Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Am Not Well Again...

Aku demam kus kus lagik.. Ini dah kali kedua utk bulan ni dan kali ni baru aku perasan yang on each occasion, aku makan betik a night before.. Nampak gayanya badan aku dah semakin manja..

The bad news is:

1. Esok exam.. tapi open book, so I'll manage........ i think
2. After exam aku akan balik kampung.. straight from KL
3. Aku tak kemas bilik lagi (I always leave my room nice kalau nak tinggal lama)
4. Aku tak kemas beg baju lagi..
5. Malam ni (actually pagi kul 2.45a.m) ada game Man Utd vs Barca.. The very IMPOSSIBLE I'm gonna miss this..

Please.. please God.. Give me Strength!

p/s: I think there will be no entry until sunday la.. coz bila balik kg.. all the comm will freeze.. Hehehe..

Sunday, April 27, 2008

HaPpY BirThDaY BabY...

Mood: Sleepy but Enjoy
Location: My room watching Deportivo vs Barca

Aku just balik dari celebrate Baby's BDay kat RedBoxRia Sogo.. Since aku dah depan labtop ni kan.. And I'm watching the game.. we are losing anyway.. :-(

Happy Birthday To Baby!!! This is the very enjoyable party.. So, Baby is getting older.. And I'm getting younger (Betul ke?) Hehehe.. Ok la.. Wanna see the gang? The very cool people k... :D

Sepatutnya tema white and khakis.. Tapi nampak gayanya.. cat tertumpah kat baju2 some of them.. hihihi..
This is the cake with the bday's girl..
Baby tgh bukak hadiah.. Guess what inside? The Guess handbag! hehehe (Not from me la.. I forgot la to buy anything.. But I will.. tomorrow.. Stupid me!)
Ini la yang sebenarnya.. melantak diutamakan terlebih dulu.. hehehe.. Aku la orangnya yang tak berenti2 makan dari mula sampai ke sudah.. hehehe..
Pose for the pic! Hehehe.. Anw, aku rasa aku la very the un-cool compared to them.. Somehow I can't do it.. To stand up and dance with them.. Aku just stand up je.. Maklumla aku ni pemalu.. hihihi..
On the high note.. Hehehe.. Tarik jgn tak tarik.. kui kui kui..
More of them.. Hehehe..

Itula serba-sedikit my Saturday night.. Thanks to Baby... (This is her treat!) Thanks la sbb jemput aku... Hihihi.. Aku suka la suasana kat sini.. Maybe I'll plan something in the future.... (Don't want to talk about the future la) Anyway.. I have a good time and my tekak ada sedikit kecederaan akibat tak sedar diri menjadi diva... Wakakaka..

Ken Lee..... Lavedavidu Without You.. Ken Lee.... HAHAHA...

Friday, April 25, 2008

David Cook - ABMB : Studio Version

Well.. I'm a little obsessed but if you don't think this is impressive and great.. There must be something wrong somewhere in you.. This is the cover version of Always be My Baby by David Cook : The Studio Version (Original singer: Mariah Carey). It is different from the life performance at AI where we can hear the whole song with this new arrangement.. Absolutely AMAZING! This new arrangement is done by him himself.. Like I told you before, IF and only if the American is wise.. This guy should win the American Idol..

Always Be My Baby by David Cook

We can find all the studio versions just by searching from YouTube.. Ok.. I'll help.. Hehehe..
Billy Jeans This one is a must listen guys! Original Artist: Michael Jackson.. Theme: Year they were born
The Music of The Night Original Artist: The Phantom of the Opera.. Theme: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Little Sparrow Original Artist: Dolly Parton.. Theme: Dolly Parton
Innocent Original Artist: Our Lady Peace.. Theme: Inspirational Music
Eleanor Rigby Original Artist: The Beatles.. Theme: Lennon/McCartney
Day Tripper Original Artist: The Beatles.. Theme: The Beatles

Enjoy! :D

Look Good? Or NOT?

Well, catz told me to just show whatever you cook here.. Well, if I am catz.. Of course la kan.. But since I'm not catz and my cooking is utterly rubbish when compared to her, but I still took her advice.. Let see la what I cooked for my dinner today.. I don't know what you guys think about the look but it certainly taste good.. Hehehe..

