Friday, January 30, 2009

What To Do When You Are Extreamly Hungry?


Hahaha.. jawapan #@$^&!!

Actually, aku dah notice pattern.. tiap2 kali aku lapar gila aku akan masak satu jenis masakan yang kalau sesape kenal aku memang akan suspek abis.. bukan takat lima lima jari tangan, malah sepuluh jari kaki akan tabik kekaguman (hahaha... adegan perasan lagi)..

Ceritanya, semalam aku ada meeting kul 11 pagi ngan my prof. Tapi semalam semalam (kemarin) aku dah la kelas dari 8am - 6.35pm (in between ada la rehat kejap).. Pastu aku tido lambat lak tu.. So, semalam aku tak larat bangun.. so, kul 10.45 pg baru bangun.. Apa lagi, kelam kabut la aku.. makan cereal pastu kuarkan pisang utk lunch.. tup tup.. terlupa buh pisang dalam beg.. After meeting, aku strait away kena gi lab.. Kul 4.30ptg baru balik umah.. lapar sampai sakit kepala aku.. + letih lagi..

So, balik kepada citer pattern aku.. Aku nak makan something yang sedap, pedas dan very the Malaysian.. So, aku masak... Masak Lemak Cili Api!!! This time rebung + ayam.. woo.. SEDAP meletup-letup!!! Tu la ceritanya.. aku penah masak.. masak lemak cili api, ayam + kentang.. penah jugak masak, udang+ayam+ kacang hijau, ada sekali tu.. ayam+udang+kobis.. Hehehe.. So, dengan malu-malu kucing.. aku declare yang aku suka masak lemak cili api.. hehehe.. Satu kepuasan bila makan..



Sorry la ek, takde gambar.. nama pun masak bila extreamly lapar.. So, panas2.. pedas2.. nyam.. Nyam Nyam... Ops.. gambar???

Resepi aku?

1. Tumbuk cili api dalam 15 biji, potong bawang besar, potong+ketuk serai
2. Bubuh bahan di atas dalam periuk.. campurkan ngan santan cair dan juga ayam/udang/kentang/rebung (mana2 la)
3. Masak and kacau sampai menggelegak
4. Buh santan lagi
5. Buh garam + gula sikit
6. Buh santan (ikut suka kepekatan)
7. Tunggu la sampai semua masak...

Senang gila! :D


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Semester Start Review....

Semester dah start selama seminggu.. So, buat masa ni keadaan masih dalam kawalan.. Homework masih lagi relatively senang... Project blom mula lagi dan aku makin clear dengan reseach work task.. So, really I'm going to do image processing.. :( or, well I think it's more image signal processing or pattern recognation (hmm... clear is not a good word here)

Anyway, aku amik again 3 kelas this semester as required.. Meh aku rambling kejap on one by one subject:

ADSP - Aku amik Intro DSP last sem, so aku harap this kelas aku takde masalah.. So far, masih lagi teori.. So far so good...

Takde wayer sistem - Seriously, walaupun tajuk subjek ni macam interesting.. prof yang mengajarnya amatlah tak interesting.. Suara monotone, pastu suka buat lawak aku tak gelak.. amik kedatangan lak tu (ni yg tak tahan ni.. aku mmg la tak ponteng tapi really? attendance? so high school) pastu banyak betul rules dia mengenai cara2 buat homework.. sampai aku kena beli kertas khas utk HW dia.. Pastu, last Monday aku rasa dia pakai shirt yang really look so old.. dia tak la tua sangat (rasanya) tapi kemeja dia mmg macam kemeja yg orang letak kat church or masjid for charity.. Good point is aku rasa dia cute la jugak.. So, walaupun tiap kali gi kelas rasa ngantok or actually mmg aku tak tau kebende la yg dia bebel kat depan tu.. at least tak sakit mata la.. Solution: Memang kena put extra work on reading text book (which is extreamly expensive) and just try to figure out, what exactly his point is..

