Well.. My bday jatuh pada hari Ahad.. where we are at the busiest day in our student life.. Anyway.. sempat jugak la my friends kat sini membuat surprise party utk aku...
Seriously, aku memang surprise abis esp bila Yoon Chee, Seng Kai and Andrew tetiba je muncul depan rumah dengan kek.. hehehe.. Thanks guys!!! Well, rumah aku bersepah tahap gaban.. maklumla minggu exam.. then, aku lak tgh prepare nak siapkan keje sekolah n study.. but everything can wait for my bday.. hehehe...
A day after that, Andry, Yuriksa, Gigi again and Flor ajak having lunch.. Well, esok final ma.. Mula2 aku kata tak nak.. but what the heck.. It's just lunch after all.. So, aku kuar jugak la dari rumah.. Indeed, we go to a nice restorent and having a very fine lunch.. I like it...
Here some pichas...

Well, I said relunctant sebab.. actually before diorang serbu aku kat umah... diorang ajak aku dinner tapi aku tak mo sebab aku nak study but finally aku gi jugak.. and we end up celebrating my bday.. So... hmm, babai study.. Then aku actually say no two times for the lunch before finally agree.. Well, I'm glad I change my mind.. and indeed.. They are all great friends...
Yes.. I am lucky to meet them.. :D
Seriously, aku memang surprise abis esp bila Yoon Chee, Seng Kai and Andrew tetiba je muncul depan rumah dengan kek.. hehehe.. Thanks guys!!! Well, rumah aku bersepah tahap gaban.. maklumla minggu exam.. then, aku lak tgh prepare nak siapkan keje sekolah n study.. but everything can wait for my bday.. hehehe...
A day after that, Andry, Yuriksa, Gigi again and Flor ajak having lunch.. Well, esok final ma.. Mula2 aku kata tak nak.. but what the heck.. It's just lunch after all.. So, aku kuar jugak la dari rumah.. Indeed, we go to a nice restorent and having a very fine lunch.. I like it...
Here some pichas...
Well, I said relunctant sebab.. actually before diorang serbu aku kat umah... diorang ajak aku dinner tapi aku tak mo sebab aku nak study but finally aku gi jugak.. and we end up celebrating my bday.. So... hmm, babai study.. Then aku actually say no two times for the lunch before finally agree.. Well, I'm glad I change my mind.. and indeed.. They are all great friends...
Yes.. I am lucky to meet them.. :D
Happy belated birthday!!!
ohh.. hari tu aku dah wish in advanced kn dlm facebook... hehheee. they're all great friends indeed... lucky u!
happy birthday to you...
sorry late wish yaaa...
u lucky habe great frens..
and good luck for the exam..
oh..aku dah ada blog baru..now mak ada 2 blog ..
Thanks guy... I know u all love me walaupun tak wish my bday on the day... I don't mind at all.. :D
alamak mas!!! sorry beb....
i forgot la ur b.dei... sbb data u dah lama i simpan dlm locker (resignation staff record)
btw, happy belated bday beb. meli kismes. epy new year. wish u best of luck. slmt hr tua :D
how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!
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