Very the healthy maggi goreng.. Kalah kedai mamak tau..

Maggi Mamee Kari Berapi
Bunga Kobis
Cili Api
Bawang Merah
Bawang Putih
Hot Dog

Mula-mula rebus Maggi, Carrot, Brokoli dan Bunga kobis.. sejukkan
Tumiskan bawang putih, bawang merah, cili api dan hot dog sehingga garing.. Bancuhkan serbuk kari manggi dgn sedikit air.. masukkan ke dalam tumisan.. Kemudian masukkan maggi bersama sayuran.. Gaul sampai rata.. Masukkan telur dan gaul sehingga telur masak..

Perghhh.. gerenti sedap dan pedas.. Hehehe...

On the other note.. I Love Messi.. HAHAHAHAHA...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

GRE Diagnostic.. Quantitative..

Aku baru je tau yang kita leh tgk performance kita on GRE.. So, saje je nak tulis kat blog aku ni..

SCORE: 760/800
No. Of Questions: 28
Time: 45 minutes

The difficulty level is 1 - 5 (1= the easiest -- 5=The most difficult)
Soklan tak leh ulang.. Kena move fwd no matter what.. Salah tolak markah.. So.. kat bawah adalah serba sedikit info dari GRE:
The computer-based GRE General Test is an adaptive test that varies the questions you receive to make a test that is tailored for a person at your level of ability. Your score on this test depends on the entire pattern of your answers, not just on the number you answered correctly. The contribution of a question to your score depends on the following three factors:

1 - the power of the test question (as determined by data obtained from past administrations) to distinguish between examinees at every level of ability,

2 - the level of difficulty of the test question, and

3 - the probability that a correct response for the question could have been guessed.
1 = Right 0 = Wrong

Ok.. Ni la performance aku.. Not bad tapi I'm not very proud la.. Salah 10 out of 28 is just.. hmm not so satisfied la for me.. Tgk table tu.. Bila salah je, difficulty level akan turun.. Pastu bila betul dia naik balik.. Markah aku pun naik-turun-naik la.. Soklan last tu totally guessing.. 10 second ja time spent.. Aku ni, apsal la tak penah bernasib baik meneka.. Tapi what's done is done and this score doesn't matter anymore anyway.. Hehehe..

In my life.. This is the exam yang paling aku tak ingin amik sekali lagi.. kecuali terpaksa.. So, maybe aku takkan buat PhD kat USA la.. But only times will tell.. ;-)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dinner Date with Catz.. :D

Today I'm a guest of honor at catz house... Story morry kind of boring kan.. So we go straight to what we are doing.. with pic as a storyteller.. Well, I'm kind of excited la nak menunjuk2 makanan yang dihidangkan oleh catz.. All prepared and cooked by catz.. Hehehe.. How lucky I am.. Hahaha.. Jgn jeles ok..

This is the main course or an appetizer.. Not really sure la coz I eat this non-stop.. I like this the most la.. Really the sedap la.. Tak penah lagi aku makan tempe dgn begitu banyak sekali.. Maybe I never eat Tempe like catz's.. It was different and Good..
Sotong bakar.. catz kata dia pakai hentam ja.. tapi bagi aku kira best gila dah ni.. Hehehe
Kerang bakar tip-top.. Beshhh... Catz suruh habiskan tetapi memandangkan aku sesorang tak mampu la den.. Lainla kalau ini je the only food kan..
Kerabu mangga with sotong.. Yummy too
Sayur campur yang sedap sangat.. how aa.. aku masak tak rasa cam gini pulak..
Kentang goreng berempah... quess how it taste... :D
After makan2.. Time for desert la kan.. Kiranya save the best for the last kan.. This is one of the kind.. Even catz surprise how good it taste.. Maybe catz should cook for me more often.. Hehehe... Mmg sedap korang.. Kalau tak kerana perut aku yang hampir2 meletopss ni.. mampu la ku habiskan sepinggan..
This is my only contribution.. Hehehe.. Well, It taste good per... :-p

After makan2.. ruangan bergossip pun bermula la kan.. Mula2 lepak kat hall tapi pastu lepak2 dlm bilik la pulak.. Besh.. kitorang berborak pasal kaki sape yang cun.. Hahaha... Kaki ku atau kaki kau..

