Thursday, September 30, 2010

A letter to my buddies...

I'm a bit depress regarding things that I cannot write in here.. At this moment I miss my buddies... I miss the carefree life... I miss going to gym on Friday evening to play badminton... I miss hanging out at starbuck and has a good time talking about what is love.. :p I miss our biking trip along the MKT trail...

Don't get me wrong.. I like my life right now as well.. It is a continuous adventures but my best buddies is so far away... and I miss you guys...

- a note from far away -

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hola... Aloha...

It's been a long time...

The truth is.. I am bussseeeyyy and laaazeeeeyyyy... hehehe...

I'm already here.. In Malaysia... Arrived on August 11, 2010 and back to work on August 18,2010.. Life is hectic since then...

On my 1st day report duty, I was assigned with some of my colleague an urgent project that must be completed within one week.. Then, I need to prepare a project proposal for an upcoming course which held last week. So, basically I was very busy with project, proposal and hari raya.. Nak shopping raya lagi kan.. tukar duit lagi.. On top of that, I have to shop sofa set for my living room.. So, now my house is no more "surau" concept la. ;-) and a bedroom set to demolish my another "surau" concept, my bedroom.. hehe... So.. since I landed till now, I don't even have a proper weekend for my own leisure... huhu.. Satu wayang pun blom tgk lagi tau! (*sadis ker tu?*)

As right now, I hope everything is back to "normal" (normal = work less play more)... I want to enjoy life.. That's my motto! Think positive and world peace! ;-) And when people back stab you, make sure you return the favor! let them feel sorry for ever did that to you... hehe.. Then life is indeed a joyful place.. :p

Here is some pichas of me on eid and with the rabbit before it became.. "rendang arnab" HAHAHA..

My family and me...

My parents, my lil sis and me...

My sis and me...
My bro and me...
Sesi bermaaf-maafan... hehe..
My bro and his kid
Peace for Arnab!
Yummy???? HAHAHA...

Will update more later!!! :-)