Nuke subject yang everybody thing it's weird for me to take (at least my friends in EE) - Well, seriously.. I know NOBODY at all in the class.. I try to make friends though... So far, aku dah jumpa sorang geng (girl from India) she look cool.. I mean dia nampak independent.. And she also new student.. So, at least aku ada orang nak discuss HW.. which I think is EXTREAMLY difficult... Susah wei... labs nampak interesting but the chemical and physics part aku rasa mmg kena put more effort la.. Lab pulak jauh.. nak gi research reactor kena amik shuttle.. Aku nerbes sebenarnya.. Thank god, this girl also the same day lab with me.. So, at least we can go together.. Aku harap dia ok la.. tak mo cam last semester... So far, aku berjaya bangun pagi.. no ponteng! YAY! Aku rasa ini due to how I felt about this subject.. which is important and difficult...

So.. Inilah review yang sebenarnya lebih kepada mengomel.. atau sebenarnya saje je nak penuhkan blog ni...

Ops.. satu lagi nak bebel.. weather is very very cold.. (always minus nowadays). It doesn't help when I have class at 8.00 am.. Hmm, adakah bunyi macam tak bersyukur bila aku kata... I hate winter!

tata! Sekian report kali ini.. :p

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Baru balik dari gathering Malaysian - HK - Singapore for Chinese New Year kat sini..

Exact day of Chinese New Year is this Monday.. So, as an early Chinese New Year gift.. aku uploadkan.....

Onegai Teacher (Please Teacher)

Manga... (complete series)



So, kepada sesape yang berminat.. download la ek... :D

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Macaroni Bakar yang Mabeles...

Well.. Congrat myself!!! Yay... Saira cook something! And.. arcording to Ril.. it's an A!!!

Ok.. Aku buat eksperimen main masak2... Sekali sekala masak.. tu yang terlebih excited tu.. kekeke.. gigi tak rasa sebab dia tak makan macaroni.. rugi ooo... Hmm.. catz... are you proud or not? Hehehe...


Friday, January 23, 2009


Rasanya macam penah cakap je yang aku akan tulis pasal Oliver.. Here we go guys...

Hmm, well actually aku pegi musical play kat Jesse Auditorium kat sini.. Well, diorang ada concerts series yang menarik kat sini.. So, aku try la pegi one of the show.. Anyway, student dapat half price.. :D So, aku beli la iket yang paling murah sekali.. $12 (after 50%)..

Well, it's a story about Oliver Twist.. anak yatim piatu yang sebenarnya waris orang kaya.. perjalanan hidup dia kena jual pastu lari.. pastu ada orang jahat.. pastu akhirnya reunion ngan datuk dia.. bla bla bla (kes malas).. So, kalau korang penah tengok movie Oliver Twist kat TV korang tau la.. The different yang menyebabkan aku tertarik ialah.. this is Musical Theater.. Did I mention that I have a 'thing' on musical? And giving a chance to watch a real musical play is something that I will grab? Well, aku dulu penah la nak tgk "puteri gunung ledang" nye musical theater tapi tak berkesempatan...

Anyway, aku bagi 7/10 ja... Sebab aku rasa utk first half.. it's a little boring but the second half of the play.. It's really good.. And I love most of the songs.. But I can't denied.. in the middle of the play (maybe more on 1st half...) I really feel that I wanna go to rock concert.. So, I can jump and shout! Hehehe.. paham2 la.. musical ni mean sopan... clap clap clap and well, at the end.. giving a standing ovation...

Pichas guys...

Have a good day friends.. :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Malaysia Boleh!

"You know what my friend.. We Malaysian have a special phrase when something seem impossibly difficult or impossibly ridiculous to be done.. but had to be done"

"What is it?"

"We will say "Malaysia Boleh!" means, Malaysian Can Do It!"

"Oh, you mean, because you are Malaysian, so you can do it.."

"Hmm.. Yeah.. Exactly!"

