Ok guys.. It's a long time since I write anything here... Now I'm at Cangi Airport, Singapore... Baru tadi gaduh ngan pegawai kastam sebab dia suruh gak aku minum air yg secotek je tu.. katanya walaupun below 100ml tapi container tu 500ml.. nak kena empty gak... So, marah la kejap aku ni.. saje je nak buat hal kat airport Cangi ni... bukan senang aku nak jadi subject of attention ni.. tapi aku tak puas hati gak.. isk isk isk...
Ok.. back to story, before you guys tanya why Cangi Airport? Alasannya ialah sebab aku amik Singapore Airline... No.. No.. Not because it's the cheapest flight from USA but... This is the only flight that enable me to transit at Frankfurt from USA <--> Malaysia.. Hence, Singapore Airlines..
Right now, I have a major headache (maybe this is a reason that I'm easily pissed off at the security check just now).. As usual, I have travel sickness.. I should take a medicine everytime I travel, but I had skip it for flight (K.L - Singapore). Reason: I want to test my self endurance .. :p.. No, because I save it for a longer journey, Singapore - Frankfurt flight.. So, I just have to bare this not so good feeling.. I hate it!
Ok... this is some pictures of me and my beloved family at KLIA:

10.25 am -- KLIA
11.20 am -- Singapore
1.55 pm -- Singapore
8.40 pm -- Frankfurt
To my friend; Yam and her friend, who's going to be my friend also.. who will be waiting for me at Frankfurt Airport.. Thank you so much and see you guys there.. And to Purple... I'll see you on Saturday at Liverpool.
Ok.. back to story, before you guys tanya why Cangi Airport? Alasannya ialah sebab aku amik Singapore Airline... No.. No.. Not because it's the cheapest flight from USA but... This is the only flight that enable me to transit at Frankfurt from USA <--> Malaysia.. Hence, Singapore Airlines..
Right now, I have a major headache (maybe this is a reason that I'm easily pissed off at the security check just now).. As usual, I have travel sickness.. I should take a medicine everytime I travel, but I had skip it for flight (K.L - Singapore). Reason: I want to test my self endurance .. :p.. No, because I save it for a longer journey, Singapore - Frankfurt flight.. So, I just have to bare this not so good feeling.. I hate it!
Ok... this is some pictures of me and my beloved family at KLIA:
10.25 am -- KLIA
11.20 am -- Singapore
1.55 pm -- Singapore
8.40 pm -- Frankfurt
To my friend; Yam and her friend, who's going to be my friend also.. who will be waiting for me at Frankfurt Airport.. Thank you so much and see you guys there.. And to Purple... I'll see you on Saturday at Liverpool.
dengar cerita kau boleh bertunang hari tu...tul ke?
Aper cer ni? Bertunang xkoba? Mas, ko bila hbs study ni? Nak jupe ko xjupe2 pai skang...
Bila masa pulak aku bertunang ni? Kalau aku bertunang seantero dunia aku annouce..
good luck mas...
hati2 di perjalanan..moga selamat semuanya....
sila updet !
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