1. Shoppings...
Well, I have nothing in mind last Sunday but window shoppings just don't suit me.. Me and my friend go out to One utama with nothing in mind just passing time but like I said before window shopping is not my type.. I felt bored and want to kill myself.. Hahaha (kidding!) I just felt so bored that I have to buy something.. I end up bought lots of thing.. New hand bag, and suddently I need new facial foam with a new toner, oh, i also need new pillows, and then I felt an urge to buy "My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade" CD.. (nice CD anyway. no regret).. hehehe.. I took some picture using my hp (my camera tertinggal kat kg la) so, quite bad quality..
My new ELLE hand bag.. hehehe.. it makes me happy!
My new facial foam and toner! Hahaha.. takde koje!
Ni koleksi tilam kecik + bantal gemuk pendek tak tau nak wat pe.. :-)
New Ogival goggle.. nak ada semangat sikit gi swimming sbb yg ni ade power! kui kui kui!
Hiasan kete aku with my Messi.. Cute kan? I LOVE Messi! Barca! Barca! Barca! hehehe..
2. Eat eat
After shopping we need to eat la kan.. We eat at Chilli's.. Yummy.. yummy..

I eat this! yummy! tak ingat nama dia tapi ayam gril pastu top with beef bacon, cheese and tomato.. marsh potato top with cream and sayur.. pew!
My friend eat this.. Fish Dori whatever.. tapi fish la..
Me - ice lemon tea.. my friend drinks lemonade.. slurp!
Then I bought Donut at Big Apple.. Yummy too! But this is my equation: J-Co > Big Apple > Dunkin's Donut.. All yummy la anyway.. and suddenly I have this donut crazy.. hahaha..
I bought 1/2 dozen.. one, i give to my friend.. then i tak sabar nak makan my fav donut (top with almond) a bite! yummm.. tetiba.. ops.. lum amik gambar.. hehehe..
3. Movie - Sweeney Todd

Actually I watch this movie yesterday (1st day release) kat TGV Cheras Selatan.. After back from office, we watch Spa Q together and then suddenly we saw iklan Sweeney Todd. So, since its already release we call TGV and book the 9.30pm ticket. This is my 2nd time gi Jusco Cheras Selatan.. not bad la.. I shopping some more.. hehehe.. just a shirt (Sale maa..) and disebabkan tak sempat makan (because on the way to tempat makan, there is lots of shops.. hahaha.. tak sempat) So, my friend bought Mac Donald and I bought Antie's Annes Cinnamon Sugar. Then we bought some junkfood.. and dengan sesuka hati berkelah dalam wayang.. hehehe..
Well, about the movie. This movie deserved 3/5 stars.. ok maybe 3.5.. .5 because of Johnny Depp.. He's Johnny Depp don't argue! This story is categories as 18PL because it's so kejam.. bunuh2 orang, makan2 orang.. hehehe.. but not scary la just ngeri.. The blade.. urghhh.. and this movie also sad and funny.. Ok, for those who don't know.. Sweeney Todd originally is a Broadway theater or Opera (not so sure la) this explain why this is Musical Movie.. ala Broadway and Sweeney Todd also Josh Groban's favorite opera.. So, it's a must see for me. Ok.. my comment:
Overall this movie doesn't give me any impact.. but worth the money la.. I'm not gonna watch it again but it's because I already watch it!
Oh, on the side note.. I woke up 4.55am this morning to watch Copa Del Rey(1st leg QF): Villareal vs Barca which end up 0 - 0.. So, basically last night I slept only around 3 hours and my head feel like it's gonna explode now!

2. Eat eat
After shopping we need to eat la kan.. We eat at Chilli's.. Yummy.. yummy..

3. Movie - Sweeney Todd
Well, about the movie. This movie deserved 3/5 stars.. ok maybe 3.5.. .5 because of Johnny Depp.. He's Johnny Depp don't argue! This story is categories as 18PL because it's so kejam.. bunuh2 orang, makan2 orang.. hehehe.. but not scary la just ngeri.. The blade.. urghhh.. and this movie also sad and funny.. Ok, for those who don't know.. Sweeney Todd originally is a Broadway theater or Opera (not so sure la) this explain why this is Musical Movie.. ala Broadway and Sweeney Todd also Josh Groban's favorite opera.. So, it's a must see for me. Ok.. my comment:
The view/cinematography? : No so interesting la.. dark - maybe because this is a dark movie (emotionally)
The Songs : It's musical movie but most, ehm maybe all songs - not really interesting..
The Plots : Versatile (Funny, sad, sorry and so on) but it's also boring some time esp the romance part (Anthony part)
Ending: Sad but this is the right ending.. I like the ending
Oh, on the side note.. I woke up 4.55am this morning to watch Copa Del Rey(1st leg QF): Villareal vs Barca which end up 0 - 0.. So, basically last night I slept only around 3 hours and my head feel like it's gonna explode now!
1 comment:
Amboi...shopping, movie, donut2..syoknya...bak le sket donut tuh..hehheheh....lenkali beli setengah dozen utk catz yer...now i also become a donut lover..
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