Ok.. itu lah perbualan aku ngan one of my colleague semalam... Nape tetiba cakap pasal Malaysia boleh? Sebabnya semester ni, aku ada kelas kul 8 pagi... Well, it's not imposibly ridiculous or imposibly difficult tapi it is for me.. And kelas jauh lak tu.. jalan around 15 - 20 minit baru sampai.. huhuhu.. mean kul 7.45 dah kena start menapak.. huhuhu.. But, like I said.. Malaysia Boleh!

Cakap pasal kelas.. aku amik 2 subjek Electrical Engineering yang bertaraf 8000 sem ni.. (tetiba rasa gentar) dan satu subject dari Nuclear Engineering... Life will be tough.. Erghh.. Dan buku text untuk subject2 ini sangatlah mahal... (Aku marah ni!) Since, jpa blom masukkan duit, aku hold dulu dari beli one of the buku text... Utk subject Radiation Detection (from Nuclear Eng), diorang required 3 buku.. ULANG! 3 tau! Nasib baik, one of the books is a copy version and another one aku dapat beli buku 2nd hand (Thank god!), so satu je la buku baru.. total cost for that subject alone is ~$160 (USD tau).. Another subject is an advance from last semester, so aku masih boleh pakai buku last sem.. yang satu lagi tu.. tadi gi check book store.. buku required satu jer.. pastu tak la tebal mana pun... tapi harga dia ~$160++!!! WTH??? Takde second hand lak tu.. So, aku nak menyervey amazon, ebay dan yg sewaktu dgnnya.. Got to find a cheaper one..

So... Hari ni aku berjaya bangun awal dan ke kelas dalam keadaan yg sejuk beku.. YAY! So, aku dengan bangganya cakap kat advisor (still in progress) aku pasal kejayaan aku pergi ke kelas on time! Well, last semester kelas dia kul 9am dan aku antara yang selalu mengeluh campur lewat campur ponteng (kadang2 la bila tak mampu bangun.. hehehe).. And guess what? Dia cakap.. let see how you're doing for the next 14 weeks.. erk.. :p

So.. Seriously.. aku masih malas.. tapi what a waste if the more than $300 dollar books if not for reading??? (rightly speaking).. Whatever la kan... Nanti esok la aku baca.. Otak aku masih lagi rusty.. Oh.. wanna know my subjects?

1. Advance Digital Signal Processing ( 4 projects no exam)
2. Microwave and RF Design of Wireless System ( Exams and a project)
3. Radiation Detection and Radiochemistry (Exams and Labs)
And of course.. all subject will have a never ending homeworks :(

Seriously, I'm not aiming as much as last semester... One thing for sure, tak mo lagi satu kumpulan dengan .... And good thing (aka moment perasan), bila aku masuk je kelas ADSP hari ni, prof nampak aku and cakap "Oh, it's you.. Good..." hehehe... good sign ha?

Zzzzzz... Malaysia Boleh! Zzzzzz

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day - my $0.02

Na-na.. I'm not into politics.. But people say, today is a historical moment... A day when a black guy become the president of United State of America... The day the world change.. The day where hope come over fear.. the day where people turning heads and say.. America has change...

But I say, nothing is happen yet.. Is a good thing gonna happen? Is the world ever change at all? Is Obama is as good as people assume he is? Or.. Is he will be like our Pak Lah? All flower and perfume on the day he become our prime minister but stink at the end? Well, sure we can't compare our PM to a person as big as Obama.. but he is big because, it is fact that USA is a big country. One thing I gurantee, as clear as cristal, Obama is very very good at his speach.. He is so good at it, I almost wish he mean more to me than, well.. just another American President...

I'm a hype person.. mean that I like to be into hype.. That's why I'm happy to say that "Yes, I already watch him live.. He did came to Mizzou!" As much as my friend theory that "People who love football, love politics" because football involve a lot of tactics.. so, there is similarity here.. I beg to differ, I, for once, honestly said, don't love politics nor interest following politics. So, maybe the theory is false or I am a unique case. Who cares anyway?

