Today I decide to pamper myself... And I have an Amazing day..
9.30 a.m: Bangun lambat hari ni.. Yay! Oh masih mengantok lagi.. kunci jam kul 10.00am. I give myself 30 minutes more..
10.00 a.m: Good Morning Malaysia.. Oh, nak tgk DC latest TV appearance.. Check the internet.. Yay! Oh.. He is so cute..
10.45 a.m: Mandi.. mandi.. Ada appointment utk facial hari ni..
11.00 a.m: I'm happy with myself.. wearing my newest t-shirt (beli waktu kuar ngan catz hr tu).. I think I'm looking good.. Start drive to Midvalley
11.45 a.m: Yay! Senangnya dapat parking.. I park kat the Garden..
11.50 a.m: Sampai awal lak kat Beyond Beauty ni.. Oh.. lapar la.. takpela.. aku just minum tea bunga yang memang disediakan while waiting diorang bersiap..
12.05 p.m: The facial start.. "We are going to do ultrasound treatment.. bla bla bla" (seriously, I don't really understand.. hehehe)
1.50 p.m: Wow! That was the best treatment ever.. I never enjoy the facial this much.. Seriously, one of the best 2 hours in my life.. I'm relax and now I feel that my face.. ermm soo good.. Very good.. Seriously my skin deserved this.. A big thank you to the beauty center.. I feel beautiful..
2.00 p.m: Serius lapar.. tapi this is peak hour.. So, aku decide gi The Garden je la.. kurang sikit orang.. Hmm look at the pamphlet.. No restaurant caught my interest.. Jalan2 dulu la.. Oh, a lot of expensive outlet.. Hmm.. I'm on budget! (That coach bag look temping by the way.. but hell NO!)
2.30 p.m: Cross to Midvalley.. Wahh.. LAPAR.. Tak makan apa2 lagi ni.. I decide nak makan Nando's but.. hmm too mamy people queue.. Think! Think! Think!.. Hmm.. Delifrance look nice.. Orang pun tak ramai.. Ok.. Delifrance then..
2.40 p.m: While waiting for my order.. On my iPod and listen to DC.. But.. well.. OK, I need more relax song.. Why not give a try to David Arculeta.. Ok la for a change.. I order Salmon with Teriyaki Source and Iced Coffee.. Nice lunch..
Tu sikittt lagi tak larat makan.. Hehehe.. Malu nak amik gambar start makan sbb ada org kat sebelah.. dah abis makan baru amik gambar.. Jgn mare.. Hehehe..
3.30 p.m: I'm relaxing at delifrance.. Drink my remaining coffee slowly.. Listen to DC now.. Oh.. This is great.. Bill please!
3.40 p.m: Oh.. Speedy Video.. I want to take a look.. Hehehe.. Hmm.. Soundtrack album.. Looking.. looking.. FOUND IT! Phantom Of The Opera Soundtrack.. Yay! but wait! WHAT??? RM98.00 Wow.. Very expensive for a CD.. Hmm.. maybe later.. But.. Hmm.. I remember.. I know why I'm here.. Hmm.. Where is it? YES! Yay! Blake Lewis Album! Yay! Anyway, the price of the album is even cheaper than my lunch.. So Why not?
Angel Fit Maybelline.. Dolu2 aku terkezut sebabkan aku ingatkan Maybelline boh nama Angel Feet utk bedak muka dia..
4.20 p.m: Mags.. mags.. Take a look la.. But.. Terbeli la pulak..
EURO 2008 dah dekat.. And tu walaupun mag my home tu mahal (bagi aku la.. yg jarang beli mag ni.. RM20.00).. tapi aku nak berangan utk design my living room 2 years from now.. Hehehe..
4.50 p.m: Back to The Garden.. I just need some groceries.. No mood into shopping today.. Oh.. There it is.. Cold Storage.. Shopping some waters.. fruits.. and foods..
5.30 p.m: Pay the parking.. Feeling really good now.. Where is my car.. Oh.. Time for Blake Lewis..
6.20 p.m: Reach home... I drive calmly mainly because of Blake Lewis.. I want to reach home slowly.. I enjoy listen to the CD.. Seriously, I'm musically flexible.. I can listen Pop, Rock, Classical or Soul.. And Blake Lewis album is really enjoyable.. For god sake, this guy should win American Idol last year.. (America get it right this year but not last year) I'm so glad I buy his album.. He give all his element and I remember why I love this guy.. I'm feeling really good.. Blake Lewis certainly one of my fav.. And bonus mark.. He like DC as well.. (this fact has nothing to do with me liking his music k)
8.30 p.m: Relax and hungry again.. Oh.. I didn't buy any ready made food.. So, what should I do? But I did buy something to cook.. So, I cook for myself..
Aku cook spaghetti tau.. Hehehe.. Tapi terbeli spaghetti halus la plak.. Sos tu guna daging cincang, carrot, ciliboh n sos spaghetti kimball.. Rasa bangga lak aku cook.. My name is Saira Cook ok.. Hehehe..