I have a good time tapi kena balik la pulak.. So.. catz yang sangat rajinnya dan yang amatlah mengkompiuskan aku dengan kehebatan cintanya pada dapur telah menghidangkan aku.. evening tea... Hehehe.. I like it.. No doubt la..

Green tea katanya catz..

Okla.. Aku cam dah termasuk genre catz lak.. Penuh ngan makanan.. Hehehe.. So you guys can read kat catz blog la.. What chef said about her treat to me.. So catz.. I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH.. THANK YOU and you masak mmg... Muaahhh.. Walllaaa... Sedappp... Kelassss... Ni pujian ikhlas tau.. Bukan membodek ke apeke.. Bukan juga dgn niat lain cthnya niat nak lagi ke atau yang seumpama dgnnya.. Hehehe.. You mmg ada talent.. and I have a great time.. So korang2.. kalau suatu hari nanti catz ni bukak restoren ke apeke.. It a must go tau..

Thanks Again catz.. Nanti i nak try masak nasi ayam and jemput u makan.. Tapi it's no promise la.. masih di peringkat cita2.. :-p


I love my life... There is a lot of things to be Thankful for.. One of them is..


Looking back.. exclude some friends that.. urgghhhh.. My life is full of beautiful people.. They are unique.. They are lovely.. They are beautiful.. And they are my friends and I love them all.. I always meet a great friend to hold me when I'm falling.. Camne nak cakap ye.. They color my life la.. In different way.. I nak try elaborate some...

Purp - You have to always be my best friend.. You know too much! I'm stuck! Hehehe...
Shelly - Somehow I find comfort and peace with her..
Catz - You are something different, full of energy and life.. and FOOD.. Hehehe..
Yami - She is not here, in Germany at the moment for her PhD. Know her since forever.. Like my real sister to me, very independent and always make me felt stronger.. The only friend that I can actually collapse and let her take the pieces..
Baby - I sense maturity in her.. I trust her with lots of things
Linda - I know where to have fun.. be with her.. there is no sappy moment.. My Perak girl
Mimi - One of the luckiest person i ever know and so fun to talk too and.. somehow make me feel comfortable..
Kelly - She is fun to be with esp when you want to shop and don't want to feel guilty afterwards.. Hehehe.. A true supporter..
- New friend of mind but feel like we met ages ago..

Sometime we met different friend at different moment.. they are too many.. I have lots of great friends in Germany as well.. The way they took care of me and made me felt.. I can't be more greatful.. Lodoi, Ann, Sue, Luigi, Tom, ALexander.. All is the best.. My friends kat tempat keje lama.. Awie, Odi.. My click kat MRSM.. Ed, Yan, Aza, Ana n Farrah.. Still great friends in USM, Kak Ana, Wawa Jr. Juice, Ain, Mail, CD..

Aku sememangnya jiwang pada hari ini.. HAHAHA.. I thank you Allah for all the friends he send to me and all great things that happen in my life.. Anyway... my mood today is really UP and DOWN.. Something is wrong somewhere.. Hihihi...

Ok la.. got to go.. Jap gi aku nak gi umah catz coz we have a dinner date.. hehehe.. Catz cook for me.. Of course it's gonna be heavenly.. I will make an entry for that..

Love you all... Hehehe..

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Intelligent Sunday...

Inilah hari yang aku bercita2 untuk study tapi.. Hehehe.. Setelah main masak2 sepanjang petang aku mengeniuskan diri aku bersama Baby.. Anyway this is the item yang aku beli kat e-bay hari tu..

Persiapan bermulanya peperangan antara dua pemerintah..
A better view.. Hehehe..

Me, try to be a great photographer..
OMG! I have to study but.. This is what happen after more than one hour.. Hmm... What strategy? Hentam sajalah labu.. Hehehe..
Ok Ok.. It's getting harder.. How many hours now?

At the end.. Well guess who win???
Saira Kingdom la.. Hahahaha...


Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Are You Doing Saira?

