If you watch Sweeney Todd, you'll know they eat meat pie.. But the meat is HUMAN!!! HAHAHAHA.. I know it's sick but after watch the movie I feel like I want to eat meat pie.. hahahaha.. So, we (me and purple) went to Secret Recipe after office, the only place that I know have meat pie with the guarantee of good taste. Indeed, it taste gooood...

I had a Frost Lemon Tea as a beverage but forgot to took picture la.. but it taste like heaven. hehehe.. Anyway, you know, Secret Recipe is a dangerous place to go.. They have super duper magnetic power that pull people to buy their extremely fat sweet cake and brownies.. So, I bought lots and lots of cake... hehehe.. Irresistible! just like gorgeous footballer.. hehehe..

This is Raspberry Cheesecake.. Purple recommend this to me.. :-)
This is Chocolate Banana Cake.. some of my friend said they don't like this cake (because of the banana) but I don't believe them.. I know this gonna be another heaven! Hahaha..

I still don't eat yet all my cakes because last night I felt so tired and full (thanks to meat pie! :-D) I sleep like a child after berangan about some gorgeous footballer hehehe... Now I wanna eat and eat and sleep and dream and watch movie and read some more hot fanfic and ok ok eventually edit my statement of purpose essay.. hehehe..
wow...yummy...i love the last one..the banana choc cake....so yummy..i never tried the pie.next time i nak makan pie lah bila pi secreto di amor neh....
ko...byknya veli cake...buat ku jeles laaaaa..
eat eat eat buy buy buy never cook.. that's me! hehehe
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