He is young! He is cute! He has a powerful, beautiful baritone voice! And I really love him! Hehehe.. This craziness, madness and love are started long time ago in 2001 when I first heard him in the episode finale Ally McBeal season 4.. But not until I bought his second CD: Closer that I became totally drools to him. Exactly after I watch him on MTV singing “Per Te” I know his album is now on the market, since then (2003/2004) he is my best friend everytime I’m driving.. I listen to him until I have to go to Germany. The mistake I did was I forget to bring his album with me and that made me feel a little bit frustrated. Thanks to Luigi, my Italian friend who copy me the first album Title: Josh Groban..(which I don’t have: Thank You Luigi!) and he keep telling me that Josh’s father is Italian actually (??) Anyway my housemate there give me his 2nd album: Closer as a farewell gift to me.. I’m so happy (well, I already have actually :-) it doesn’t matter)
That’s a little bit how I started to know and fall in love with Josh.. (Love? Ahakss).. But why now? Why I become extra crazy about Josh on this time? When there is nothing on the air right now. It’s happen when I watch Troy on HBO recently and I listen to Josh soundtrack “Remember”. Then I know, I have to find this song.. and then Lida went to Bali.. What a good news when she told me that she found Josh’s concert DVD..
1. Josh Groban In Concert (2002)
2. Josh Groban Live At The Greek (2004)
I want it and I get it! Thanks Lida.. but it also make me become crazier and now I cannot stop watching him.. How great was his performances.. Absolutely fabulous, fantastic, bombastic.. He has the VOICE! I almost register myself to FOJG and become Grobanites but then I realize that I’m not in US.. so don’t waste the money.. (Annual fees is USD39.90) I don’t mind actually but I have to be realistic. (“I’m realistic” say Jesse-Malaysian’s Most Beautiful--> Malaysian’s most stupid program I ever watch hehehe.. ops, off topic!)
Ok lah.. I write this stuff also due to the fact that I cannot stop want to talk about him.. listen to his song.. Everything is relive now.. I listen back to all his song.. and I forget a little bit about my Mawi.. Other reason is that I hate to open mawifc.com at the moment.. diorang suka gaduh2 la.. I hate it! People might say anything but sometimes I think mawifc dah lari dari arah tujuan.. minat Mawi kan.. minat je la.. asyik rebut kuasa ja.. stop it la.. any personal agenda or whatever.. I don’t care la.. so, right now I think I just want to support Mawi dari jauh je la.. takde hal punye.. I define mawifc is a very highly political club.. I wish there is harry potter fc where the idol/hero doesn’t really exist.. this will prevent all the politics.. I hate Politics! Ops, off topic lagi!
Oklah.. I heard that Josh 3rd album will come around middle of this year.. I can’t hardly wait! He is what can I say is the most talented singer I ever come across in my life..
Some fact about Josh:
1. He is a funny guy.. not a jiwang one walaupun nyanyi lagu2 jiwang (dia kata la).. it’s all because of the kind of voice he possess.. hehehe..
2. His hometown is LA and he was discovered by David Foster when he was 17 (1998)
3. 1st album title: Josh Groban (2001)
Hit song: “To where you are”, You’re still you
I Love most: “Vincent”, “U’re still U”, “Canto Alla Vita” and “Let Me Fall”
4. 2nd album title:Closer (2003)
Hit song: “You Raise Me Up”, “Remember When It Rain”
I Love most: “Per Te”, “Caruso”, “Broken Vow” and “Remember When It Rain”
5. He can play Piano and Drum very well! He even play Piano for “Remember when it rain” and co-compose 3 of the songs in Closer.
6. He sings in English, Italy, Spanish and France..
7. His girlfriend: January Jones (actress) manyak cun ini minah ooo..
8. Josh actually wanna be an musical theater actor but his destiny made him become a singer (he still wanna be in theater when the time come) His real ambition actually is to become an actor who can sing..