End of my notes today, for me, the statement "Obama can save the world" is absurd and way overhype... but I do believe, Obama can make a different.. Oh, isn't he different already? For better or worst? It is time to tell. Am I happy for today "historical moment"? I say, I am indifferent.. For me, he is just another American President. With the world in crisis today, with economic that so bad even I can feel it.. Yes, I wish this is a positive change.

ta ta!!! Saira has said what she want to said.. :p

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

24 and Ramblings..

For 24 fans.. Ehem.. like me, the new season is out (Season 7).. I know I know.. School start tomorrow.. Tak tau la apa nak jadi kan.. New season American Idol pun dah start.. tapi for me audition time is not the best part (unlike other people think).. I enjoy top 12 more than audition..

Ok.. back to school.. tadi aku singgah ke book store and nak kena beli buku text.. but ramainya orang.. sesak.. tup tup aku baru sedar, aku blom beli buku tulis lagi.. aku basically not ready to go back to school.. But by time, I'll be ready.. I will be ready...

The small ripple in the water is:

American Idol - Selasa 7pm (no conflix class schedule but I will watch "Oliver" play, already buy a tix and gonna tell you guys later :D)
American Idol - Rabu 7pm (Kelas abis kul 6.35pm.. a little conflix - nothing that I can't handle)

Espanyol vs Barca (Copa del Ray QF) - Rabu 3pm (Definitely a conflix)

Ok.. back again to the "title" entry..

I have a whole set of 24 series at home (mean: Malaysia).. From season 1 to season 6 (well, season 6 is incomplete).. My point is, I don't want to follow 24 anymore.. I'm tired of Jack Bauer. bla bla bla.. So, I decide to only have a quite look at the series and say, Nah... I pass.. But.. but.. Did I told you I'm a 24 fans? And it's kind of a very intense and always hook people type of series? Well.. at least my intention is good.. Just to have a glimps of the series...

(I'm wathing the series while writing this, as for u to know)... The villain also look good, mean good looking.. Oh, and it's complicated and full of conspiracy!!!! I hate 24!!! Arghhh.. That guy just kill that guy! And who is that guy? Oh, she should not listen to that guy.. It's a trap! And some people is just a*s esp the top management (Oh.. isn't it always like this.. urghh)

Ok.. ok.. back to real life.. Well, school start again and I'll be busy again.. and it is a matter of time when I will have no time for all this.. It happen last semester though, when I don't have time to watch terminator series and finally lost interest (Well, terminator season 2 is kind of suck anyway).. Ok ok.. Time's up! 24 out!

ta ta.. :p

Sunday, January 18, 2009

50 and 5 - 0

Ok.. I really don't want to write about Barca too much in my blog.. Because this is my blog and not a Barca die-hard-fan committed blog.. but, at this glorious time.. a Barca-Euphoria continue to take a big part in my "please it's so cold and I don't want to study anymore" time..

What is the significant of 50 and 5-0???

It's a half way of the league.. Means 19/38 games already being played and today, Barca got a BIG 50!!! 50 points!!! The best record of all times in Spain for first half of La Liga! NEW RECORDS!!! And What's more? 59 Goal scores and 13 Goal againts, that's mean +46 goals different! I talk about La Liga only ok.. if La Liga + CdR + Champeon League, Barca had scores 89 goals.. No.1 top scorer in all Europe.. and I dare to say the World.. What a team ha? All that in 30++ games (oh, I'm bad at stats) Anyway.. What a team..