Hari ni aku bersemangat besar utk mula study.. Tapi tiap kali buka buku ja, Astro tetiba menayangkan cerita2 yang menarik minat aku.. Dah tgk lima kali pun rasa best.. Pastu aku duk bz berchating ngan catz and my new friend Sandy.. Isk isk isk.. Apa nak jadi ni.. Tgh hari aku tetiba teringin gila nak makan KFC.. Ala2 ngidam gitu hehehe.. Rasanya sepanjang tahun ni tak penah makan lagi.. Last year bulan berape ek makan kfc.. Kira dah lama gila la..

So, petang aku kuar ngan Linda jalan2 kat PKNS after makan KFC.. Untuk membuang rasa bersalah, seperti biasa aku mengangkut buku aku ke mana2.. Tergelak besar Linda bila aku tunjuk buku aku tu.. Aku kata kat Linda.. Orang genius memang camni.. Yang penting buku mesti bawak.. Hehehe.. Baca atau tidak tu tak penting.. Kui kui kui..

Ok, now nak start baca buku sambil tgk AF.. Hehehe.. Aku dah ajak Baby join aku.. So tak la boring sangat.. Chaiyok Chaiyok Saira!!!


Friday, April 18, 2008

What will you do if you are bored?...

Hari ni kursus habis awal.. So by noon dah can go back la.. Well, I suppose to study la kan sebab Isnin ni exam.. grrrrr.. Tapi malangnya seruan untuk study masih belum tiba lagi.. dan kemalasan ini menyumbang kepada keboringan.. Nak start study jer rasa malas (tambah2 when you don't take it serious.. hehehe) Anyway after sampai rumah tgh hari tadi aku gi bank buatla apa2 yang patut kat bank tu kan.. Pastu balik umah la kan.. Pastu.. Pastu... Malas!!!! Aku malas gila nak study dan bosan gila lak tu...

Bosan.. bosan.. bosan.. Apa patut buat yer?

Solution 1:

Call catz, ajak gi makan.. so bolehla borak2 kan.. So petang aku kuar la makan ngan catz walaupun aku masih sgt kenyang lagi makan nasi beriani tgh hari td (kursus free lunch).. So aku rasa cam nak makan ketam (boleh tak?) So, kitorang order ketamla.. Nnt korang baca la ek cerita-ceriti makan ni kat blog catz.. Dah lama borak2.. makan2.. lepak2.. catz kena balik la kan meninggalkan aku yang masih kebosanan akibat kekurangan kasih sayang ni.. huhuhu.. So, i drive back home.. Still aku masih lagi bohsan tak leh di tolong...

Solution 1 = 20% recovered

Solution 2:

Drive back home.. aku duk la pikir, nak wat pe lagi yer.. bosan!!! Malas!!! So, jeng jeng jeng... Apa kata gi shopping? Tapi.. tak tau la ek nak beli ape.. So.. this is the result (only a sneak peak) hehehe..

Baju sutera batik.. apa ek.. teknik brush?
Hehehe.. Tak cukup satu? Another simple one la.. Love the color

Aku decide nak beli baju kurung sutera la since kat kursus aku tu bila time kena pakai baju sutera, mereka2 kelihatan sungguh anggun sekali.. Aku rasa rendah diri plak.. Hahaha.. So, aku beli la.. dalam duk pilih2 tu terbeli dua pasang pulak kan? Hehehe... Lagipun tadi siang gi bank aku terkeluarkan byk sgt cash (aku ter-miscalculate on something), So aku ingat nak masukkan balik duit tu dalam bank.. But.. Hehehe.. This is a better solution.. Kan? Kan? Kan? Hihihi...

Solution 2 = 70% recovered

Solution 3:

Bila dah balik shopping tu still rasa tak nak balik.. Lagipun cam bosan je balik umah.. So aku singgah umah Shelly.. Hehehe.. Lepak situ dan tunjuk2 baju.. Hehehe.. Borak2.. Lepak2.. Sampai la rasa ngantok.. So, aku balik la umah akhirnya..

Solution 3 = 90% recoverd

Solution 4:

Sampai umah.. Mandi.. Pasang la wangi-wangian seperti ini...

Now, bilikku sudah berbau seperti kedai lovely lace.. Hmm..... Mooooo (silap bunyi hiks)

So, sambil menikmati kenyamanan wangian ini, aku menulis blog ini.. hiks...

