First of all.. I'm not gonna do a review or anything about the exhibition here ok.. This is just the way I feel..
Ok.. Now we go to the part that makes me excited.. I LOVE painting but they are VERY expensive and I don't have that much money.. Unless I have an extra money to waste for around RM1k to RM2k.. I stick to my plan.. I'll do it myself.. and that still remains as a plan.. Ok.. Most of the paintings will have Shelly on it.. Just to highlight the size of the painting.. OK.. Here we go..
Well that's it! There are lots more painting but I only snap the one that I like.. So Enjoy!
wow..cantik2nya painting...i want it too..
want it? beli la.. hihihi..
aaaaa!!!...woody floor for org tua?..oh tidakkkk...u must believe this!!if you put woody ah,your home look so modernn horrr,or english/modern concept horrrr...horrrr...aa.NOW...if there is 20K lying around the house,i would do it for my crib lorrrrrrrrrr...
btw,for sofa, u prefer fabric or kulit?
Hahaha.. I said it just an opinion.. I know some people like it (they just don't realize that they're old HAHAHA).. I think a good shiny tile is better la... english/modern concept?? hmmm.. Is it because English people is like an old lady? Hehehe.. Jgn mare.. Ok la if you like..
For sofa, i prefer leather la tapi very the expensive maa.. The one on the pic is 14k++ but for that day, diskaun 50% tinggal 7k++, still very expensive la.. So, on budget wise.. fabric pun ok la..
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