok sendiri... LOL...
Note: sila baca entry di bawah.. :P
Here it is.. :-DD
Syiok sendiri... LOL...
Note: sila baca entry di bawah.. :P
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
I'm ready for commencement!
First of all, aku nak gelak dulu... Thesis tak siap lagi, ada hati nak cakap pasal commencement day.. Hari ni aku dengan suka hatinya pegi beli jubah for the commencement day.. Kat sini, Master level kena beli jubah.. So, nanti kalau ada sesape teringin nak pakai jubah graduation day from University of Missouri, sila sewa dari I ok...
Mizzou hanya ada dua kali commencement day every year.. one is on Spring semester (May) and onother one is on Fall semester (Dec).. Since aku akan graduate on Summer semester (August) I can choose. Logiknye, takkan la aku nak datang balik Dec kan.. So, some of my friends and me pegi tanya grad school today, kalau we can walk this May and graduate on August... After fill in some form.. Yay!!! I can! So, my commencement day will be held before I graduate.. How cool? :p
p/s: Nanti I put the pics of the robe yg masih dalam plastic bag.. Now malas nak pi cari camera.. ;-)
Mizzou hanya ada dua kali commencement day every year.. one is on Spring semester (May) and onother one is on Fall semester (Dec).. Since aku akan graduate on Summer semester (August) I can choose. Logiknye, takkan la aku nak datang balik Dec kan.. So, some of my friends and me pegi tanya grad school today, kalau we can walk this May and graduate on August... After fill in some form.. Yay!!! I can! So, my commencement day will be held before I graduate.. How cool? :p
p/s: Nanti I put the pics of the robe yg masih dalam plastic bag.. Now malas nak pi cari camera.. ;-)
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Now we have government tax for using CC *^%$#@#$!
First of all.. I'm sorry if ini ialah isu lapuk... Sebab just now aku baru check my credit card account, there is a fee call :SERVICE TAX - RM50.00
My action?
Immediately call maybank and ask... I don't mind that much, BUT what is the point of having a credit card that said free fee for life if I still have to pay this damn thing? I call maybank service.. it took me 5 minutes before they actually have someone to service me.. Well, I'm using so call internet phone which only cost me $0.021 per minute.. So, trust me.. I'm not minding that much...
Here come the explanation...
The service fee is the government fee which is mandatory every Feb, every year... The one that was wave is credit card fee.. Ok.. Serious, I still don't get it.. So, sebab kad aku ni government card (sbb kad free fee for life ni hanya offer for government servants). So, aku pun tak puas hati la.. Aku cakap, kalau macam ni apa bezanya kalau aku amik kad yang kena bayar fee tu.. takde beza la... Then, the customer service girl ni cam tak puas hati lak ngan aku... Suaranya seperti ketap bibir explain... Katanya semua kredit kad kat Mesia ni kena bayar fee ni.. kalau tak kerana kad aku ni free fee for life, aku kena bayar dua2 fee.. Eeehh.. ada hati lak nak marah customer (aku cakap dalam hati aaa).. So, sbb dia sound quite rude, aku tak puas hati aaa.. Aku cakap.. Sepanjang aku pakai kredit kad, sejak 2003 tak penah dengar pun bende alah ni... Minah ni pun hot kot.. (Well, aku cakap polite per.. serious ok.. aku tak naik suara langsung.. aku siap cakap, "I'm very curious")... Masih dengan suara ketap gigi, dia jawap.. perkara ni dah diberitahu dalam berita, dalam buget 2010... bla bla bla...
Oooo.. This is new then? It start 2010? (Why don't you explained it more clearly? cakap this is a new government policy.. bla bla bla)... Kesabaran aku masih terkawal walaupun minah ni cam marah aku.... Sebab kat sini aku learn a few things... Walaupun salah satu rukun negara kita ialah bersopan-santun... But is it really true? (People here is much much more polite.. much more.. Aku pun selalu gak berurusan ngan Bank of America kat sini...) So.. after I understand everything.. I told her that.. I'm sorry for not alert of this kind of thing.. I'm not at Malaysia at this moment, that's why I'm not aware.. Dengan harapan, insaplah minah tu.. Setiap pelanggan ada situasi tersendiri... Kalau aku tau, ape ke hei nye aku nak telepon malam2 buta (sini jam 12.40 AM - time diff is 14 hours okie, so Malaysia jam 2.40 pm)
1. Aku tak puas hati ngan polisi baru ni.. Aku still maintain 2 credit card.. maybe I'll give up one bila balik Malaysia nanti..
2. Aku tak puas hati ngan customer service Maybank.. Cara dia explain kat aku walaupun ayat teratur aku boleh dengar suara ketap bibir tu... The tone is rude.. dan lagi satu, cara dia explain kat aku macam nak kata.. "kau ni duk kat hutan ke? tak penah baca surat khabar? tak tengok berita?" That part really meng-angin aku sikit.. Sungguh hampeh! Sabar je la... Kan ke bagus kalau explain elok2.. bila aku cakap "I'm just curious" dia ingat aku maki dia ke? Bila la nak improve ni.. Nak kena bagi motivasi rukun negara ker? Urghhh...
