Aku sedar aku mmg malas malas malas tulis blog tahun ni.. Don't know why.. I guess.. FB????
Maybe la... Post aku utk 2010 65 posts jer... Then aku check post on January 2010.. Aku tak list down my "Azam 2010" pun.. Walla.. What happen??? That's mean no reflection of 2009 as well.. Ni bukan tertinggal bas or kapal terbang lagi dah ni., Ni dah tahap tertinggal 1 km ke belakang dalam acara sukaneka lari dalam guni!
Dalam membaca entry January 2009, aku dapat rasakan perubahan diri aku.. I think I like he 2009 me better, sebab the way I wrote my blog felt so easy going, funny at times ,weird and crazy... Too much barca's influence.. hehe...
Since I don't have a list of Azam 2010 to measure my kpi :P (boo hooo) let just go back another year and sum it all up... This is my copy and paste of Azam 2009!
Azam 2009:
1. To continue success in my Master program and get a very very good result and give a good impression of myself..
2. To lose weight.. Target? 15 pound down! :D
3. To be nicer to people (ni macam every year azam je.. hehehe)
4. To exercise more.. mean, try to go to gym sekerap yang mungkin..
5. Learn to be a better cooker
6. Well.. be a good student!
Tercapai kah?
Let's go by number!
1. Yee Haaaa!!!!! YES! YES! I DID IT!
I got my Master in Electrical Engineering! and I did get a VERY VERY GOOD result! 4.0 in cgpa.. Not even in my dream that I'll achieve this! This is one of the sweetest and proudest memory in my life!
2. Lose weight!
15 pounds is my target on 2009... and I didn't achieve it by end of 2009 but I did successfully lost 33 pounds by end of 2010! Amazing right? Even me wonder how did it happen???
3. Nicer to people? Hahaha.. I somehow believe that I'm not a very considerate person... I always don't realize what is sensitive for others... and end up hurting people without mean it.. Now I'm growing and wiser.. and I learned a lot from my new friends... And if I can declare meeting some people is an achievement.. I will declare that knowing Gigi and Yuri is my best achievement! I even go as far as saying it was even worthier than my Master degree... ;-)
4. I did exercise a lot early this year.. but since I came back... It gradually going down.. :(
5. I achieve this successfully! With a series of 'calling my mum for recipe,' I'm so proud of myself! hehehe... Tapi since I came back... I also cooked less and I'm afraid that I'm gonna forget everything. BUT, I trust my hidden skills of cooking and I know that when I determined to do it, it will be a success! (lagi adegan perasan tahap gaban)
6. Be a good student is a bit outdated for this reflection.. Anyway I was!... errr I think la.
The list is done but I'm gonna add some more! I told myself that yang aku nak g panjat bukit broga b4 2011 as my 1st step to daki gunung Kinabalu (ewah! ada hati :p) So I did!
Dah banyak kali plan nak panjat bukit ni.. asyik cancel sbb kejap A available, B lak tak available and etc etc.. Last2 aku go on je the plan no matters who's available.. Last2 aku ngan Purp je panjat bukit ni.. Yang penting.. I HAD FUN!!! :D
What else? Okay.. Travelling log... Last two years was the time where I travel the most in my life! Sampai dah tak larat dah.. Anyway, I have to grab this opportunity since I study abroad.. Lepas ni bila la pulak kan... Here some pichas summary...
Gi Chicago on Spring Break 09, pastu early Summer 09 break gi Boston and NY, then on Oct g Washington DC
On the way back dari Malaysia ke US.. Aku singgah Europe jap... Memang percutian yang paling aku tunggu2 sebab akhirnya aku dapat menjejak kaki di mana Messi memijak kakinya... Hehehe.. So, Messi and I dah ada things in common... :PPPPP (sudah2 la tu...) Also went to Germany, London and Liverpool as well..
With this I wrapped my Year 2009 - 2010 and start a new chapter of 2011... I'm proudly said.. I end my 2010 with a happy smile~~~~ :D
c ya!