Solution 4 = 99% recovered

Dalam dunia ni, nothing is perfect k.. Hehehe.. Study time? Tomorrow never die.. Hehehe.. But the exam is on Monday so.. Tomorrow will die on Monday. Hikss..

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Isn't He Amazing? :D

This is David Cook last night... singing Mariah Carey - Always be my baby.. He is just amazing!

This is the 2nd best performance that I like.. Billy's Jean still the best for me and so does Hello.. Take a look guys.. i linked it! :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Aku Demam...

Cannot write too much la sebab tak larat..

Anyway sejak dua hari lepas lagi aku rasa tak comfortable ngan body ni.. panas semacam.. Aku ingatkan normal je tapi it getting worst last night bila aku terbangun tgh malam sebab terlalu panas dalam badan.. Still I thought it was nothing.. So today aku demam kus kus.. Aku rasa my body generate heat from the inside.. Tadi dah makan panadol and minum air banyak2 and tido kejap.. still rasa semacam.. nak tido ni dan harap2 bangun esok... TADAA!!! Sihat walafiat.. Aku tak leh demam skrg coz kena study and exam and hmmm... I just don't like to demam la... You can do it my body! Fight the virus!!!

Chayok! Chayok!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I Feel like Hell..

Well, never been there k.. HAHAHA.. It's an over dramatic statement..

Anyway what to describe when you felt like:

1. Too bored to watch TV
2. Too bored to sleep
3. Too bored to read
4. Too bored to lay down
5. Too bored to do nothing
6. Too bored to eat
7. Too bored to shopping
8. Too bored on everything...

At the same time, you have a headache.. And I know I got to do something!

I guess I just have to get out from my room.. So, I just call Shelly and ask her out.. Maybe I want to go to Satay Kajang.. I just need a fresh air.. I'm not actually hungry or anything.. My head felt hot and in the verge of exploding.. I hate this feeling..

OK.. Off I go...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Think.... I did it Again...

I want to confess.. I always addicted to many things.. Sometimes it could be a long obsessive and sometimes it was a short term obsessive. And I always too obsessive that sometimes I thought I'm sick and need a psychiatrist or something. Don't get me wrong, I like my obsessiveness.. It was me, I love being myself but what hurt most is when you lost it.. When I lost the interest, it like I'm losing a boyfriend.. It feel sucks...

Now, I think.. (not confirm yet) that I lost interest in football but I still like Barca (just not like before).. I somehow lost it bit by bit.. My heart feel the different. Maybe f.i play a good role in this too.. It's hurt and this is the side effect.. The fact that Barca play like sh*t doesn't help as well.. And maybe the change in my life did effected as well.. I don't want to lose this.. I love Barca and I want it to remain this way..

All and all.. How could I think Bionic Women is more interesting than Barca game? This will never happen 1 year ago. I hope all this is temporary in the bad time of barca only.. I know I'm a bad supporter because Barca decrease performance do affect me as it should not for a true supporter. And Barca is CONFIRM out of the title race for La Liga this year.. How depressing! :(

I hope Messi play again will turn the wheel and my love to Barca will resurrect (not that I already lost it) but I hope it will improve..

p/s: This is a stupid rambling.. Nothing important.. And believe it or not I already finished read the fairy tail manga.. The fact that I read it until 4.00am last night do contribute to my reading speed.. HAHAHA..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am Addicted to Fairy Tail...

Well, I'm kind of addicted to Fairy Tail Manga now.. means: I'm doing nothing else but reading this manga.. Unfortunately, I can't find any site that will enable me to download this manga.. The only way I can read this manga is by reading it online.. So far so good.. I got no problem with it and I'm really enjoying this manga.. :D So cute and adventurous...

The story of Fairy Tail focuses on the adventures of the main characters Natsu and Lucy, who are sometimes accompanied by the members of the Fairy Tail Guild. In the Fairy Tail universe, some people are gifted with the ability to use magic and with this come powers far beyond those of normal people. This society of wizards and sorcerers align themselves to different Magical Guilds where they are assigned paid missions. The guild system is governed by the Magic Council who monitor the actions of the guilds. Guilds which contravene the Magic Council's laws are declared as Dark Guilds. Dark guilds are those groups which have committed crimes against society or have accepted missions of questionable morality, such as accepting assassination requests. In the Fairy Tail world the official currency is the Jewel.
So, If I'm off in the blogging world, mean I'm too consume in this manga.. It's "Fairy Tail" after all.. and we all love fairy tales.. Hikksss..

