Thursday, January 22, 2009

Malaysia Boleh!

"You know what my friend.. We Malaysian have a special phrase when something seem impossibly difficult or impossibly ridiculous to be done.. but had to be done"

"What is it?"

"We will say "Malaysia Boleh!" means, Malaysian Can Do It!"

"Oh, you mean, because you are Malaysian, so you can do it.."

"Hmm.. Yeah.. Exactly!"

Ok.. itu lah perbualan aku ngan one of my colleague semalam... Nape tetiba cakap pasal Malaysia boleh? Sebabnya semester ni, aku ada kelas kul 8 pagi... Well, it's not imposibly ridiculous or imposibly difficult tapi it is for me.. And kelas jauh lak tu.. jalan around 15 - 20 minit baru sampai.. huhuhu.. mean kul 7.45 dah kena start menapak.. huhuhu.. But, like I said.. Malaysia Boleh!

Cakap pasal kelas.. aku amik 2 subjek Electrical Engineering yang bertaraf 8000 sem ni.. (tetiba rasa gentar) dan satu subject dari Nuclear Engineering... Life will be tough.. Erghh.. Dan buku text untuk subject2 ini sangatlah mahal... (Aku marah ni!) Since, jpa blom masukkan duit, aku hold dulu dari beli one of the buku text... Utk subject Radiation Detection (from Nuclear Eng), diorang required 3 buku.. ULANG! 3 tau! Nasib baik, one of the books is a copy version and another one aku dapat beli buku 2nd hand (Thank god!), so satu je la buku baru.. total cost for that subject alone is ~$160 (USD tau).. Another subject is an advance from last semester, so aku masih boleh pakai buku last sem.. yang satu lagi tu.. tadi gi check book store.. buku required satu jer.. pastu tak la tebal mana pun... tapi harga dia ~$160++!!! WTH??? Takde second hand lak tu.. So, aku nak menyervey amazon, ebay dan yg sewaktu dgnnya.. Got to find a cheaper one..

So... Hari ni aku berjaya bangun awal dan ke kelas dalam keadaan yg sejuk beku.. YAY! So, aku dengan bangganya cakap kat advisor (still in progress) aku pasal kejayaan aku pergi ke kelas on time! Well, last semester kelas dia kul 9am dan aku antara yang selalu mengeluh campur lewat campur ponteng (kadang2 la bila tak mampu bangun.. hehehe).. And guess what? Dia cakap.. let see how you're doing for the next 14 weeks.. erk.. :p

So.. Seriously.. aku masih malas.. tapi what a waste if the more than $300 dollar books if not for reading??? (rightly speaking).. Whatever la kan... Nanti esok la aku baca.. Otak aku masih lagi rusty.. Oh.. wanna know my subjects?

1. Advance Digital Signal Processing ( 4 projects no exam)
2. Microwave and RF Design of Wireless System ( Exams and a project)
3. Radiation Detection and Radiochemistry (Exams and Labs)
And of course.. all subject will have a never ending homeworks :(

Seriously, I'm not aiming as much as last semester... One thing for sure, tak mo lagi satu kumpulan dengan .... And good thing (aka moment perasan), bila aku masuk je kelas ADSP hari ni, prof nampak aku and cakap "Oh, it's you.. Good..." hehehe... good sign ha?

Zzzzzz... Malaysia Boleh! Zzzzzz


kay karim said...

when i was in uni that time (back in 2006), i avoid amik class 830am...
sbb mmg i akan bnyk ponteng...and it happen to be, i pernah amik satu klas account kul 830am, n lecturer dia mmg i end up pegi klas 2 minggu skali je (means skali dlm 4 klas je)...
tuh pun sbb nak sign attandance untuk klas yg i ponteng tuh...hahaha..noty me!!

Anonymous said...

menarik subjek2 tu.
u can do it. gd luck!

Saira said...

for me, it's three days a week.. MWF! Huhuhu... Malaysia Boleh!

Thanx! Menarik ha? Me think so.. but it's more challenging!

CATZ said...
