Yesterday I went to the farm in Mid Missouri.. Objective? is to see the real farm since just playing FarmVille is no longer enough for me.. I need to see the real thing.. :p
No la.. Actually I went there for apples picking.. This is the only opportunities for me since after this the weather will be too cold to do such thing.. And my time here in USA also very limited.. When kak Ana ask me if I want to join them.. Of course a never say no person like me will say YES.. :D
Here is the pictures because someone once told me.. "Pictures said a thousand words" Honestly speaking.. I can say more than a thousand words.. Maybe a million.. but whatever... :p.. Here it is.. ;-)
With alpacas... Alpacas is a family of camel..

Then we when to apple picking.. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

The farm...

The End.. :)
No la.. Actually I went there for apples picking.. This is the only opportunities for me since after this the weather will be too cold to do such thing.. And my time here in USA also very limited.. When kak Ana ask me if I want to join them.. Of course a never say no person like me will say YES.. :D
Here is the pictures because someone once told me.. "Pictures said a thousand words" Honestly speaking.. I can say more than a thousand words.. Maybe a million.. but whatever... :p.. Here it is.. ;-)
With alpacas... Alpacas is a family of camel..
Then we when to apple picking.. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
The farm...
The End.. :)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Pity to doctor (s) He! He! He!
p/s Tapau Apple(s)
best kan petik apple...kat Mesia tau mkn je..hehe
eh comel la alpacas tu..suka tgk..
Hans.. yeah pity to doctor(s).. :p
Best la petik epal ni tapi rasanya petik rambutan lagi best.. hehehe..
nice experience....
er..alpacas tu betul2 binatang ke?.
look mcm binatang pakai costume..
keji jakun aku..
err.epal 2 bakul plis..
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