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Decision... (FINALE)

Hihihi.. Setelah up and down.. Setelah baling syiling.. Setelah dengar nasihat keluarga dan kawan2.. Aku akhirnya pilih University of Missouri.. Family aku kat kampung pun happy dan aku pun tenang.. Setelah aku buat decision ni, aku rasa tenang (compare to Pittsburgh U).. So, this is the right decision.. If not I will not feel this way...

~~~ University of Missouri - Columbia ~~~

So.. This is it! Everything feel good and right! :D

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Decision... HOLD!

Hahaha... Nampaknya I have to do more thinking-mingking coz abah and kakak aku mintak aku pikir ngan lebih mendalam lagi berdasarkan beberapa isu.. So, aku akan hold my decison for 2 - 3 days more untuk clearkan isu2 ini.. Isk...isk.. isk...

The Decision...

After thinking-mingking and thinking again.. This is my decision...
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A

Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh

Look at the location.. Very closed to the New York and Washington D.C (dalam peta la kan).. So, based on this.. it is expected to be a higher cost of living and life will be more complicated for me.. But the decision mostly based on the subject offered. The courses is very related to me and it matched my objective..

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Admission Status: Provisional

Condition(s) of Admission: Receive a B or better grade in each of the first two graduate courses.

You will be tested in English upon your arrival and prior to registering for classes. If recommended, you will be required to take the necessary courses in the University of Pittsburgh English Language Institute.

What scared me most is the "condition(s) of Admission".. Tapi setahu aku memang la kena dapat at least B kan utk Master, so aku rasa boleh lepas la kot cuma aku nervous la.. Dah la statusnya Provisional ~maksudnya boleh berubah or temporary.. isk.. pastu ada English test lagi.. Takut la aku ni.. Ni la antara kekangannya nape aku cam reluctant je nak accept.. tapi rasanya semua U kat US cam ni kot.. Missouri aku tak sure sebab aku baru dapat offer department blom offer grad school lagi.. Yang lain2 aku nak lupakan je.. Sebab setelah survey subject offered and so on.. mmg Pittsburgh la yang paling sesuai sekali.. So.. Ini la dia.. Malaysia Boleh kan... (grrrrr.. risau+takut)

OK.. That's it!

Me.. Being Dramatic.. The Story of My Life..

Tak sengaja lewat depan rumah mu
Ku melihat ada tenda biru
Dihiasi indahnya janur kuning
Hati bertanya
Pernikahan siapa..

Tak percaya tapi ini terjadi
Kau bersanding duduk di pelaminan
Air mata jatuh tak tertahankan
Kau khianati cinta? suci ini

Tanpa undangan.. Diri ku kau lupakan
Tanpa putusan.. Diri ku kau tinggalkan
Tanpa bicara.. Kau buat ku kecewa
Tanpa berdosa
Kau buat ku merana This is too pathetic for my liking..
Ku tak percaya
Diri mu tega
Nodai cinta?
Khianati cinta?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


It's not hide and seek game..
I just feel not so open.. suddenly..
So, for those who had read something that had been here just now..
You are the lucky one... or not based on how you define lucky..


Monday, April 07, 2008

Manga Hunting cont...

Tonight when read kreko.. Tetiba terbaca manga - Gantz.. Teringat dulu2 waktu aktif men-survey manga, cite ni penah direkomen oleh some forumer.. Ramai yang kata best tapi waktu tu I'm so busy with other manga so I just ignore this one.. Tapi hari ni rasa macam ada mood rajin nak mendowload manga ni.. Lagipun aku perlukan manga yang ganas sikit la.. (after reading that onekai teacher ;-D ).. So here we go.. ChaiYok-2x.. GANTZ

Gantz - Ongoing Series

Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. It's name... Gantz.

