As usual.. I'm so not up to date while I'm at home... Sorry ;-)
Malaysia is hot! Very very hot.. Seriously.. Ini kata2 orang yang lupa daratan.. kakaka.. Tapi, bukan aku je tau yang cakap.. tanya la mana2 rakyat Malaysia.. sekarang ni memang panas giler..
Ok.. The point of this entry is K.T the story kan.. So, here we go... As I told you.. I don't book any hotel... And I'm so naive.. I tot it only took 5-6 hours to K.T but it took..... 8 hours drive.. huhuhu.. Ok.. I'm not missing driving sensation anymore :p..
Arrive at K.T at 9.30 pm.. So tired, no hotel! We search all hotel ok.. From Batu Buruk Beach Resort Resort, Seri Malaysia Hotel, Grand Continental to Hotel Kenangan, Hotel Indah, Hotel Alamanda, Hotel apekebende ntah namanya... Almost all hotel ok (I don't check Primula) Ok.. from 3/4 stars hotel to NO star hotel.. ALL FULL! Mimi, ur TER hotel also full ok.. So.. What did we do? While I'm asking for a room at a counter, the receptionist guy ask me if I want to stay at homestay.. (I know what he did is illegal, he not suppose to suggest me a private business but I'm so tired so I just agree with him) So, for the first night, I stay at somebody house (homestay - nobody at that house but us) BUT, I'm not give up.. I took all the hotel number since they said that some people might check out tomorrow.. So, the next two nights.. I stay at K.T Mutiara Hotel... Not so bad.. No star (but the price is the same as Hotel Sri Malaysia) whatever.. I'm on vacation and I want to stay at Hotel!
Moral of story - Kuala Terengganu is famous.. kekeke..
Day 1: Drive (From Bangi to K.T - 8 hours) and Hotel Searching
Day 2: Masjid Terapung, Taman Tema Islam and Dataran Shahbandar
Day 3: Pasar Payang, Lapangan Terbang Kuala Terengganu (Jalan2 cari makan)
Day 4: Rumah Aspa (what? hehehe) and Drive home (From K.T to Sri Manjung - 12 hours ok.. huhuhu)
Some pictures.. Since I'm so lazy to edit... So I just put it in random.. Next time (kalau rajin) I'll make a proper entry... Actually, I don't plan to go to Aspa's house... I call her to ask about the famous food stall that located at Kuala Terengganu's Airport (remember the one that people said thay have the best seafood ever? The one that I said, I will fly to Terengganu just for this stall? Well, it's nice.. and pack! not expensive but not as great as I thought it should be.. maybe over expectation? Anyway, my wish is granted.. :D) Coincidently, Aspa's sister wedding is on Saturday... So, before going back to Perak, we stop by her house for the wedding ceremony.. :D

Malaysia is hot! Very very hot.. Seriously.. Ini kata2 orang yang lupa daratan.. kakaka.. Tapi, bukan aku je tau yang cakap.. tanya la mana2 rakyat Malaysia.. sekarang ni memang panas giler..
Ok.. The point of this entry is K.T the story kan.. So, here we go... As I told you.. I don't book any hotel... And I'm so naive.. I tot it only took 5-6 hours to K.T but it took..... 8 hours drive.. huhuhu.. Ok.. I'm not missing driving sensation anymore :p..
Arrive at K.T at 9.30 pm.. So tired, no hotel! We search all hotel ok.. From Batu Buruk Beach Resort Resort, Seri Malaysia Hotel, Grand Continental to Hotel Kenangan, Hotel Indah, Hotel Alamanda, Hotel apekebende ntah namanya... Almost all hotel ok (I don't check Primula) Ok.. from 3/4 stars hotel to NO star hotel.. ALL FULL! Mimi, ur TER hotel also full ok.. So.. What did we do? While I'm asking for a room at a counter, the receptionist guy ask me if I want to stay at homestay.. (I know what he did is illegal, he not suppose to suggest me a private business but I'm so tired so I just agree with him) So, for the first night, I stay at somebody house (homestay - nobody at that house but us) BUT, I'm not give up.. I took all the hotel number since they said that some people might check out tomorrow.. So, the next two nights.. I stay at K.T Mutiara Hotel... Not so bad.. No star (but the price is the same as Hotel Sri Malaysia) whatever.. I'm on vacation and I want to stay at Hotel!
Moral of story - Kuala Terengganu is famous.. kekeke..
Day 1: Drive (From Bangi to K.T - 8 hours) and Hotel Searching
Day 2: Masjid Terapung, Taman Tema Islam and Dataran Shahbandar
Day 3: Pasar Payang, Lapangan Terbang Kuala Terengganu (Jalan2 cari makan)
Day 4: Rumah Aspa (what? hehehe) and Drive home (From K.T to Sri Manjung - 12 hours ok.. huhuhu)
Some pictures.. Since I'm so lazy to edit... So I just put it in random.. Next time (kalau rajin) I'll make a proper entry... Actually, I don't plan to go to Aspa's house... I call her to ask about the famous food stall that located at Kuala Terengganu's Airport (remember the one that people said thay have the best seafood ever? The one that I said, I will fly to Terengganu just for this stall? Well, it's nice.. and pack! not expensive but not as great as I thought it should be.. maybe over expectation? Anyway, my wish is granted.. :D) Coincidently, Aspa's sister wedding is on Saturday... So, before going back to Perak, we stop by her house for the wedding ceremony.. :D
yes it takes 8 hours to KT by car! ko x tau rupanya. patut lah selamba badak je terjah KT tu. nice skirt anw, posing plak di bwh pokok kelapa di tepi tasik... ingatkn model mana lah.
p/s: hv u seen lambert's pic kissing his bf? really turn me off ok. yuck.
kodi giler pergi Kuala Terengganu...
Purp.. ye la.. aku main terjah je gi KT tu tapi ok la jugak.. that skirt mmg nice pun.. aku beli kat warta je.. accident.. sebabnya aku ingatkan murah (kes salah tgk) tapi dah lawa tu.. beli je la..
Mat Tiara, aku tak paham la.. kodi tu ape? hehehe..
been there done that.. nice blog, salammms akak saira teww
itu dia model tahun melawat terengganu 2009 ..nice duyung gitewww
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