Sorry for my shallow minded.. But I can't watch naked people..
Well, we have a big recreation center (rec ctr).. It's a big place.. wonderful place.. If you don't impress with the rec ctr here.. That's must be something wrong with you.. But in locker room (Women and men separate room ok).. Well.. it's all women locker room.. This is a free country.. Hmm.. But I still have a shockwave and still get change inside the shower room.. Sorry! Thank God they have a curtain..
Well.. Pichas?
Tak sangka lak ada artificial tangga.. Tak kose aku nak buat exercise naik tangga.. Aku nye department tingkat 3 ok.. No lift! (Or aku tak jumpa lift kat mana.. hikss)
Rock Climbing? Ada instructor utk bende alah ni tapi rasanya kena bayar la.. tapi this is indoor.. So, I'm impress..
Actually, Ni separuh of the building only.. Aku belum join rec center tour.. So, aku tak jalan habis lagi.. Aku rasa aku kena join rec tour soon.. So, boleh la aku tau what's more they offer... Outdoor ada padang bola sepak, bola tampar, american football.. and so on so on.. Aku tak snap2 pulak.. Kiranya rec center ni mmg hebat la.. Dan memang ada dalam fees pun... So, basically aku patut pergi la.. Rugi kalau tak gi.. Aku rasa around USD 190++ per semester.. mandotory payment..
C ya!
Well, we have a big recreation center (rec ctr).. It's a big place.. wonderful place.. If you don't impress with the rec ctr here.. That's must be something wrong with you.. But in locker room (Women and men separate room ok).. Well.. it's all women locker room.. This is a free country.. Hmm.. But I still have a shockwave and still get change inside the shower room.. Sorry! Thank God they have a curtain..
Well.. Pichas?
Actually, Ni separuh of the building only.. Aku belum join rec center tour.. So, aku tak jalan habis lagi.. Aku rasa aku kena join rec tour soon.. So, boleh la aku tau what's more they offer... Outdoor ada padang bola sepak, bola tampar, american football.. and so on so on.. Aku tak snap2 pulak.. Kiranya rec center ni mmg hebat la.. Dan memang ada dalam fees pun... So, basically aku patut pergi la.. Rugi kalau tak gi.. Aku rasa around USD 190++ per semester.. mandotory payment..
C ya!
mmg hebat... balik nanti klu tak kurus jugak, tak tau lah... ihikssss...
ko patut join dan patut kurus!
Kalau Oren, mesti gi gim hari2...tapi Saira buat2 tak nampak jerlah naked peopletu ......eeeeeeeeeee ngerinya!!!!!!!!
guys, tgk la tempat mana yg aku paling suka pegi... LOBBY!!! HAHAHA!!!
kat gym M'sia pun ada pempuan goes naked,worst bulu mcm Virgin Forest.Klu ternampak ble sial 44 hari!hahaha!Nice u got mesti kurus after this.Good luck!
San... i hope so but promise nothing.. kui kui kui..
kalau setakat pi lobby...ehmm..apa yg kurus ek?..maybe mata kot..or jari kaki...hehhehehe.kehkehekeh.
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