My action?
Immediately call maybank and ask... I don't mind that much, BUT what is the point of having a credit card that said free fee for life if I still have to pay this damn thing? I call maybank service.. it took me 5 minutes before they actually have someone to service me.. Well, I'm using so call internet phone which only cost me $0.021 per minute.. So, trust me.. I'm not minding that much...
Here come the explanation...
The service fee is the government fee which is mandatory every Feb, every year... The one that was wave is credit card fee.. Ok.. Serious, I still don't get it.. So, sebab kad aku ni government card (sbb kad free fee for life ni hanya offer for government servants). So, aku pun tak puas hati la.. Aku cakap, kalau macam ni apa bezanya kalau aku amik kad yang kena bayar fee tu.. takde beza la... Then, the customer service girl ni cam tak puas hati lak ngan aku... Suaranya seperti ketap bibir explain... Katanya semua kredit kad kat Mesia ni kena bayar fee ni.. kalau tak kerana kad aku ni free fee for life, aku kena bayar dua2 fee.. Eeehh.. ada hati lak nak marah customer (aku cakap dalam hati aaa).. So, sbb dia sound quite rude, aku tak puas hati aaa.. Aku cakap.. Sepanjang aku pakai kredit kad, sejak 2003 tak penah dengar pun bende alah ni... Minah ni pun hot kot.. (Well, aku cakap polite per.. serious ok.. aku tak naik suara langsung.. aku siap cakap, "I'm very curious")... Masih dengan suara ketap gigi, dia jawap.. perkara ni dah diberitahu dalam berita, dalam buget 2010... bla bla bla...
Oooo.. This is new then? It start 2010? (Why don't you explained it more clearly? cakap this is a new government policy.. bla bla bla)... Kesabaran aku masih terkawal walaupun minah ni cam marah aku.... Sebab kat sini aku learn a few things... Walaupun salah satu rukun negara kita ialah bersopan-santun... But is it really true? (People here is much much more polite.. much more.. Aku pun selalu gak berurusan ngan Bank of America kat sini...) So.. after I understand everything.. I told her that.. I'm sorry for not alert of this kind of thing.. I'm not at Malaysia at this moment, that's why I'm not aware.. Dengan harapan, insaplah minah tu.. Setiap pelanggan ada situasi tersendiri... Kalau aku tau, ape ke hei nye aku nak telepon malam2 buta (sini jam 12.40 AM - time diff is 14 hours okie, so Malaysia jam 2.40 pm)
1. Aku tak puas hati ngan polisi baru ni.. Aku still maintain 2 credit card.. maybe I'll give up one bila balik Malaysia nanti..
2. Aku tak puas hati ngan customer service Maybank.. Cara dia explain kat aku walaupun ayat teratur aku boleh dengar suara ketap bibir tu... The tone is rude.. dan lagi satu, cara dia explain kat aku macam nak kata.. "kau ni duk kat hutan ke? tak penah baca surat khabar? tak tengok berita?" That part really meng-angin aku sikit.. Sungguh hampeh! Sabar je la... Kan ke bagus kalau explain elok2.. bila aku cakap "I'm just curious" dia ingat aku maki dia ke? Bila la nak improve ni.. Nak kena bagi motivasi rukun negara ker? Urghhh...
It's Confirm...
If last time I said I don't know that either I will graduate in May or in August... Now I can confirm it.
I will graduate in August.
On today meeting with my advisor, we discussed about the time that suitable for me to defend my thesis based on the progress of our project. To be honest, the project that I'm doing now have several delay factors:
1. The equipments such as power supply, power resistor and magnetic wires
2. The development of the core
These two factors is a human factor, which mean we have to depend on other people, as well as depending on the availability. So, the experiment is the most delay factor here.. We try our best to speed up thing.. Seriously. And you know one thing lead to the other... The design, simulation and writing is of course up to me.. Well, I admit that one is somehow also slow.. hehehe... (Come on, I need motivation here :p) by the way.. the design is done long time ago and the simulation is 90% done.. for writing.. 20%???? :P
Most likely I will defend my thesis on July. No fix date yet but I'm almost sure it will be on July. I will fly home hopefully on early or middle of August.
That's it the update of my progress.. ;-)
I will graduate in August.
On today meeting with my advisor, we discussed about the time that suitable for me to defend my thesis based on the progress of our project. To be honest, the project that I'm doing now have several delay factors:
1. The equipments such as power supply, power resistor and magnetic wires
2. The development of the core
These two factors is a human factor, which mean we have to depend on other people, as well as depending on the availability. So, the experiment is the most delay factor here.. We try our best to speed up thing.. Seriously. And you know one thing lead to the other... The design, simulation and writing is of course up to me.. Well, I admit that one is somehow also slow.. hehehe... (Come on, I need motivation here :p) by the way.. the design is done long time ago and the simulation is 90% done.. for writing.. 20%???? :P
Most likely I will defend my thesis on July. No fix date yet but I'm almost sure it will be on July. I will fly home hopefully on early or middle of August.
That's it the update of my progress.. ;-)
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