I would like to give my review on Josh’s DVD :-) Yes.. yes I know. I’m in the time capsule.. Maybe for most people out there this is not new malah dah outdated but.. since aku baru je dapat and I watch it so many times and I’m still in the mood.. so I would like to give my own review la.. tak kisah la.. like I say.. I’m in the mood of talking about him.. Since aku dapat dvd2 ni last week.. aku rasa aku baru je dapat the full impact of grobanites.. ala2 terkena gelombang tsumawi la ni.. hehehe.. So kalau boring tune other channel ok ;-).. I don’t mind bcoz this is for my own records only. I talk to myself. I’m crazy this way.. Hehehe. For info.. lagu yang berkumandang kat blog aku ni lagu “Remember When It Rain” – Josh Groban (Live At The Greek, LA) Enjoy!
Josh Groban In Concert (2002)
What can I say about this concert.. Nothing much. It’s perfect.. just perfect. Note to note. Everything was well prepared. At Pasadena Auditorium California. We can see the star is rising.. He sang all of his song in his 1st album plus one new song from Closer and “For Always”- soundtrack film A.I. He was a little bit nervous (I think) but half of the show he gets the standing ovation. Me myself almost clap when he really fall when he sing “Let Me Fall”.. Really impress me.. AWESOME! If its not because of the band and the orchestra behind him.. I would say it is too perfect to be true. Well, after do some reading.. I learn that this dvd get a #1 sold rank at that time. He really give a high mark for himself..
5/5 stars for him.. Everything is Beautiful and Perfect!Josh Groban Live At The Greek (2004)
Did I say perfect = boring? Yes I should say that.. No deny his 1st concert really impress me. Really perfect. But this dvd (Live At The Greek) is the one that I always keep re-Run.. No so perfectly presentation because it’s LIVE babeh.. and really Live. Outdoor concert on Summer Tour at LA’s Greek Theater Arena. I don’t think he prepared any script.. it’s like he just do it and its rock! I love it.. He was more confident, spontaneous.. being himself and really rock.. The only frustration point is that he did not sing all songs from Closer and I really love Closer album very much! Anyway, because I love this concert soo much.. I’ll go one by one.. be ready to doze off fella.. or maybe just don’t read it. hehehe.. Lets ROCK!
This is an opening song for Closer and also opening song for this concert.. So it’s nice.. He sound ok and the crowd really crazy..
Per Te
If “You’re Still You” was the song that introduce me to him.. “Per Te” was the song that made me fall in love with his voice. So beautiful.. So Romantic even I don’t know what this song means at that moment.. I really hope he sang this song at the end of the concert or say more about this song.. but he treat this song just average.. Anyway he co-compose this song and I’m still in love.. hehehe..
To Where You AreThis is the song from his 1st album.. I like this song averagely.. He sang it in one of Ally McBeal series.. The song that really give an impact to most people.. maybe this is the song that made him soo recognized..
Mi Mancherai (il Postino)
Great violin from Lucia Micarelle.. Great Voice from Josh.. Great Musician.. So what u want more? :-D
Mi Morena
This is a new song to me and it immediately captured me. I cant help to love this song and I wish he’ll put it in his 3rd album.. but maybe not bcoz I think maybe its already in the album which I don’t know.
AlejateAnother song form his 1st album.. a Spanish song. Great!
Canto Alla Vita
Also from his 1st album.. Originally feat by Andrea – The Corrs.. But this time he do it himself and he really rock! He play piano at the beginning of the song and end it by playing a great GREAT drums.. So nice.. enjoy and really show his talents! I love it! U rock Josh!
Nocturne/Bohemian Rhapsody (Performed by Lucia Micarelli)
Great violin from Lucia.. If u love instrumental.. this is one of the greatest.. She get standing ovation for this.. and Josh also an executive producer for her album “music from a farther room”.
Alla Luce Del SoleAlso from his 1st album.. Ok.
My December
This is new to me.. A cover version of Linkin Park song.. Nicely done by Josh Groban..I love it!
CarusoI just know that this is an Italian song.. I always LOVE this song.. so beautiful and sound so sad.. I just fly with this song.. Josh say that this is the song that he like when he was a kid.. so this is a cover version.. cair gile.. I don’t have to know the meaning to love this song.. just feel it.. Josh made it possible.. “This is a song SONG!” – JG
Remember When It Rained
Lyrics by Josh.. WOW! Wow factor is everywhere.. Sound Powerful and Beautiful and Strong all at the same time.. He play piano while singing this song.. Great! Wow! Wow! Wow! This is the song for my blog at this moment..

The Stary Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)
From his 1st album.. It is a song for artist: Vincent Van Gogh and his famous painting “The Starry Night”. A song that really speak.. and I still don’t understand what’s the meaning of the painting.. Josh!!! Please explain to me.. hehehe..
New song.. takde dlm Closer.. This is a soundtrack for Troy.. Really Really Good.. I Love the Song, I Love the Movie, I Love Josh and I Love Brad Pitt.
You Raise Me Up
Best giler.. The choir is nice.. Makes this song feel stronger.. This is the song that really hits the charts in US. Everybody loves this song and nobody can present this song better than Josh. I really mean Nobody. That’s a full stop. :-)
Beautiful Song written by Paul Simon (Ntah la sape ni.. somebody la..) I like this song averagely but I really like the way how Josh’s voice rhythm and sound when he sang this song. I can’t explain it.
Never Let Go
The last song for this concert and totally not the least song. It has soo much energy and even I’m not at the concert but I can feel it. This song also co-composes by Josh, so I think this is a perfect song to end this concert. The lyric is so endurance. U can read the lyric of this song on my past post. Something different (in a good way) that he shows in Closer.
Bonus Song* Believe – A soundtrack for “The Polar Express” Movie.
Special Features* – “On The Road Footage with Josh Groban” Heheh, it’s nice to watch he talk about the road tour. I wish I can be in one of it.
4/5 stars for him.. I can’t give him a full mark for this bcoz it’s not perfect but it’s ALIVE! Josh Groban really ROCK!