5 -0!!!
Another win today.. Wow, it's become a routine.. Today game is pure fantastic football.. Flawless in every part of the games.. 5 nil againts the no. 7 team of the league and extend the gap between number 1 and number 2 to 15 points... Walla!!! What a team ha?
Score today: Messi, Henry, Eto'o, Henry, Eto'o

Ok.. Seriously.. I don't want t write about Barca too much in my blog but.. this is so overwelming and a new records and.. and.. and.. I have a very hard time to get my focus back.. And it was so cold.. I can't really go out..(hint: no car) and also I'm tired watching TV all the times and again.. It's so cold outside... Really cold... What is the better option? Sleep? or Watching Football and dreaming?

Urghhhh... Seriously, I miss Malaysia's weather!!! (can't believe I said this! :p)

disclaimer: both pics is not mine!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My 2 days hibernasi xtvt:

Cuaca semalam n hari ni (Khamis & Jumaat) sangat sejuk dan menyebabkab aku berhibernasi di rumah.. Hasilnya???


1. Twilight (Online)
2. Burn After Reading (Online)
3. Jurasic Park III (TV)
4. The Last Samurai (TV)
5. Comando (TV)

TV series:

1. Roswell Season 1 Episode 21 (Online)
2. MutanX Season 1 Episode 1 (Online)
3. Hannah Montana (TV)
4. That's So Raven (TV)
5. Cory In The House (TV)
6. Bones (TV)
7. Law and Order (TV)
8. Lost (TV)


1. Barca Highlight against Atl. Madrid (Online)
2. Barca vs Atl. Madrid Replay (Goltv Stream)
3. Revista De La Liga (Sky Sport Spanish Football Talk Show) (Online)
4. Crackovia (TV3 Catalan football comedy) (Youtube)

And also.. a never ending barca forums, reviews and news surfing..

Seriously, I feel like a mushroom now...

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Movie, The Book and The Good Same Old Saira...

Well, as we know.. today aku berhibernasi kat rumah.. So, in this entry I want to blame two persons.. número Uno is Purp and número Dos is catz... (in a good way)

Purp just unleash the devils inside me.. Well, I'm always a book's addict (I mean story books 's addict, NOT engineering book's addict okie) So, we just chat and she asked me about the Twilight book saga.. Well, I also kind of katak bawah tempurung now.. since I don't really hanging around book store anymore (like I used to be when I'm in Malaysia)... So, she said buku ni kind of famous. I knew there is a movie about that, but I don't realize it 's a book based movie.. So, I decide to watch the movie first before decide to buy it or not...

Well.. well.. well.. Here I am, ordering from amazon, a book set of "The Twilight Saga" link After watched the movie.. I tell you, I like it! Aku kasi 3.8/5 stars.. It's a good movie and I like the plot.. Well, romance + vampire.. hmm kind of hot.. The hero look cute and the heroin.. hmm, so-so la.. I like how the love is based on kimia.. Funny that the first time they speak with each other is in biology kelas.. Should made it chemistry's classs huh? Anyway, I kind of thinking it was like Max and Liz attraction in Roswell (which explained the sudden attraction of me to this movie).. It's really like Edward = Max, Bella = Liz, Alice = Isabel and the father itself.. ape namanye ek.. dah lupa something start with "C" is hot as well..

So.. here I am.. buying this thing:

Can't wait for the book to pop up at my door :D.. The down part of this is.. hmm, school start next week.. So, instead of buying text books (which is a must buy asap) I bought these books.. Oh, mana pergi my good student quality??? So, in my weak excuses, the school just start.. So, no big harm can happen.. :p

número dos, catz ni kan.. dah dua entry aku baca duk cakap pasal pasta.. Well, aku takde pasta kat umah.. so, since aku tgh berhibernasi.. a movie on play.. the urgh of good food also on la.. hehehe.. So, aku masak my own speghetti.. which is not bad and healthy as well ok.. :D So, for catz and sesapa yang nak tgk masakan aku.. here it was... semua dah kena mamam ok.. no more left.. :p

Ok.. tata.. aku plan nak tgk citer yes man la.k. Thanks to purp for introduce me the site where I can watch most of the newest movie online.. tell ya, the quality is not good but it's ok for me.. :D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I dont want tomorrow to happen... (update)

The truth.. I hate cold.. If it's aircond cold.. it's fine but.. chill cold that even my winter jacket can't really protect me.. I hate it!


