I go to IKEA (my 1st time! Can you believe that?) and after sesat and pening2 a few times, finally we arrived at IKEA at 9.00PM. I try the famous meat ball.. (Finally!)
The bad news is (not so bad la).. but I spent RM215.70 at IKEA (excluding food) for the things that I never plan to buy but it's nice to have.. I think I got the spending frenzy this month.. I should have more self control..
I don't think I want to explain..
hehe..it happened to me before..they asked u to fiil up the form..very simple question and telling u that u might be selected to win the vacation package. Then they will call u and inform that u win a vacation package. Then ask u to come to their office and listen their explanation and presentation about vacation club.. something like time sharing etc...the persuade u to join the membership club etc..then only they will give u the coupon trip tuh.. (aku rasa terseksa masa meraka duk pujuk2 tuh)..and u know wut..aku tak guna pun kupon tuh.
ye ke? Tapi that guy tak kisah pun bila i taknak.. and dia tak berapa pujuk pun.. me n my friend rasa ok la.. like knowing new knowledge. Anyway, that guy hensem ma.. hehehe.. i akan guna kupon tu sbb ada kat KL. Just go anytime.. and i can even go to work from there.. suka2 ja.. sbb free. i think its a win-win situation. Never mind the marketing strategi..
Pls visit Vacation Club Blog http://myvacationclub.blogspot.com/
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