First of all I wanna say.. Thank God that Harry Potter's 6th movies release on July 16th 2009.. Sebabnya aku kat Malaysia time tu.. Bukan apa, kat US biasanya aku tak tengok wayang.. Well, Columbia is a small town so the quality of cinema is not at my standard of satisfaction.. I don't like it.. serious, tgv n gsc is much much better.. Lagipun I dont have car, so I'm not mobile.. And bla bla bla... better watch at Malaysia.. end of story.
Ok.. review... First of all, I wanna say it is hard for me to judge harry potter's movies because I am Harry Potter fans.. and I am bias. I love Harry Potter. I love the books. By saying that, of course harry potter movies will not and never give me the same feeling as a reader. But, as harry potter fans... I will say I LOVE THE MOVIE! I give it 4 stars. (of course over 5 stars). It's funny.. sad.. advantures.. I give my approval for this movie. So, for all harry potter fans.. Go! Watch it! you will not dissapointed! And of course you can't complain about the plot.. It's already written!!! And don't hate Snape.. he is written that way.. huhuhu.. I remember.. I hate book 6 the most! I hate it to the point that I don't reread the book. (You will not believe if I told you how many times I read book 1-5).. Ok, that's my review which sound more like ramblings..
Actually I don't want to review Transformers.. I like it. It was a very good movie.. Just feel like write it here since I'm talking about movies.. I give transformer 4 stars as well..
Until next time.. ;-)

Until next time.. ;-)
1 comment:
hahahaaa... i find it's very boring. maybe i'd change my mind klu tgk 2nd time, tp kene tunggu dvd lah.
p/s: bila ko nak dtg sini... bukan weekend ni ker?
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