Ape ke heii nye (slang org perak ok)
ok.. ulang.. Ape ke heii nye multiple post dalam satu hari.. selang beberapa jam... hehehe..
Saje je nak announce kat the whole world (in case the whole world baca blog aku.. :pppp) Aku dah ada favorite utk American Idol... kekeke.. But this is very early in the season.. So, it might change.. yes.. it might change.. Anyway... Nak cakap jugak sape favorite aku.. (well, since this is the reason aku post entry ni kan..)
Teka.. teka la.. hehehe.. Well.. as you know me.. (pada sesapa yg know la :p) As usual.. It's a guy.. Anddd.. He is cute... hehehe.. And.. he is kind of different (in term of voice) because he has a very wide range of vocal.. Aku somehow tertarik la.. Not as much as David Cook.. But.. well, I like David Cook on week six.. and. this is only week 2.. hmm.. So.. that's why I said it might change.. It just a little bit too early...
Ok.. I stop rambling... His name is.... Hint: his name start with A...
ok.. ulang.. Ape ke heii nye multiple post dalam satu hari.. selang beberapa jam... hehehe..
Saje je nak announce kat the whole world (in case the whole world baca blog aku.. :pppp) Aku dah ada favorite utk American Idol... kekeke.. But this is very early in the season.. So, it might change.. yes.. it might change.. Anyway... Nak cakap jugak sape favorite aku.. (well, since this is the reason aku post entry ni kan..)
Teka.. teka la.. hehehe.. Well.. as you know me.. (pada sesapa yg know la :p) As usual.. It's a guy.. Anddd.. He is cute... hehehe.. And.. he is kind of different (in term of voice) because he has a very wide range of vocal.. Aku somehow tertarik la.. Not as much as David Cook.. But.. well, I like David Cook on week six.. and. this is only week 2.. hmm.. So.. that's why I said it might change.. It just a little bit too early...
Ok.. I stop rambling... His name is.... Hint: his name start with A...
Adam Lambert

Isn't he cute? Well. He has some kind of aura like a crazy singer I think.. kind of crazy.. scary.. beautiful.. Macam hero citer Twilight tu.. Sexy (ops..) Very pretty... Ni pendapat aku la.. Tapi aku suke sebab suara ok.. yg lain2 tu come as a package.. Somehow.. I feel his uniqueness.. Kind of.. Well.. Vote for Adam! Hahaha..
p/s: don't worry.. I don't vote :p (not that craziii..)
edit: ops.. just realize.. it's not even week 2.. this is still a group stage.. hahaha.. And I only watch 24/36 contestant.. Anyway.. he already go through to top 12.. Well.. This makes a bigger chance of changing favorite.. :p
p/s: don't worry.. I don't vote :p (not that craziii..)
edit: ops.. just realize.. it's not even week 2.. this is still a group stage.. hahaha.. And I only watch 24/36 contestant.. Anyway.. he already go through to top 12.. Well.. This makes a bigger chance of changing favorite.. :p
u cant be serious??
from top i bc i ingt u suka Anoop...
ala, yg kn kick last week tuh...
but adam is loud!kan???btw, last week nye first 12 candidates lagi best compare to group adam nih...
tak der yg menyerlah sngt pun...
fyi, i ikot since audition stage lagi...
skang nih, every wed n thurs mesti nak balik awal nak tgk american idol at 6pm...
Good.. good.. now ada geng american idol.. hehehe.. AI is one of my fav show.. ever!
wat???? u tot i suka Anoop??? peee-lease.. well.. tbh, Anoop not bad.. and agreed. last week lagi best la top 12 dia.. particularly Ricky Braddy.. very good voice.. too bad he didn't make it... tp i rasa he will be in a wild card.. sape tu mamat yg terpilih tu.. (bkn yg nyanyi hero tu.. yg satu lg tu) dia tak besh..
Sini AI every Selasa/Rabu except this week.. Rabu/Khamis sbb Obama bg lecture hr Selasa kat semua channel :p..
watch out for Adam ok! :D
yg nyanyi hero tuh name nye danny gokey...
mamat lagi sowang tuh tak hingt plak name nye...
erm...this week AI hari khamis n Jumaat...so, hr nih ader result show...
maybe sane dah tau result dia...
obama kasik lecture??patot r delay 1 hari...
kak, knpe tak suke mamat poyo yg name nick tuh???hahaha, he's funny becoz nak imitate org lain kan??but, he can sing...
Ooo.. danny Gokey.. dia so-so la
Ye.. sini mmg akan tau lebih awal dari Malaysia (obviously :p).. Live show start pkl 7.00pm (central time) so, mean kul 9 a.m waktu Malaysia.. korang tgk kul 6 pm.. Astro claim satelite broadcast whtever which I always wonder.. apa bezanya ngan show kul 8pm.. satelite jugak kalau dah namanya astro.. *compius*
mamat "Norman" tu.. ade ke org minat dia? hahaha... interesting.. yeah.. but no.. no thanks :p
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