Ok.. Today is Monday's blues.. This Wednesday I have so call "Innovation Day" which I have to present my project.. Urghhh.. I'll try my best.. There is some so and so thingy got to finish.. bla bla bla..
But today.. What I'm gonna do? I'll go to KL again and collect my Visa.. Yay! Finally everything is done and I just have to wait for the flight tix.. Ops.. I also have to do some online application for the utilities for the apartment.. I can't believe that I have less than a month in Malaysia.. I love my new house.. I want to spend more time with my house.. Huhuhu..
I also think that I need a new laptop.. I really think so. My old laptop still in good condition but I think I need a new one. My old laptop age is 3 years and 3 months.. Is it old enuff? BTW, I plan to stop by at Lowyat today and do some survey.. Did I really need a new laptop? Yes.. I think so.. But.. seriously, I have no budget..
Ok.. I think I delay my Hancock movie review long enuff.. I thought I want to re3view it together with Hellboy 2 but.. Well, what happened, happened. This is my $0.02 of the movie:
I love it! For me it was more entertaining that "The Incredible Hulk".. It's funny, sad (not so much), touching.. bla bla bla.. I give this movie 4.5 Stars.. Will Smith was great in this movie.. Well, what else should I say.. Ok.. I admit, I'm not in the mood to review it.. It is a great movie and worth every penny you spent on it. I hope it clear enuff. And one more, I also had watched "The Happening" (DVD - made in pasar malam).. Tell you, thank you god I don't watch this movie at cinema.. Not worth even a dollar of your money.. M.Night Syamalan is losing his touch.. That movie have no substance, no point and the complete version of a person who have no idea on what he is doing. Interesting in the beginning.. it makes you hook.. but didn't I told you.. The ending is what it count.. This movie for me is meaningless..
Oh.. Ramblings again.. I bet you can tell my mood now.. I just wish to be more cheerful but I can't.. Why? I'm so tired of myself..
But today.. What I'm gonna do? I'll go to KL again and collect my Visa.. Yay! Finally everything is done and I just have to wait for the flight tix.. Ops.. I also have to do some online application for the utilities for the apartment.. I can't believe that I have less than a month in Malaysia.. I love my new house.. I want to spend more time with my house.. Huhuhu..
I also think that I need a new laptop.. I really think so. My old laptop still in good condition but I think I need a new one. My old laptop age is 3 years and 3 months.. Is it old enuff? BTW, I plan to stop by at Lowyat today and do some survey.. Did I really need a new laptop? Yes.. I think so.. But.. seriously, I have no budget..
Ok.. I think I delay my Hancock movie review long enuff.. I thought I want to re3view it together with Hellboy 2 but.. Well, what happened, happened. This is my $0.02 of the movie:
Oh.. Ramblings again.. I bet you can tell my mood now.. I just wish to be more cheerful but I can't.. Why? I'm so tired of myself..
sedihnya, harituh nak tgk gak hancock nih kat cinema, tp tak sempat2,mcm bz sgt je...ramai dah org kata besh...
ps:(peminat novel melayu?) bleh la kata, minat gak novel2 english, tapi tula, english pun tak brape elok ;(
skang stdy kat UiTM shah lam..hehe
gi la tgk.. i tak leh la baca ovel melayu.. dah try but cannot go.. too predictable maybe.. don't know la.. atau pun zaman novel melayu dah lepas.. waktu sek. men. dulu mmg gila novek.. hehehe..
uitm course ape? adik i ada belajar situ.. baru masuk this year la.
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