This weekend is quite different.. Well same but different, same because it's my typical weekend different because this time I spent my weekend with catz.. That not always happen. Catz always "busy" with her life. Hehehe..
On Friday Evening... (detail with pics and everything at catz)
Finally we have time to go swimming together... But before that we go shopping first la.. Catz lost her swimming suit somewhere (the result for not swimming for a looonnngg time). Being a typical me, I feel like want to buy a new swimming cap also.. Hahaha.. Ok, after shopping we go straight to the swimming pool. Well, I don't really like to go swimming on weekend coz there will be lots for other people but because of catz, it's ok la.. But.. But.. I don't know why, I feel a little bit off that day. I can't swim well.. Feel tired too fast. I feel like I lost my momentum, lost my rhythm, ala lost form gitu.. hehehe.. In other words I feel like 'berudu hilang ekor' Hahaha.. Really, I basically have to stop half way and get myself altogether back.
But as I said before, no matter how tired I felt (in this case I even tired b4 swimming as well) swimming always a good therapy.. Always makes me feel good.. If only I can swim everyday, I would.. And a note to Mimi (a friend who always want to go swimming with me, but never do).. As I observed, there is lots fatty fatty people who go swimming. It's ok. You are much better than them.. Don't worry k.. You are beautiful.. Hehehe..
After all the sweat under the water.. kui kui kui.. catz want to eat at Village View (konon2 recommended by someone la.. but not by me ok, that diner normal2 je 4 me) She said she never go there, so.. ok la.. doesn't matter la but I never expected catz want to really eat like you know.. really really have a meal.. Well, Ok then.. We have a BIG dinner (at least 4 me).. Babai my never existing diet program.. Hahaha.. When we talk about food, watchout at catz's blog ok (for pics and review) Ok.. We spent time.. borak borak.. buat ketupat.. confessing confessing thingy.. ya ya ya da da bla bla bla.. (we cont. at my house after that) catz back at 2a.m I think.. hmm maybe coz I'm not really sure. I already slept when catz say she want to go back.. Sorry catz.. Hehehe..
On Saturday Noon.. (detail with pics and everything at catz)
Wake up wake up sleepy head! I have to fetch catz and drive to Mines Shopping Center. We planned to watch Vantage Point today.. Nothing much else, we have lunch at Nando's beside the lake. Catz want to site seeing with the boat.. but I don't feel like it.. Maybe next time.. Ok catz.. we will try it later.. maybe.. no promise here.. (possibility is 20% only) Hehehe.. 1st- I don't think it's interesting. 2nd- I have this sickness, wek wek problem if it involved something that was not stable and in motion.. We walk walk a little bit and we went back after I bought some breads from delifrance for my lunch tomorrow.. Hahaha.. Catz bebel bebel that I should eat real food and cook. What? Cook? Hahaha.. Bread is a real food.. OK! Hehehe.. (all pics at catz's blog)
Vantage Point

Ok.. What should I say about this movie.. What's the word? Hmm>>>>> Marvelous! Right? Too much? Ok.. I settle with>>>> Great! It's a great movie.. It's a structure movie.. I like the structure.. So this movie is recommended by Saira.. Hehehe.. I give this movie 3.5/5.. Actually I want to give it 4/5 but I don't really like the ending.. It was too easy.. After all the chase, the conflict, the great plan by the terrorist, everything.. I'm a little bit disappointed by the ending. So, Agent Barnes saved the president just like that? All the bad people died just like that? Wow.. The Great Agent Barnes is still in one piece after his car being hit by a truck? At that speed.. Hahaha.. Beside that, this is a great movie. I like the idea. I like how the movie was made. I like it la.. Best la.. Gi tengok la..
Huhu aku sogan aaa... spare tyre keliling pinggang, punggung dan peha.. hehehe.. kene beli swimming suit yg muslimah (beli lagi hehe).. Anyway, good to know dat u hd a great weekends~
Ko beli aa kat Parkson Grand Alamanda.. ada aku tengok tu memang muslimah abis la.. tak melekat langsung tapi mahal la beb.. RM299 and 4 me.. once u r in the water.. it doesn't matter anymore la.. all people pun wearing swimming suit maa.. and kat place yg i selalu poi tu lampu dia samar2 ja.. so comfortable la..
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