Yay! Spain will go through for knockout round regardless what happen on round 3 of group stage.. The sad news is, I can't watch the 2nd round game (Spain vs Sweden).. I wait and wait in front of tv even though I'm so tired with the holiday.. Suddenly no game on tv3 nor ntv7.. Marah ni. (My sis don't subscribe astro.. Huhuhu.. Penat je org tunggu, teruk la media prima ni.. I miss my astro!!! Waaa.. Anyway, this is the 2nd round standing:

Yang berbintang2 kejora tu maksudnya sure gi knockout round regardless diorang menang,kalah or seri.. So, round 3 tu kiranya negara2 berbintang kejora tu tak yah main sungguh2 sangat la, simpan energy ok.. Surprising country is Netherlands.. bukan sebab diorang tak kuat.. diorang kuat tapi yg surprisenya ialah diorang kalahkan Italy n France both with the margin of 3 goals (3-0, 4-1).. Kiranya.. WOW la utk Netherlands.. Tapi aku masih lagi rasa Spain is the best! Hehehe..
Sekian melaporkan utk EURO 2008.. Balik nnt harap2 dapat tgk repeat game.. My brother kata game Croatia best.. hmm, need to tonton ni.. chow..
Yang berbintang2 kejora tu maksudnya sure gi knockout round regardless diorang menang,kalah or seri.. So, round 3 tu kiranya negara2 berbintang kejora tu tak yah main sungguh2 sangat la, simpan energy ok.. Surprising country is Netherlands.. bukan sebab diorang tak kuat.. diorang kuat tapi yg surprisenya ialah diorang kalahkan Italy n France both with the margin of 3 goals (3-0, 4-1).. Kiranya.. WOW la utk Netherlands.. Tapi aku masih lagi rasa Spain is the best! Hehehe..
Sekian melaporkan utk EURO 2008.. Balik nnt harap2 dapat tgk repeat game.. My brother kata game Croatia best.. hmm, need to tonton ni.. chow..
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