MAX : -12 Celcius
MIN : -20 Celcius

Tonight till Noon Tomorrow:

MAX: -26 Celcius
MIN: -28 Celcius

This is so far, the worst weather condition for this winter...

Just tgk news.. weather alert! Dinasihatkan semua orang pastikan pakai baju yg cukup kalau keluar.. mlm ni, out there for 20 minit boleh sebabkan frost bite dan hypertemia..
So, aku dah batalkan plan ke book store dan juga ke gym utk tomorrow.. because it is not advisable.. Nampaknya, memang kena berhibernasi la esok... Even hari ni (which is not as bad as tomorrow), the wind to my face rasa cam kena cucuk2...

p/s: for american idol fan.. it's starting yesterday... :D


The pic was taken from of the barca's forum.. from the forumer yang share the pic while she/he at barcelona.. I like the scarf.. Purp... I know it's difficult to get Barca scarf at Liverpool but.. If possible or kalau terjumpa.. Can you please buy it for me.. hehehe.. The estimate price is 10 to 20 euro.. (archording to them la) So, hmm... can you please.. hehehe..


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boleh ke?

Aku tertanya-tanya... Boleh ke aku tukar University???

Well, the story again... I just met my professor yesterday... Dia (again) offer aku tukar university.. this time lain sikit.. kali ni dia tanya sama ada aku inerested buat Fall semester (Fall 2009) kat Poly-Cal, California University. So, aku cakap aku tak sure pasal aku sponsor student.. Hmm.. the truth is.. I'm tempted... One, that is one of the top Uni.. another one is, it's California.. So, I'm thinking this as a good opportunity... very good indeed..

But, this is the catch! If I do (actually doing the paperwork process.. bla bla bla) There is a BIG BIG possibality and "a don't know how to say NO" chances that I have to cont PhD there.. Well, maybe it's a good thing for most people tapi aku buat masa ini macam takde hati lagi.. sebabnya she (again) talk about phD (indirectly).. Sebabnya dia suruh aku amik "qualifying test" (The test that is compulsary to cont phD).. At first, I kind of heran.. apsal nak suruh aku amik test tu pulak? Aku kan student master.. So, aku cakap yang aku tak ready nak amik exam.. dan itu memang reality la.. Hmm...

Now.. I've been thinking.. there is two ways in life.. One is "fate" the other is "choices" and the choice you take will determine your fate... There is a thin line between fate and choices.. Sometimes you have fate but no choices.. (that's sure makes thing easy ha? and you'll wish you have a choice) and sometimes you have both and that makes thing so hard... And sometimes you ignore the choices and let fate decide (which for me, it is also some kind of choice.. becoz then you'll think back and say.. "If only")

So, excuse me.. thinking of Barca is absolutely the easiest one..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Gigi Complain: You are so loud!

Well, pada sesapa yang tak tau (skrg akan tau la).. Giginye apartment is atas apartment aku.. So, basically... dia boleh dengar aku buat bising.. and aku leh dengar dia tumbuk sambal belacan.. hehehe... (old story: few months ago, time we still don't know each other at 4a.m in the morning.. Saira still don't settle down.. I call Purp di Malaysia.. bla bla bla.. then.. ring.. ring ring.. "hello, can you please be quieter? I want to sleep" kekeke.. ok.. stop old story)

Well, selalunya aku tengok bola sopan tau.. tak bising.. ayu gitu.. sambil senyum2.. Tapi hari ni.. IS THE BEST FOOTBALL SHOW EVA!!! At first, aku ketuk2 bantal ja.. But.. but.. Barca again play like "WE ARE THE BEST FOOTBALL TEAM EVA!" and maybe they got carried away.. they actually down to 2-1.. I just can't believe it!!! BARCA!!! COME ON!!! and then they almost have a fight on the pitch (it's hot and foggy there.. temp down below 0 celcius but everybody on pitch is HOT HOT.. well.. hotsss.. hehehe)

