It's not weekend anymore, but i felt lazy to write down anything last weekend.. And I just found out that I left my camera kat kg.. And i accidentally setting my hp camera to the smallest resolution.. So, mood cam dah kureng.. but that's why we have internet.. a place where we can just find anything in one click.. hehehe..
I went to Midvalley last week.. well, at first I was planning to go to bengkel to service my car but they had too many car on queue.. so i give up.. Drive to Midvalley then.. and met my friends and have a nice weekend.. Not in order as below..
1. I Am Legend.. (indeed)
Well, I have to admit I watch this movie because I can't find any movie that interest me. National Treasure 2 got bad review.. so i passed.. Alien vs Predator? I just hate ugly alien and predator.. So, this is the logical choice. I rate this move 2.5*. It's not a bad movie it just.. i had to watch Will Smith acting for 3/4 of the movie alone.. well apart of his dog and some ugly dracula virus infected human. It was not something that I expected. I just don't know how to feel when watching this movie. The truth is I'm actually laughing at this movie.. (well, it's not an appropriate thing to do since I'm the only one did that).. Anyway, it's a good movie but not so entertaining. What can I say, the title is perfect for this movie.
2. Anuar Zain CD
Thank God I don't bought this CD for myself.. Hihihihi.. It's a birthday present to my friend. I've already listen and burn the copy for myself (as a back-up hehehe) before wrapping it nicely to my friend. I will not buy this CD if I have to choose but this is her request and my pren, wish granted! It's a nice album but so Anuar Zain.. I like Lelaki Ini and one other song (can't remember the title) but to listen the whole album while driving will be a slobber. This is just not my type. this is my type:
Hahaha.. Oh, Josh Groban CD.. I got this for my belated birthday present. Love it! love it! love it.. Thank you catz..
This is my new perfume.. I hope I like this one.. I don't like my last perfume "212" so much and I couldn't find where I put it. So, I think this is a good time for a new perfume and for a new year.. New year new smell. Hahaha.. Well, my favorite perfume is "Jadore" by CD but my friend said that I should not buy the same perfume.. so, let give a try for HUGO.. Hehehe.. So far, i feel ok la.. I bought a big bottle.. 100ml so, I just have to love it!
4. YOGA Book and DVD
I'm planning to change the way I exercise.. So, I bought this also la.. This is the contra version of my PS2 dance pad.. so I hope I will start doing yoga soon.. There are so many yoga books but this one have a DVD with it and this is also pick of the "month/season?" by MPH.. so, I just buy it. Go Go!
5. Eat Some More
I end up my Midvalley tour by stopping myself from buying a new purse. I just think I need a new one but it has to wait.. So I eat some sizzling mee..
That's not my pic.. I stole it somewhere.. Anyway, it was not so good la.. Maybe because I don't really want to eat this, I just don't know what to choose and I think steak have too much fat. So, I'm on a non existing diet program that come and go in no time..
That's not all.. but that's it for now. Ok la.. I did singgah pasar malam on the way back from midvalley and bought some fruit and vegetable and a pashmina scarf.. and then back at home tried to have a good sleep but watched Manchester United game instead.. Too bad they lost and it's too bad also that Arsenal won.
2. Anuar Zain CD
4. YOGA Book and DVD
5. Eat Some More
I end up my Midvalley tour by stopping myself from buying a new purse. I just think I need a new one but it has to wait.. So I eat some sizzling mee..
That's not all.. but that's it for now. Ok la.. I did singgah pasar malam on the way back from midvalley and bought some fruit and vegetable and a pashmina scarf.. and then back at home tried to have a good sleep but watched Manchester United game instead.. Too bad they lost and it's too bad also that Arsenal won.
already watched "i am legend". i guess, those who want to watch this movie must watch "the making" 1st. as told by the director... the idea of the movie is bout one man... only one man live in new york. so they had to made up a reason on why human race become extinct... this is the part i dont like, bcos the idea isnt original. it's like watching resident evil in different version. the director was so obsessed on the idea of only one man left & live... he juz forgot to give details on other things as well. i give it 3 stars... but still i enjoy it more than national treasure 2. (maybe i should post this comment to my own blog...)
btw, u must notice the starry night painting at will's (already forgot the name of the character) living room...
Is it? The Stary Night paint? I should notice it! I'm just don't really "look" at this movie and miss that.
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