Gantz tells the story of a teenager named Kei Kurono who dies in a train accident and becomes part of a semi-posthumous "game" in which he and several other recently deceased people are forced to hunt down and kill aliens. The missions they embark upon are often dangerous. Many die--again--on each mission, but others replace them in the same manner as Kei Kurono's appearance.

Genre: Action,Ecchi,Mature,Romance,Sci-Fi,Shounen,Supernatural

The Silent War Cont...

It is amazingly unbelievable that we still continue this.. It's funny and sad and stupid (mostly on her part)

The story continue.. I still hate her and sometimes miss her.. She is still stubborn, stupid and egoistic.. I can say that I see her as idiot and ignorant .. Somehow she manage to find a new best friend which they always together-gether.. Me and Purp think that her friend hate us too... Hahaha.. WHY? Because we look like a villain here.. We team up to ignore her and don't talk with her.. The truth is SHE is the one who ignore us first! She is the one who ovoid us and push us away.. Now she look like a victim.. I still can't believe that she love her pride and that old man more than this beautiful friendship.. For GOD sakes.. WAKE UP!!!

Anyway.. this war continue as stupid as it can be.. At this stage of our life.. With our position and maturity.. This is totally the most stupid things that happen in my life! And I believe she is so proud now.. She proved to me that she doesn't need me as her friend.. This friendship is nothing to her.. Why bother? She is happy now in her bubble....

I swear.. I will never forgive that old man! He is the reason why she got all this courage to stand still in this stupidity.. That makes two of them..

Sunday, April 06, 2008


I got so up and down feeling today.. Today I'm doing nothing.. Just resting and collected back all of my lost energy.. Yesterday when I woke up, I felt a little sick.. Macam nak demam gitu.. So, aku minum air masak banyak2.. relax and so on...

Jumaat malam aku drive all the way ke KLIA amik my sis and family and tgh hari semalam hantar diorang kat train station... but before that we went for a little trip to my house.. For the first time I went and checked my house.. Rumah aku dah siap almost 95%.. tinggal tunggu jalan diclearkan sikit2.. maybe tunggu CF and so on.. Aku agak surprise tgk tingkap rumah aku.. nampak nice and modern hehehe. Aku sebenarnya tak ingat langsung design tingkap tu.. In-fact aku rasa aku memang tak tau la.. Aku cuma ingat gi tgk show house sekali (2006) and ada sekali tu try pegi tgk waktu masih batu bata lagi (early 2007) Pastu tak penah tengok langsung, except via satellite dalam wikimapia.. Hehehe.. punya la malas, bukan jauh pun rumah aku tu..

Anyway Rumah tu berkunci so, aku tak leh masuk tgk.. Hehehe.. Aku suka la rumah aku tu.. Color oren macam blog aku. hehehe.. Aku target akan dapat kunci soon.. (hope so) So, I will be busy to make that house livable before I left.. I already offered Baby to stay at my house while I'm not here.. So she just have to pay a little rent and take care of my house and also welcome my family anytime.. My house is a normal 2 story house terrace.. :D

I think a lot about house now.. Today, I surfing the universities website and making some conclusions.. Aku check beberapa perkara.. I come out with this:

2008 Graduate School Ranking - Engineering (All USA)
1. Purdue University (No. 15) (No. 11 in Electrical Engineering)
2. University of Minnesota (No. 24)
3. Ohio State University (No. 29)
4. University of Pittsburgh (No. 48)
5. University of Missouri (No. 87)

So, ni rank utk University yang aku apply la.. Aku apply based on requirement (So, this is the reason aku tak apply MIT or Havard sebabnya aku tak confident gitu) dan aku juga apply based on tarikh tutup application.. Most Universities dateline adalah December 2007 atau January 2008.. So, uni yang aku mintak ni datelinenye mostly bulan Feb, Mac or May.. Aku amik TOEFL pun bulan January.. Aku rasa semua uni ni Ok la kan..

2006 Population and Crime Index - USA average crime index = 323.2
1. Ohio State (Columbus, Ohio) - P = 733,203 CI = 666.7
2. Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minnesota) - P = 372,883 CI = N/A (2005 CI = 769.9)
3. Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) - P = 312,819 CI = 562.0
4. Missouri (Columbia, Missouri) - P = 94,428 CI = 292.2
5. Purdue (West Lafayette, Indiana) - P = 28,997 CI = 159.2

Tapi we can see la kan.. lagi besar city tu lagi tinggi crime index..

Living Cost..
Yang ni aku tak check betul2 tapi aku dah check kat 3 universities apartment
1. Missouri - One bedroom apartment cost 365USD - 420USD
2. Pittsburgh - One bedroom apartment cost 550USD - 700USD
3. Purdue - One bedroom apartment cost around 545USD

Kalau ikutkan sekarang.. It is between Purdue (walaupun tak dpt offer lagi.. hiks) and Pittsburgh tapi bila pk pasal housing.. isk isk isk.. pening la.. Missouri punya housing is the most tempting..


I received e-mail from Purdue as well...

This is only a notification that all your application material has been received and processed. Your file is now ready for committee review. Depending which Term/Semester you are applying for depends on when you will receive notification of a decision.

Fall Term/Semester will receive a decision as early as January or as late as May.

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University

Now.. I wait.. Ni la yang susahnya kalau tak tau nak buat pilihan.. I thought I want Purdue as my first choice.. Being me, I believed that I will be accepted by Purdue as well.. Soon.. Now, don't know la.. Pening la.. Ranking University, Pittsburgh paling tinggi tapi ranking engineering.. Purdue tapi ntah la.. tak semestinya Purdue is the best kan? Hmm.... hmmmmm. think think think!


Lalalalalala lalala...

I am pleased to inform you that your application for admission to graduate study in the Swanson School of Engineering has been accepted. Details of your admission are listed below.

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering

Ermm.. Ermmmm... I just planned to accept Missouri offered but today I get this.. So now must think more.. hmmm..

Lalalalala.. Hehehehe..

Saturday, April 05, 2008

I'm Still Here.. Save n Sound..

Huarrgghhh.. Ngantoknye.. Penatnye... Tak Larat!!!! Ini la perasaan aku sepanjang minggu lepas dan sekarang ni.. Aku tak bukak blog, in-fact aku bukak internet pun jarang sekarang. sebabnya???

Ni la schedule aku (lebih kurang la) sejak bermulanya kursus yang paling BOHSAN dalam hidupku:

7.00 a.m: Bertolak dari rumah
7.20 a.m: Sampai rumah Purp (Atau Purp yang sampai umah aku.. kitorg rotate)
8.00 a.m: Tersangkut di Federal Highway..
8.20 a.m: Sampai
8.30 a.m: Mula Kelas
11.00 a.m: Wish I'm somewhere else
2.00 p.m: Wish I'm somewhere else again
4.00 p.m: I cannot stand this anymore.. HELP!
5.00 p.m: Finally finished..
5.30 p.m: Tersangkut di Federal Highway
6.00 p.m: Sampai...
10.00 p.m: Soo tired.. eyes so heavy now..

By the way, aku mintak asrama tapi GAGAL... kononnya rumah aku terlalu dekat ngan tempat kursus ni (Mont Kiara).. Arghh.. Tol (Pergi balik) = RM6.60 everyday.. Minyak lagi tapi yang paling tak tahan ialah JAMMED! Aku tak larat wei... Arghhhh.. So, walaupun banyak perkara2 yang aku nak tulis kat blog ni, aku tak bermood utk menulis.. Tapi maybe after a week aku akan get used to all this..

OHHH!!! Hehehe.. by the way, untuk pengetahuan semua.. Aku dengan bangganya mengumumkan aku telah dilantik menjadi PENGHULUWATI kursus ini.. Wakakaka.. (Bodoh kan?) Aku memang tau dah aku ni memang ada bakat kepimpinan dan bakal manjadi menteri pada masa akan datang.. Ni kiranya tanda2 awal.. Hahahaha... HAHAHAHA... Disebabkan kepimpinan aku terserlah, aku telah mendapat sokongan 100% menjadi penghuluwati walaupun aku menolak.. Hahaha.. So, baik korang berbaik2 ngan aku.. nanti projek2 or kontrak2 atau anak2 korang nak dapat biasiswa ke.. Korang dah ada kabel besar.. Aku la! Hehehehe.. Bakal menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri.. Hehehehe...

Okla.. nanti kalau aku rajin, aku story2 lagi ek.. c ya'!