Last night after eat some cake (a bit only la) I felt like I want to eat something spicy or at least a real food.. So I'm chit-chatting with catz (ym), she told me to cook bihun.. well, first thing in my mind was meggi (cepat di masak, senang dimakan) Hehehe.. But, ok la.. since she already put the recipe at her blog.. I give it a try la.. (well it's not like I never cook bihun, it just felt easier to cook meggi).. But I got the problem, since I don't do this a lot (cook), I actually don't have anything at my kichen.. Just bihun, cili boh, carrot, onions, udang kering and some hotdog.. So, I need to improvise.. hehehe.. sayur = carrot.. ok la tu kan.. ayam/kerang/fish cake = hotdog.. Yes. I'm ready! Hehehe..

Some people complain about my blurry picture, but since I left my camera kat kg.. this is the best one I got from my camera phone.. So, if it doesn't look tasty.. Please, blame the camera!
Anyway, every time I want to cook and found out that I have not enough ingredients, I turn out just eating outside because it a waste when you already start a car to go to the shop.. why not just buy the food.. Ting! Magically ready to eat.. (My father always suggest me doing this when I call my mother to ask on how to cook something2.. somehow he annoyed I guess, maybe also because he felt it was a waste to cook a meal for one.. and I agree with that)
Anyway, every time I want to cook and found out that I have not enough ingredients, I turn out just eating outside because it a waste when you already start a car to go to the shop.. why not just buy the food.. Ting! Magically ready to eat.. (My father always suggest me doing this when I call my mother to ask on how to cook something2.. somehow he annoyed I guess, maybe also because he felt it was a waste to cook a meal for one.. and I agree with that)
when it looks tasty, kalau gamboar hok terang tak taww le..lagiii nampak tasty kot..hihiihi..good try lah..ok le tuh..pandai dah kan..
pandai.. memang pandai cuma it took a lot of effort for single meal la.. kalau ada orang lain makan sama maybe things will be different!
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