It was a good day...
To tell you the truth, I am so tired that day.. not because of the party or whatsoever... It was due to my workout the other days and the accumulation of lack of sleep... Ikut kata hati.. All I wanna do that day is sleep... BUT because 14 December is a special day... And also so many friends ask me to enjoy the day... More important.. I don't wanna spend my birthday by sleeping the whole day :p
I end up MC yesterday due to tiredness.... (can you imagine that?)
The day start with I'm saying thank you to all the wishes from friends and family... Almost all my office-mate is not in the office... Those who were in is so busy with end of the year report... So, I decided not to have lunch... But then Kay (the only one who are in) ask me to go out... And offered to buy me a cake... (but.. I'm on diet!!! Don't wanna cake! :p) But I end up agree for just a piece of cake... Here is my tiny celebration at Secret Recipe!
Thanks to Kay!
Then, I have a dinner appointment with Linda and catz... Must go home and look pretty first! ;-) Since it was my birth day... I wanna look cute! (HAHA) So, I wear the whole pink and white dress... I don't take much pictures.. Here is some..
Catz bought me 2 pieces of cake.. u guys can see in that picture above.. Yummy!!! Thanks Catz! <3
I wear that pick blouse with a white pant and pink sandals.. Can you imagine how cute it was? haha... BUT, white and me really not mean to be together... Somehow, I can't manage white pants... It got dirty so easily... Urgghh.. Don't like it! After this dinner, I went to Alamanda with Catz.. At first I plan to buy myself a birthday present but nothing interest me much... So, I decide to postpone it.. I'll buy myself a new cellphone next year.. hehe...
That's it! I spent the whole of next day to sleep.. Hehe.. ;-)
wah..voge (vouge) nyaaaa birthday girl.
i know i'm gorjes!!! HAHAHA!!!
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