Ok.. back to story, In 20 minutes.. my guys fight back like a true warrier.. Really!! Seriously!!! Impressive!! So.. Sorry gigi.. This girl going crazeyyy... When Xavi score 2-2 bravely and almost injured himself.. and then.. My MESSI.. (*repeat) MY MESSI!!! Score the GOLAZO!!! link

Pergh.. Great Stuff!!! Again gigi... How could I be quiet this time... It's crazeyyyy.... WE WON!!!

YES!!! YES!!!

Ok.. Today education: Messi is the best footballer on the planet Earth!!!

Other story...

My remote control rosak again.. Sh*t! Ini yang no. 2 tau.. Aku beli $9.00.. marah la ni.. Original RC dah hilang (gigi theory: aku terbuang dalam one of my potato chips yang selalu bersepah depan TV.. me said: NO! It's still a mystery).. So, aku rasa aku nak buat last try.. I'll buy another stupid (hopefully this time pandai la) RC with diff brand.. The school going to start and I think RC is important.. HAHAHA...

Ok.. sekian rambling kali ini.. Jumpa lagi di lain masa.. and remember my friend.. what's today education???


HAHAHA!!! (p/s: me is overjoyed!)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

As time pass by.. Maybe St Louis trip can bring the light...

I'm still in shahdu mood.. Really.. Browsing my st louis pic and try to find.. erm.. a good one..

Ok.. Seriously, too much pichas.. So.. Let see the one that fly away.. hahaha (you know what I mean in a while :p)
Ok.. Rasa kinda self-obsess lak.. hahaha.. Anyway, it was around arc of st louis.. kiranya ni la tempat ter-best kat st louis to.. we can go to the top tapi hari tu sold out.. anyway, it's expensive.. $24.00.. huhuhu.. I mesken.. Ok.. Now we go to a more make sense pichas... wahahaha....

Tak tau la.. Somehow.. All the selected pichas is kind of self-obsess pichas.. Did it say something??? kui kui kui.. Apa2 pun.. Ada 2 tempat.. satu Arc of St Louis and inside the Arc, around the Arc, Under the Arc.. Cuma takde top of the Arc je.. Another one is kat Washington University at St Louis... (Diff day).. Takde mende pun kat situ.. Mizzou lagi cun.. kekeke..


p/s: Nanti I post pics umah yang we all stay.. A good friend indeed..

Here is here.. There will be no place like home...

I feel lost here...

There is nothing that I love to do except going back home..
I'm seriously not ready to run at the full speed again..
Not ready to get suffocated with books and homework and projects..
Just not ready...
I wanna go home..

Being in this lost world... I suddenly feel the urge of support..
The urge of something familiar..
The urge to feel supported..

The experience I had lately.. had open my eyes..
I know the important of being together..
The important of being truly to myself..

Tell you.. I think my time is coming..
I start crying watching a not so sad movie.. but touching nevertheless..
I start being sensitive on a small issue..
So, you know what I mean when I said.. this is a woman problem...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Opis New Logo

Ok no time to ngomel.. I will ngomel later when go back home.. right now kat lab comp tunggu gigi abis keje.. aku plan nak study tapi.. well.. hmm.. what? hehehe..

Anyway.. Aku tau sebab myra duk mengomel kat blog dia cakap macam topi koboi... but for me.. It's simple and nice.. blue color lagi.. I like it.. better dari yang lama..

Tapi.. sorry la ek.. tak leh display the logo here.. it's confidential.. HAHAHA (kepala hotak hang!) kui kui kui.. Apa2 pun...

me like it!


Friday, January 09, 2009

Forgive my boredom...

Messi Latest Picspam...

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Is it a good thing?
Of course if you are a Barca fan..


It is not a good thing when that's all in your mind especially when you are a student.. who very very soon have to gather herself together and get her focus back..


