A Stupid Story...
Semalam petang (balik keje) aku ajak Abby sama2 dgn pembantu Indon tu cuci rumah baru aku.. So, balik keje kitorang decide guna satu keje je.. Somehow we decide using Abby's car.. And I totally forget that aku dah apply cuti utk Jumaat dan Isnin.. Now, aku takde kete.. Tsk tsk tsk.. Stupidnya kena ajak Abby gi opis hari Sabtu ni amik kete.. Ari ni (Jumaat) aku mmg habis energy dan tak mampu bangun pagi ikut Abby g opis (which is no point aku amik cuti kalau aku kena bangun awal)
A Mistik Story...
Semalam waktu aku tunggu Abby habis berconference, aku duk la kat opis sorang2.. Aku percaya yang aku dengar 2x macam ada orang jatuhkan barang kat bilik sebelah (Yes, purp your room).. Kali pertama, aku assume nothing.. Kali kedua buat aku berfikir.. Waktu tu jam dalam 6.30pm.. Nobody kat opis, even the contractor.. dan bunyi tu sangat clear (mmg exacly kat bilik sebelah).. Aku yg selalu berlakun tough ni pun ada ketaq jugak la.. Slowly, aku off computer and walk out from the room.. Well, we all know how mistik our opis before we get it kan..
Why Spain Gonna Win EURO 2008?
First of all, diorang kalahkan Russia 3 - 0 semalam.. Tapi dulu in group stage diorang kalahkan Russia 4-1.. So, Russia maybe not a good enough opponent kan.. This is my real reason..
1. Iker Casillas - The best goal keeper in the world at the moment. For me ada 3 je goal keeper terhebat (the goalkeepers that can actually make a different) - Buffon, Peter Chech dan Iker Casillas
2. Fernando Torres - Well, he maybe the most beautiful footballer in the world for me tapi he is also one of the best striker in the world..
3. David Villa - Top scorer EURO 2008 and also a maybe soon Barca player (We get only the best!)
4. Carles Puyol - The best Central Defender.. Tell me who's better than him?
5. Xavi and Iniesta - You can't ask for a better midfielder (Barca's breed - what you wanna ask more?)
6. Cesc Fabregas and Xabi Alonso - They are not Aragones's 1st eleven tapi everytime they enter the field they show their class.. They prove it at Greece game and also semalam.. See, even the 2nd choice is actually the best (Too bad there is onlt 11 spot available). Aku personally rasa Cesc patut jd 1st eleven..
7. David Silva - Aku tak selalu tgk dia main, but based on euro 2008, aku rasa he is one of the best winger.. I can imagine he play with Messi.. it will be WOW!
8. Sergio Ramos - Some people claim he is the best Right Back but since he is Real Madrid's player.. I will not believe so.. But he do great in this tournament..
9. Senna - Great Midfielder.. Tough guy
10. Other player - I'm not familiar with all.. But they all do a great job..
If Spain kalah ngan Germany this weekend.. Huhuhu.. I will always say Spain is the best.. Argentina lost to Brasil in Copa America 2007 even though they are the best in the tournament.. So, I don't want to have a too high hope.. I just hope that "The best Team Win" and hopefully life is fair...
Semalam petang (balik keje) aku ajak Abby sama2 dgn pembantu Indon tu cuci rumah baru aku.. So, balik keje kitorang decide guna satu keje je.. Somehow we decide using Abby's car.. And I totally forget that aku dah apply cuti utk Jumaat dan Isnin.. Now, aku takde kete.. Tsk tsk tsk.. Stupidnya kena ajak Abby gi opis hari Sabtu ni amik kete.. Ari ni (Jumaat) aku mmg habis energy dan tak mampu bangun pagi ikut Abby g opis (which is no point aku amik cuti kalau aku kena bangun awal)
A Mistik Story...
Semalam waktu aku tunggu Abby habis berconference, aku duk la kat opis sorang2.. Aku percaya yang aku dengar 2x macam ada orang jatuhkan barang kat bilik sebelah (Yes, purp your room).. Kali pertama, aku assume nothing.. Kali kedua buat aku berfikir.. Waktu tu jam dalam 6.30pm.. Nobody kat opis, even the contractor.. dan bunyi tu sangat clear (mmg exacly kat bilik sebelah).. Aku yg selalu berlakun tough ni pun ada ketaq jugak la.. Slowly, aku off computer and walk out from the room.. Well, we all know how mistik our opis before we get it kan..
Why Spain Gonna Win EURO 2008?
2. Fernando Torres - Well, he maybe the most beautiful footballer in the world for me tapi he is also one of the best striker in the world..
3. David Villa - Top scorer EURO 2008 and also a maybe soon Barca player (We get only the best!)
4. Carles Puyol - The best Central Defender.. Tell me who's better than him?
5. Xavi and Iniesta - You can't ask for a better midfielder (Barca's breed - what you wanna ask more?)
6. Cesc Fabregas and Xabi Alonso - They are not Aragones's 1st eleven tapi everytime they enter the field they show their class.. They prove it at Greece game and also semalam.. See, even the 2nd choice is actually the best (Too bad there is onlt 11 spot available). Aku personally rasa Cesc patut jd 1st eleven..
7. David Silva - Aku tak selalu tgk dia main, but based on euro 2008, aku rasa he is one of the best winger.. I can imagine he play with Messi.. it will be WOW!
8. Sergio Ramos - Some people claim he is the best Right Back but since he is Real Madrid's player.. I will not believe so.. But he do great in this tournament..
9. Senna - Great Midfielder.. Tough guy
10. Other player - I'm not familiar with all.. But they all do a great job..
If Spain kalah ngan Germany this weekend.. Huhuhu.. I will always say Spain is the best.. Argentina lost to Brasil in Copa America 2007 even though they are the best in the tournament.. So, I don't want to have a too high hope.. I just hope that "The best Team Win" and hopefully life is fair...
kat bilik aku ni, kdg2 mmg ada dgr brg jatuh kat atas or kat sblh, x sure tp either one, mana ada bilik/org pun kn. tp, aku caya mesti ada sciencetifically explanation...
aku xtau pun kisah mistik bilik kita before kita pindah?? adeke?? purp apelagi.. seekersssss...
huhu seb baik aku xdengar ape2 time tinggal sorg2 2bln hrtu.. kalau x mmg alasan yg baik utk bercuti..
Purp.. Hmm I believe in sciencetifically explanation too.. hmm but, well.. hmm..
Mimi.. ko tak tau mistik story bilik kita? Hmm.. I tot semua org tau.. hehehe..
haaaa..mistikkk..mak seremsss 5 menet...huhuhu...
eh..u ols ni sokong spain ke germannn???
mak spain...hiks
Mek cats.. ko tanya plan sokong sape.. Dari mula lagi i dah kata Spain Spain Spain.. Hihihi.. Hari tu i sokongg David C dia menang.. Kali ni Spain lak.. hikss..
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