9.30 p.m: Here I am.. Enjoying the music and surfing internet.. I listen to Blake Lewis now and reading some more about DC.. And hey guys! This is a must see video of DC.. He was hilarious! David Cook, I don't know that you can act as well.. And I want to be Cookified as well.. HAHAHA
End.. I Love Me! And my skin is beautiful.. Hahaha..
Today I decide to pamper myself... And I have an Amazing day..
9.30 a.m: Bangun lambat hari ni.. Yay! Oh masih mengantok lagi.. kunci jam kul 10.00am. I give myself 30 minutes more..
10.00 a.m: Good Morning Malaysia.. Oh, nak tgk DC latest TV appearance.. Check the internet.. Yay! Oh.. He is so cute..
10.45 a.m: Mandi.. mandi.. Ada appointment utk facial hari ni..
11.00 a.m: I'm happy with myself.. wearing my newest t-shirt (beli waktu kuar ngan catz hr tu).. I think I'm looking good.. Start drive to Midvalley
11.45 a.m: Yay! Senangnya dapat parking.. I park kat the Garden..
11.50 a.m: Sampai awal lak kat Beyond Beauty ni.. Oh.. lapar la.. takpela.. aku just minum tea bunga yang memang disediakan while waiting diorang bersiap..
12.05 p.m: The facial start.. "We are going to do ultrasound treatment.. bla bla bla" (seriously, I don't really understand.. hehehe)
1.50 p.m: Wow! That was the best treatment ever.. I never enjoy the facial this much.. Seriously, one of the best 2 hours in my life.. I'm relax and now I feel that my face.. ermm soo good.. Very good.. Seriously my skin deserved this.. A big thank you to the beauty center.. I feel beautiful..
2.00 p.m: Serius lapar.. tapi this is peak hour.. So, aku decide gi The Garden je la.. kurang sikit orang.. Hmm look at the pamphlet.. No restaurant caught my interest.. Jalan2 dulu la.. Oh, a lot of expensive outlet.. Hmm.. I'm on budget! (That coach bag look temping by the way.. but hell NO!)
2.30 p.m: Cross to Midvalley.. Wahh.. LAPAR.. Tak makan apa2 lagi ni.. I decide nak makan Nando's but.. hmm too mamy people queue.. Think! Think! Think!.. Hmm.. Delifrance look nice.. Orang pun tak ramai.. Ok.. Delifrance then..
2.40 p.m: While waiting for my order.. On my iPod and listen to DC.. But.. well.. OK, I need more relax song.. Why not give a try to David Arculeta.. Ok la for a change.. I order Salmon with Teriyaki Source and Iced Coffee.. Nice lunch..
3.30 p.m: I'm relaxing at delifrance.. Drink my remaining coffee slowly.. Listen to DC now.. Oh.. This is great.. Bill please!
3.40 p.m: Oh.. Speedy Video.. I want to take a look.. Hehehe.. Hmm.. Soundtrack album.. Looking.. looking.. FOUND IT! Phantom Of The Opera Soundtrack.. Yay! but wait! WHAT??? RM98.00 Wow.. Very expensive for a CD.. Hmm.. maybe later.. But.. Hmm.. I remember.. I know why I'm here.. Hmm.. Where is it? YES! Yay! Blake Lewis Album! Yay! Anyway, the price of the album is even cheaper than my lunch.. So Why not?
4.00 p.m: Guardian.. Oh, I need a new foundation cake.. Oh.. this cashier stupid.. ever heard turtle? Thank god DC always with me.. in my iPod.. So.. I'm good..
4.20 p.m: Mags.. mags.. Take a look la.. But.. Terbeli la pulak..
4.50 p.m: Back to The Garden.. I just need some groceries.. No mood into shopping today.. Oh.. There it is.. Cold Storage.. Shopping some waters.. fruits.. and foods..
5.30 p.m: Pay the parking.. Feeling really good now.. Where is my car.. Oh.. Time for Blake Lewis..
6.20 p.m: Reach home... I drive calmly mainly because of Blake Lewis.. I want to reach home slowly.. I enjoy listen to the CD.. Seriously, I'm musically flexible.. I can listen Pop, Rock, Classical or Soul.. And Blake Lewis album is really enjoyable.. For god sake, this guy should win American Idol last year.. (America get it right this year but not last year) I'm so glad I buy his album.. He give all his element and I remember why I love this guy.. I'm feeling really good.. Blake Lewis certainly one of my fav.. And bonus mark.. He like DC as well.. (this fact has nothing to do with me liking his music k)
8.30 p.m: Relax and hungry again.. Oh.. I didn't buy any ready made food.. So, what should I do? But I did buy something to cook.. So, I cook for myself..
9.30 p.m: Here I am.. Enjoying the music and surfing internet.. I listen to Blake Lewis now and reading some more about DC.. And hey guys! This is a must see video of DC.. He was hilarious! David Cook, I don't know that you can act as well.. And I want to be Cookified as well.. HAHAHA
End.. I Love Me! And my skin is beautiful.. Hahaha..
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