Sunday, April 06, 2008


I got so up and down feeling today.. Today I'm doing nothing.. Just resting and collected back all of my lost energy.. Yesterday when I woke up, I felt a little sick.. Macam nak demam gitu.. So, aku minum air masak banyak2.. relax and so on...

Jumaat malam aku drive all the way ke KLIA amik my sis and family and tgh hari semalam hantar diorang kat train station... but before that we went for a little trip to my house.. For the first time I went and checked my house.. Rumah aku dah siap almost 95%.. tinggal tunggu jalan diclearkan sikit2.. maybe tunggu CF and so on.. Aku agak surprise tgk tingkap rumah aku.. nampak nice and modern hehehe. Aku sebenarnya tak ingat langsung design tingkap tu.. In-fact aku rasa aku memang tak tau la.. Aku cuma ingat gi tgk show house sekali (2006) and ada sekali tu try pegi tgk waktu masih batu bata lagi (early 2007) Pastu tak penah tengok langsung, except via satellite dalam wikimapia.. Hehehe.. punya la malas, bukan jauh pun rumah aku tu..

Anyway Rumah tu berkunci so, aku tak leh masuk tgk.. Hehehe.. Aku suka la rumah aku tu.. Color oren macam blog aku. hehehe.. Aku target akan dapat kunci soon.. (hope so) So, I will be busy to make that house livable before I left.. I already offered Baby to stay at my house while I'm not here.. So she just have to pay a little rent and take care of my house and also welcome my family anytime.. My house is a normal 2 story house terrace.. :D

I think a lot about house now.. Today, I surfing the universities website and making some conclusions.. Aku check beberapa perkara.. I come out with this:

2008 Graduate School Ranking - Engineering (All USA)
1. Purdue University (No. 15) (No. 11 in Electrical Engineering)
2. University of Minnesota (No. 24)
3. Ohio State University (No. 29)
4. University of Pittsburgh (No. 48)
5. University of Missouri (No. 87)

So, ni rank utk University yang aku apply la.. Aku apply based on requirement (So, this is the reason aku tak apply MIT or Havard sebabnya aku tak confident gitu) dan aku juga apply based on tarikh tutup application.. Most Universities dateline adalah December 2007 atau January 2008.. So, uni yang aku mintak ni datelinenye mostly bulan Feb, Mac or May.. Aku amik TOEFL pun bulan January.. Aku rasa semua uni ni Ok la kan..

2006 Population and Crime Index - USA average crime index = 323.2
1. Ohio State (Columbus, Ohio) - P = 733,203 CI = 666.7
2. Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minnesota) - P = 372,883 CI = N/A (2005 CI = 769.9)
3. Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) - P = 312,819 CI = 562.0
4. Missouri (Columbia, Missouri) - P = 94,428 CI = 292.2
5. Purdue (West Lafayette, Indiana) - P = 28,997 CI = 159.2

Tapi we can see la kan.. lagi besar city tu lagi tinggi crime index..

Living Cost..
Yang ni aku tak check betul2 tapi aku dah check kat 3 universities apartment
1. Missouri - One bedroom apartment cost 365USD - 420USD
2. Pittsburgh - One bedroom apartment cost 550USD - 700USD
3. Purdue - One bedroom apartment cost around 545USD

Kalau ikutkan sekarang.. It is between Purdue (walaupun tak dpt offer lagi.. hiks) and Pittsburgh tapi bila pk pasal housing.. isk isk isk.. pening la.. Missouri punya housing is the most tempting..

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