9. His records sold nearly 10 millions that make him the most low profile artist that hit the market.
10. A lots more but I cannot think right now.. hehehe.. Find it yourself! Read it all in www.grobanarchive.com
But the fact is.. Not so many Malaysian or at least not my circle of friends know him.. That also means I cannot share my likeness and craziness with my friends except Lida who never fail to listen.. Thank you Lida! And as u know me.. all this craziness will halt somehow.. but it will always here..
That’s a little bit how I started to know and fall in love with Josh.. (Love? Ahakss).. But why now? Why I become extra crazy about Josh on this time? When there is nothing on the air right now. It’s happen when I watch Troy on HBO recently and I listen to Josh soundtrack “Remember”. Then I know, I have to find this song.. and then Lida went to Bali.. What a good news when she told me that she found Josh’s concert DVD..
1. Josh Groban In Concert (2002)
2. Josh Groban Live At The Greek (2004)
I want it and I get it! Thanks Lida.. but it also make me become crazier and now I cannot stop watching him.. How great was his performances.. Absolutely fabulous, fantastic, bombastic.. He has the VOICE! I almost register myself to FOJG and become Grobanites but then I realize that I’m not in US.. so don’t waste the money.. (Annual fees is USD39.90) I don’t mind actually but I have to be realistic. (“I’m realistic” say Jesse-Malaysian’s Most Beautiful--> Malaysian’s most stupid program I ever watch hehehe.. ops, off topic!)
Ok lah.. I write this stuff also due to the fact that I cannot stop want to talk about him.. listen to his song.. Everything is relive now.. I listen back to all his song.. and I forget a little bit about my Mawi.. Other reason is that I hate to open mawifc.com at the moment.. diorang suka gaduh2 la.. I hate it! People might say anything but sometimes I think mawifc dah lari dari arah tujuan.. minat Mawi kan.. minat je la.. asyik rebut kuasa ja.. stop it la.. any personal agenda or whatever.. I don’t care la.. so, right now I think I just want to support Mawi dari jauh je la.. takde hal punye.. I define mawifc is a very highly political club.. I wish there is harry potter fc where the idol/hero doesn’t really exist.. this will prevent all the politics.. I hate Politics! Ops, off topic lagi!
Oklah.. I heard that Josh 3rd album will come around middle of this year.. I can’t hardly wait! He is what can I say is the most talented singer I ever come across in my life..
Some fact about Josh:
1. He is a funny guy.. not a jiwang one walaupun nyanyi lagu2 jiwang (dia kata la).. it’s all because of the kind of voice he possess.. hehehe..
2. His hometown is LA and he was discovered by David Foster when he was 17 (1998)
3. 1st album title: Josh Groban (2001)
Hit song: “To where you are”, You’re still you
I Love most: “Vincent”, “U’re still U”, “Canto Alla Vita” and “Let Me Fall”
4. 2nd album title:Closer (2003)
Hit song: “You Raise Me Up”, “Remember When It Rain”
I Love most: “Per Te”, “Caruso”, “Broken Vow” and “Remember When It Rain”
5. He can play Piano and Drum very well! He even play Piano for “Remember when it rain” and co-compose 3 of the songs in Closer.
6. He sings in English, Italy, Spanish and France..

8. Josh actually wanna be an musical theater actor but his destiny made him become a singer (he still wanna be in theater when the time come) His real ambition actually is to become an actor who can sing..
9. His records sold nearly 10 millions that make him the most low profile artist that hit the market.
10. A lots more but I cannot think right now.. hehehe.. Find it yourself! Read it all in www.grobanarchive.com
But the fact is.. Not so many Malaysian or at least not my circle of friends know him.. That also means I cannot share my likeness and craziness with my friends except Lida who never fail to listen.. Thank you Lida! And as u know me.. all this craziness will halt somehow.. but it will always here..
------------------------------from grobania.com------------------------------

You are... Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)!
Mellow and laid back, you value comfort over
trends. After all, it's true that a remake of
a classic is just as good... if not better!
Which Josh Groban song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are... Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)!
Mellow and laid back, you value comfort over
trends. After all, it's true that a remake of
a classic is just as good... if not better!
Which Josh Groban song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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