Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Look at the location.. Very closed to the New York and Washington D.C (dalam peta la kan).. So, based on this.. it is expected to be a higher cost of living and life will be more complicated for me.. But the decision mostly based on the subject offered. The courses is very related to me and it matched my objective..
What scared me most is the "condition(s) of Admission".. Tapi setahu aku memang la kena dapat at least B kan utk Master, so aku rasa boleh lepas la kot cuma aku nervous la.. Dah la statusnya Provisional ~maksudnya boleh berubah or temporary.. isk.. pastu ada English test lagi.. Takut la aku ni.. Ni la antara kekangannya nape aku cam reluctant je nak accept.. tapi rasanya semua U kat US cam ni kot.. Missouri aku tak sure sebab aku baru dapat offer department blom offer grad school lagi.. Yang lain2 aku nak lupakan je.. Sebab setelah survey subject offered and so on.. mmg Pittsburgh la yang paling sesuai sekali.. So.. Ini la dia.. Malaysia Boleh kan... (grrrrr.. risau+takut)
OK.. That's it!
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Admission Status: Provisional
Condition(s) of Admission: Receive a B or better grade in each of the first two graduate courses.
You will be tested in English upon your arrival and prior to registering for classes. If recommended, you will be required to take the necessary courses in the University of Pittsburgh English Language Institute.
What scared me most is the "condition(s) of Admission".. Tapi setahu aku memang la kena dapat at least B kan utk Master, so aku rasa boleh lepas la kot cuma aku nervous la.. Dah la statusnya Provisional ~maksudnya boleh berubah or temporary.. isk.. pastu ada English test lagi.. Takut la aku ni.. Ni la antara kekangannya nape aku cam reluctant je nak accept.. tapi rasanya semua U kat US cam ni kot.. Missouri aku tak sure sebab aku baru dapat offer department blom offer grad school lagi.. Yang lain2 aku nak lupakan je.. Sebab setelah survey subject offered and so on.. mmg Pittsburgh la yang paling sesuai sekali.. So.. Ini la dia.. Malaysia Boleh kan... (grrrrr.. risau+takut)
OK.. That's it!
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