Ok.. Ini la gambar my new external hdd... I like it! :) Cun kan? It comes in three color.. white, black and red... Catz also buy one, she bought 320GB- price, RM265? 235? Tak ingat la pulak.. tapi lebih kurang gitu la... Since, I need more space, 500GB and it was very cheap (RM335).. So, why not kan.. I check amazon.. the cheapest is around USD100++ So this is a very good deal.. :D

I call this new cellphone, back to basic! kekeke... Serious korang... Exactly like when we first start using cellphone... Bak kata one of my senior, this type of cellphone dia buat sendal pintu je.. But.. it served it course ok.. Banyak kelebihan hp ni.. antaranya..
1. Dalam masa tak sampai setengah jam.. korang akan abis explore and become the expert of this phone
2. Ada touchlight!!! hebat...
3. Bateri tahan lama wei...
4. Paling best.. hp ni meningkat creativity.. korang nak lagu best kena pandai compose tau... hebat tak hebat... hp korang tak leh buat. :p
I call this new cellphone, back to basic! kekeke... Serious korang... Exactly like when we first start using cellphone... Bak kata one of my senior, this type of cellphone dia buat sendal pintu je.. But.. it served it course ok.. Banyak kelebihan hp ni.. antaranya..
1. Dalam masa tak sampai setengah jam.. korang akan abis explore and become the expert of this phone
2. Ada touchlight!!! hebat...
3. Bateri tahan lama wei...
4. Paling best.. hp ni meningkat creativity.. korang nak lagu best kena pandai compose tau... hebat tak hebat... hp korang tak leh buat. :p
Quiz minggu ni... hanya yang terre dan terpilih je yang boleh jawab tau:
Cuba teka ni lagu ape? teka aaa...
4 8 4 5 #
5 # 4 4 1 *
1 9 1 P&H5 # * *
6 # 8 6 # 9 6 #
P&H5 6 # 8 6 # 9
6 # 5 # 8 5
P&H4 9 4 8 4
5 # 5 # 4
4 1 * 1 9 1
P&H5 # * * 6 # 8 6 # 9
6 # P&H5 6 # 8
6 # 9 6 # 5 # 8
5 P&H4
5 # 4 4 1 *
1 9 1 P&H5 # * *
6 # 8 6 # 9 6 #
P&H5 6 # 8 6 # 9
6 # 5 # 8 5
P&H4 9 4 8 4
5 # 5 # 4
4 1 * 1 9 1
P&H5 # * * 6 # 8 6 # 9
6 # P&H5 6 # 8
6 # 9 6 # 5 # 8
5 P&H4
i teka..i teka...
lagu err..."jong-jong inai?"
betui takkk????
banyak ye masa ko meng-compose lagu..hehehe...sat2 lagik boleh reka lagu baru....puhhh...
canggihnya enpon ko ada torchlight ropanya..pergh...sgtt canggih nih..
dah makan KFC lagi sekali ke belum?
kak mas...tlng lah...kay gelak sngt beria nih bc post pasal hfon nih...smpai kua air mata ok???
sbb teringt kisah torchlight and kisah composed lagu nih kat alamanda..tlng lah kak mas oii...jgn wat lawak bley tak??hadeh..penat gelak....
p/s: tuh lagu injit2 semut kot...
mas...plz ok dear...tak pyh la bangga sesangat tak smpi 2 jam dah terror guna hp tu..wahahahahha
aku tak leh luper ayat yg ko ckp dlm wyg ms kita nengok cita blood tu "hp ni ada tourchlite" ahahahha
(tp kan w/pun hp tu ada selait a.k.a tourchlite, tp it still cant help u when ur lampu meter tak function. it still ganggu ur kosentrasi bwk keta tu) hahhahaha
weh!!! bila kita nak mkn kat tmpt tu lagi?? i miss la blackpepper source kedai tu. syidap sehhh
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