2. Sangat mengantok... Semalam takleh tido sebab result tak OK..
3. Esok el-classico... should be excited but mood down... (Real Madrid vs Barca)
4. Good little news... 2008--> jean's size - 10.. Now, jean's size - 6 (Levi's standard)
5. Malas.. baru habis tulis satu chapter.. my advisor checked.. banyak gila pen merah as grammar error.. tak tau plak my advisor can be English teacher as well. I'm amazed.. seriously... and my English is so bad. :((((
6. I love Muse (British band) listen to them a lot lately.. really like their style
7. Dah 2 minggu tak pi gym.. sebab cedera lutut.. Now dah ok, boleh jalan normal o-le-di.. tapi masih sakit2.. huhuhu..
8. I love spring! cuaca tak sejuk and tak panas...
Sekian, kali ini...
p/s: otak jammed.. sangat malas berfikir utk construct ayat or whatever....
Have a nice weekend guys!
1 comment:
aku dulu mmg kene make sure the english is right.. the supervisor wont correct it but will deduct the mark. since for thesis there's mark for language. masa anta draft pun, dia just baca & gave comment the english is ok or not but they wont correct it. so the best way is anta proofreading. aku anta kt sini --> http://www.academicproofreading.com/index.asp. i spent £100++ for proofreading. gd luck in ur research & thesis writing!
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