This weekend is quite happening... Ada 2 event..
1. My friend's birthday
2. My just for close friends potluck party
Aku akan cerita event no. 2 dulu... Sebab.. Dengan bangganya aku annouce... Aku masak gulai ikan buat pertama kalinya.. Hehehe... It may sound pathetic.. Ye la kan, orang lain masak gulai dah seribu kali tak cakap apa pun kan.. tapi... I still want to brag my first time... hehehe.. Dan sekali lagi, aku rasa masakan aku setaraf dengan masakan mak di kampung (maksudnya sedap la wei.. HAHAHA) So, ada dua kesimpulan..
1. I'm a natural with great imagination and talent or
2. Semua orang boleh masak gulai ikan... sesapa masak pun garenti sedap... kira kacang je la nak masak gulai ni...
So.. I go with no. 1!!! HAHAHA...
This is the pictures:
Me = gulai ikan, nasi and keropok ikan, Ta = Chicken green curry, Wit = 'his signature' chicken, Gigi = green beans (my fav. green bean chef), Yuri = Nachos and cheese deep (made in Walmart)
Kepada sesiapa yang skeptical (kalau la..) The chicken is halal ok.. I take those two guys to the halal shop.. So then everybody is happy because I can eat.. hehehe...
Andry's birthday...
We celebrate kat restoren India.. "The Taj Mahal" I actually like this restaurent just because they provide halal meat.. So, I ordered lamb briani... ok la.. quite expensive but still ok... Here the pictures:
So.. This weekend is definitely fun... Spending time with friends and forget the homework for one and a half day.. Because.. huhuhu.. I just spent my whole Sunday's night doing a project group for remote sensing subject.. I actually just back home from the library at 12a.m and then write this blog... Because I think this need to be documented (esp.. my first timer gulai ikan.. kekeke)
c ya! :)
1. My friend's birthday
2. My just for close friends potluck party
Aku akan cerita event no. 2 dulu... Sebab.. Dengan bangganya aku annouce... Aku masak gulai ikan buat pertama kalinya.. Hehehe... It may sound pathetic.. Ye la kan, orang lain masak gulai dah seribu kali tak cakap apa pun kan.. tapi... I still want to brag my first time... hehehe.. Dan sekali lagi, aku rasa masakan aku setaraf dengan masakan mak di kampung (maksudnya sedap la wei.. HAHAHA) So, ada dua kesimpulan..
1. I'm a natural with great imagination and talent or
2. Semua orang boleh masak gulai ikan... sesapa masak pun garenti sedap... kira kacang je la nak masak gulai ni...
So.. I go with no. 1!!! HAHAHA...
This is the pictures:
Kepada sesiapa yang skeptical (kalau la..) The chicken is halal ok.. I take those two guys to the halal shop.. So then everybody is happy because I can eat.. hehehe...
Andry's birthday...
We celebrate kat restoren India.. "The Taj Mahal" I actually like this restaurent just because they provide halal meat.. So, I ordered lamb briani... ok la.. quite expensive but still ok... Here the pictures:
So.. This weekend is definitely fun... Spending time with friends and forget the homework for one and a half day.. Because.. huhuhu.. I just spent my whole Sunday's night doing a project group for remote sensing subject.. I actually just back home from the library at 12a.m and then write this blog... Because I think this need to be documented (esp.. my first timer gulai ikan.. kekeke)
c ya! :)
1 comment:
ur gulai ikan looks fabulous..
err..nak sket..
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