Well.. I said before that I'm still in some state of mind which I call woopee woopee wonderland.. It's like a therapy for me.. being in the zone where everything is high and happy.. So to add to that I'm like stalking David Cook life via youtube.. There is so much more.. I like the Larry King, Jay Leno, Idol Extra, Jimmy Kimmel and lots of etc shows.. And I super like the Guitar Hero commercial.. It's crazy.. you tell me why.. Wow.. Hahaha.. But that is not the only things I do these day OK.. Hehehe.. I have some wonderland break also you know.. In chronological order kay.. hikss..
The Long Waiting Phantom Of The Opera DVD

Yes.. I got it! Abby just come back from her vacation.. and she bought me POTO DVD.. Yay! Yay! Now I can return Purp's dvd which I kept for myself for so long.. Hahaha.. I just love this movie so much! It has so much soul that I can't explain.. I love all the songs in this movie.. the intense.. the everything.. That is why I love it when David Cook didn't change the arrangement when he sang "The Music Of The Night".. I just love it! And I got really angry when AF sangs it the following week which I thought they had 'butcher' the song.. So I watch this movie again.. Thanks Abby.. I love you.. Hehehe..
Dinner with Catz at Kopicat.. (read details at catz)
Well.. kalau korang nak tau ni Cat Farish punya kedai.. So kitorang nak try la kan.. Honestly aku rasa tak la sedap sangat.. hehehe (just OK).. Harga lak agak mahal tapi OK la ngan 'standard' kedai dia.. Yang aku nyampahnye.. si Cat tu macam malu2 plak.. Perasan la tu.. At first kitorang is the only customer kat kedai tu kan.. So, bila dia kuar tu.. as the owner aku rasa dia patut tegur je la kitorang.. tak yah la malu2 macam terkenal sgt kan.. Anyway, maybe he has some issues himself kan.. who knows.. Anyway, it was nice.. I mean his effort in business.. I respect that.. Moga2 dia success la..
Movie with catz - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I like this movie.. Very entertaining.. First of all aku bukanla peminat Indiana Jones tapi this is macam the current thing kan.. So, aku gi la tengok.. I must admit.. This is a very nice and good movie.. Worth my time and all others.. I give this movie 4/5 stars.. Very the Indiana Jones la.. Bagi peminat Indiana Jones memang akan puas hati dan bagi golongan cam aku ni lak akan terhibur la.. So, watch it out guys..
Shoppings? Eating?
Hahaha.. Of course la I'm doing some shopping kan.. I bought a t-shirt and also a shoes.. HAHAHA.. I show u guys ok..
Ok.. I like Cinnabon .. My fav ok.. Tapi this one so kecil la.. I penah beli tempat lain besar (harga same je)
I thought donut time is over.. Ntah la nape aku beli.. maybe sebab aku baru realize yg gaji dah masuk.. So, I buy it to Abby.. Hope Abby eat all of it! Or maybe I'll do that.. Hehehe..
Ok.. Catz tingin makan kat Johnny's so.. kitorang makan la.. Gambar ni ending of eating HAHAHA.. Wait for catz review la yer..
AF Final!
Last night.. ni la event yang orang Malaysia tengok kan.. OK la... I don't have any comment.. It just that I like Nubhan's new song so much.. I did vote for Nubhan.. Hehehe.. 3 times only.. just to show that I like his new songs.. I think AF has a so-so season.. Well.. In the middle of a crazy American Idol.. I can't give too much attention to AF.. I just acknowledge it..
So.. That's it for now.. Lots to come I hope..
The Long Waiting Phantom Of The Opera DVD
Yes.. I got it! Abby just come back from her vacation.. and she bought me POTO DVD.. Yay! Yay! Now I can return Purp's dvd which I kept for myself for so long.. Hahaha.. I just love this movie so much! It has so much soul that I can't explain.. I love all the songs in this movie.. the intense.. the everything.. That is why I love it when David Cook didn't change the arrangement when he sang "The Music Of The Night".. I just love it! And I got really angry when AF sangs it the following week which I thought they had 'butcher' the song.. So I watch this movie again.. Thanks Abby.. I love you.. Hehehe..
Dinner with Catz at Kopicat.. (read details at catz)
Well.. kalau korang nak tau ni Cat Farish punya kedai.. So kitorang nak try la kan.. Honestly aku rasa tak la sedap sangat.. hehehe (just OK).. Harga lak agak mahal tapi OK la ngan 'standard' kedai dia.. Yang aku nyampahnye.. si Cat tu macam malu2 plak.. Perasan la tu.. At first kitorang is the only customer kat kedai tu kan.. So, bila dia kuar tu.. as the owner aku rasa dia patut tegur je la kitorang.. tak yah la malu2 macam terkenal sgt kan.. Anyway, maybe he has some issues himself kan.. who knows.. Anyway, it was nice.. I mean his effort in business.. I respect that.. Moga2 dia success la..
Movie with catz - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I like this movie.. Very entertaining.. First of all aku bukanla peminat Indiana Jones tapi this is macam the current thing kan.. So, aku gi la tengok.. I must admit.. This is a very nice and good movie.. Worth my time and all others.. I give this movie 4/5 stars.. Very the Indiana Jones la.. Bagi peminat Indiana Jones memang akan puas hati dan bagi golongan cam aku ni lak akan terhibur la.. So, watch it out guys..
Shoppings? Eating?
Hahaha.. Of course la I'm doing some shopping kan.. I bought a t-shirt and also a shoes.. HAHAHA.. I show u guys ok..
AF Final!

So.. That's it for now.. Lots to come I hope..
1 comment:
ehm....eh sandal tu mcm purple plak kat sini...it's pink kan actually saira..
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