(p/s: Now got to list my azam 2011) ~~~ later...
Maybe la... Post aku utk 2010 65 posts jer... Then aku check post on January 2010.. Aku tak list down my "Azam 2010" pun.. Walla.. What happen??? That's mean no reflection of 2009 as well.. Ni bukan tertinggal bas or kapal terbang lagi dah ni., Ni dah tahap tertinggal 1 km ke belakang dalam acara sukaneka lari dalam guni!
Dalam membaca entry January 2009, aku dapat rasakan perubahan diri aku.. I think I like he 2009 me better, sebab the way I wrote my blog felt so easy going, funny at times ,weird and crazy... Too much barca's influence.. hehe...
Since I don't have a list of Azam 2010 to measure my kpi :P (boo hooo) let just go back another year and sum it all up... This is my copy and paste of Azam 2009!
Azam 2009:
1. To continue success in my Master program and get a very very good result and give a good impression of myself..
2. To lose weight.. Target? 15 pound down! :D
3. To be nicer to people (ni macam every year azam je.. hehehe)
4. To exercise more.. mean, try to go to gym sekerap yang mungkin..
5. Learn to be a better cooker
6. Well.. be a good student!
Tercapai kah?
Let's go by number!
1. Yee Haaaa!!!!! YES! YES! I DID IT!
I got my Master in Electrical Engineering! and I did get a VERY VERY GOOD result! 4.0 in cgpa.. Not even in my dream that I'll achieve this! This is one of the sweetest and proudest memory in my life!
2. Lose weight!
15 pounds is my target on 2009... and I didn't achieve it by end of 2009 but I did successfully lost 33 pounds by end of 2010! Amazing right? Even me wonder how did it happen???
3. Nicer to people? Hahaha.. I somehow believe that I'm not a very considerate person... I always don't realize what is sensitive for others... and end up hurting people without mean it.. Now I'm growing and wiser.. and I learned a lot from my new friends... And if I can declare meeting some people is an achievement.. I will declare that knowing Gigi and Yuri is my best achievement! I even go as far as saying it was even worthier than my Master degree... ;-)
4. I did exercise a lot early this year.. but since I came back... It gradually going down.. :(
5. I achieve this successfully! With a series of 'calling my mum for recipe,' I'm so proud of myself! hehehe... Tapi since I came back... I also cooked less and I'm afraid that I'm gonna forget everything. BUT, I trust my hidden skills of cooking and I know that when I determined to do it, it will be a success! (lagi adegan perasan tahap gaban)
6. Be a good student is a bit outdated for this reflection.. Anyway I was!... errr I think la.
The list is done but I'm gonna add some more! I told myself that yang aku nak g panjat bukit broga b4 2011 as my 1st step to daki gunung Kinabalu (ewah! ada hati :p) So I did!
Dah banyak kali plan nak panjat bukit ni.. asyik cancel sbb kejap A available, B lak tak available and etc etc.. Last2 aku go on je the plan no matters who's available.. Last2 aku ngan Purp je panjat bukit ni.. Yang penting.. I HAD FUN!!! :D
What else? Okay.. Travelling log... Last two years was the time where I travel the most in my life! Sampai dah tak larat dah.. Anyway, I have to grab this opportunity since I study abroad.. Lepas ni bila la pulak kan... Here some pichas summary...

Aku balik Malaysia time Summer break 09... Take that opportunities bawak family jalan2 gi tgk Masjid Kristal kat Kuala Terengganu..

From Las Vegas, we took one day tour to Grand Canyon :)
My final destination while I'm in USA is Florida... We went there to celebrate our graduation! So happy~~~ We went to Disney World and Sea World... What a good old time :)
With this I wrapped my Year 2009 - 2010 and start a new chapter of 2011... I'm proudly said.. I end my 2010 with a happy smile~~~~ :D
c ya!
(p/s: Now got to list my azam 2011) ~~~ later...
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