Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boleh ke?

Aku tertanya-tanya... Boleh ke aku tukar University???

Well, the story again... I just met my professor yesterday... Dia (again) offer aku tukar university.. this time lain sikit.. kali ni dia tanya sama ada aku inerested buat Fall semester (Fall 2009) kat Poly-Cal, California University. So, aku cakap aku tak sure pasal aku sponsor student.. Hmm.. the truth is.. I'm tempted... One, that is one of the top Uni.. another one is, it's California.. So, I'm thinking this as a good opportunity... very good indeed..

But, this is the catch! If I do (actually doing the paperwork process.. bla bla bla) There is a BIG BIG possibality and "a don't know how to say NO" chances that I have to cont PhD there.. Well, maybe it's a good thing for most people tapi aku buat masa ini macam takde hati lagi.. sebabnya she (again) talk about phD (indirectly).. Sebabnya dia suruh aku amik "qualifying test" (The test that is compulsary to cont phD).. At first, I kind of heran.. apsal nak suruh aku amik test tu pulak? Aku kan student master.. So, aku cakap yang aku tak ready nak amik exam.. dan itu memang reality la.. Hmm...

Now.. I've been thinking.. there is two ways in life.. One is "fate" the other is "choices" and the choice you take will determine your fate... There is a thin line between fate and choices.. Sometimes you have fate but no choices.. (that's sure makes thing easy ha? and you'll wish you have a choice) and sometimes you have both and that makes thing so hard... And sometimes you ignore the choices and let fate decide (which for me, it is also some kind of choice.. becoz then you'll think back and say.. "If only")

So, excuse me.. thinking of Barca is absolutely the easiest one..


PurPlè said...

for me it's hardly 50-50 when it comes to choices. so, i'll just pick the higher one. if u wanna take the opportunity, u'll find a way to make it work. good luck!

Saira said...

What do you mean the higher one? anyway.. aku nak ignore dulu and again.. anyway aku silap type (dah edit) dia actually ajak aku tukar uni this fall.. hmm.. bila aku cam reluctant, dia tanya aku boleh tak buat master 2.5 years.. yg ni absolutely NO! Anyway.. we'll see.. malas la aku nak pk..

orren said...

Tak pe ke tukar University? Kena bagi tau kerajaan dulu tak?? Apa kelebihan tukar universitini??? Cammana dgn penempatan dan hal2 lain yang terpaksa diuruskan better think about that first!.....