It really doesn't help at all.. when every weekend and mid-week Barca play like the best team in the world (well, of course they were/are the best in the world).. It just heavenly football and Messi play like he is The Best Player In The World (well, we know a particular Portuguese who's cocky enough to said he is no. 1, 2, 3 best of the world who I believe have a good season last year and will claim the award.. such a shame..)


Be a Barca fan and a student is such a hard work.. One will lose to another... So, until Jan 20th.. I'll let the Barca-Euphoria feeling consume me... and I promise... really promise.. to start setting my priority back to the right track..


The Barca.. that I believe.. is the team to beat (Because we are unbeatable.. HAHA) please win it all.. So, all the euphoria feeling is worth it and my time is not wasted.. (well.. it was not a waste when celestial football was displayed..)

In the end..

I really hope, this is the effect of too much time with no school (it's a cold cozy to sleep winter break).. So, in the end.. She can return to be a good student she used to be.. I wish.. I wish...

Forza Barca!!! Opss.. hehehe...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


To My Dearest Sister....




Semoga Success Selalu..
Semoga Sihat dan Sentiasa diRahmati-Nya

p/s: Sekarang masih 6 Jan here.. tapi I ikut Malaysia time ok :D

Friday, January 02, 2009

Ke St Louis...

I'll be travel to St Louis today... till Sunday...

Tak tau apa problem ngan email.. tapi just nak bagitau abah & mak ok...

And one more..


Thursday, January 01, 2009

HaPpY NeW yEAr!!!

Azam baru? Before we talk about Azam baru but 1st we have to rewind back 2008..

What happen in 2008?
..... ..... .... check balik entry January 1st, 2008, well I used to have a diary.. my own personal e-diary that I had started since 2006.. Tapi somehow I don't write there anymore.. I already forget what's my secret is? I even wonder that I have a secret? Hmm.. Maybe I've changed somehow.

Review azam 2008..

1. To pass in flying colors on TOEFL and GRE exams.
Well.. we all know about this.. I don't know about flying colors but it do have colors.. hehehe.. since I'm here now.. in state..

2. To get a place in University in USA.
See all previous entry..

3. To be a good person.
Hmm... Maybe.. I think so.. How to defind a good person? If it's up to my own standard.. I say, I improve a little bit.. hikss...

4. Success in everything..
This is also a very general.. What is everything? I guess when I'm making this goal, I have something in mind... but, hmm.. what is it ek???

So.. aku rasa azam 2008 aku agak success... maybe hmm.. 80%?

So, what significantly happen on year 2008?

1. Obviously, aku sambung master.. University of Missouri - Columbia.. Some tanya, why Mizzou.. My answer is.. it was recommended by prof Marizan (my USM prof)..
2. I got all A in my first semester here.. This is something to remember.. :D
3. Aku masuk rumah baru (my own house ok) just a month before aku berangkat ke united state.. Which mean, right now.. umah aku have no perabut but still a save living place and I love my house.. It's mind!
4. I also bought a new lap top.. well my vaio which I like so much! hahaha..
5. Akhirnya aku pijak jugak negeri Sarawak.. after cancel the trips there for so many times..
6. I met new friends here at Mizzou.. which broadent my view on people and life..
7. My obsession to Barca don't change a bit.. I thought by time, I'll get bored but not this time.. not this time..
8. What's more? I'll think about it..

Ok.. Now to 2009..

Azam 2009:

1. To continue success in my Master program and get a very very good result and give a good impression of myself..
2. To lose weight.. Target? 15 pound down! :D
3. To be nicer to people (ni macam every year azam je.. hehehe)
4. To exercise more.. mean, try to go to gym sekerap yang mungkin..
5. Learn to be a better cooker
6. Well.. be a good student!

My wish in 2009?

1. Everybody happy and sihat..
2. Barca to win everything! (La Liga, Copa Del Rey, Champions League).