Friday, December 25, 2009

Winter Break Travel Plan...

First of all.. somehow I don't feel as excited as I think I should be.. The main reason probably because of the Master thesis (I change back from project to thesis for various reasons).. I'm worried about the research... huhuhu...

Ok.. back to main topic... The travel plan...

This time we will go to the west side of USA...

1st destination: Las Vegas

I'll be at Vegas from Dec 25th to Dec 29th... But on Dec 27th... I'm going to one of the seven natural wonders of the world... The Grand Canyon.. Grand Canyon is actually at Arizona.. the estimate time from Vegas to Grand Canyon is 4 hours..

The Grand Canyon View

On Dec 29th.. We will take a bus to our second destination.. Los Angeles... Estimate travel time: 7 hours...

2nd destination: Los Angeles
We will be here from Dec 29th to Jan 3rd... So, we will celebrate new year here.. Interesting.... While we are here, we will go to:

We got two days ticket for the price of one :))))

Then on Jan 3rd, We will again take a bus to San Francisco.. Estimate time travel: 6 hours

3rd destination: San Francisco
We will be here from Jan 3rd to Jan 6th... And finally we will come back to Columbia, Missouri :)))

So.. that's it.. This is the plan...

Untuk pengetahuan keluarga di kampung.. Bas, hotel dan tiket kapal terbang semuanya sudah diuruskan.. Ini adalah well plan travel.. :))) Nothing to worried..

:))) Happy Holiday and Happy New Year guys!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


As I said.. Life is full of surprises.....

Today I got my CGPA result... Well, based on the title you should guess what I got right???


Today I cannot stop smiling... hehehe.. Seriously, this semester I don't expect to get all As... So, I'm sorry for being smug.. :)))

What a good day....

p/s: I'm off to plan my holiday.. will update later guys... :DDDDD

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My bday party...

It's in the middle of the exam week.. but somehow we manage to have a small celebration of my birthday... but unfortunately some of my friends can't make it due to that.. So, this is some pictures :)))


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to me...

Today is my birthday.... kalau ikut Malaysian time, it's yesterday....

Wow... now i'm getting older but I still feel the same though... Looking back, there is a lot happen in my life... And I'm thankful for the great life I have... It's not perfect but I can't deny that it is not bad..

This year, my birthday happen on our final week.. Means almost all of my friends here are busy with exams and project... So, I don't expect any celebration.. for my friends in Malaysia.. I got tones of birthday wishes esp from fb.. So, I feel loved... (sentimental sikit)

Thinking again... what did I archive selama ini....

1. Career - I think I have a decent career.. I'm furthering my study.. and I'm excellent on doing it..

2. View - I see the world... not all the world but at least part of the world.. It opened my mind.. Long time ago, I never thought that I will ever step outside of my beloved country, Malaysia... I still remember how excited I am with my first chance of traveling oversea.. It happen on 2005, when I got a work attachment at Germany for 2 months.. And that's also my first time naik kapal terbang.. and that happen to be 17 hours long (in total)... and to make it more adventurous, I'm all alone and my only relieved is that I know my supervisor is waiting for me at my destination... Then, the journey seems to continue.. and continue....

3. My wishes - I have a lot of wishes... I wish I can visit Barcelona.. and I did.. I wish I can watch POTO live and I did... I wish to have my own house, my own car, my own laptops, my own camera.. and I did... I wish to experience four seasons.. and I did.. I'm thankful for all these.. But as I said.. I have a lot of wishes... I wish I have a millions dollar in my account.. :p but I didn't.. I wish to get a nobel prize but I didn't... bla bla bla.. But most of all.. I wish my family to be happy and healthy for a long long time...

Something is missing?


4. Love - There is a lot of different kind of love...

i - Love Allah
ii - Love my family - I love my family.. Undeniable... irreplaceable...
iii - I love my friends - friends give me joy in life.. I'm thankful for the friendship....
iv - My love life - I'm not as lucky as other people when it come to my love life.. this is something that I can't control.. I have my upside down... Now, I'm single and it is alright :).. This is my moment and I'll enjoy it...

Ok.. this is what I can summarize of my life so far... I'm grateful of being alive.. To be able to experience life itself is a given.. Happy birthday to me.. And the journeys continue... Who knows what tomorrow may bring...


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snowy day...

Sorry no pichas...

Today so far is the coldest of the day this sem... For me, this year weather is really weird... We got some really cold weather on October then we have quite warm November.. See my pics when I visit Kansas city on November.. Last year November, we already got snow...

Today.. Is my first snow of this semester.. :))) I like it even it's cold... Because.... I really wish we got lots and lots of snow this year... That's why I'm a bit worried with the "warm" November...

Today.. The temperature is -9 C but the wind chill make it -19 C, Yeah it's too cold even though I wish for the snow.. but I take what I get.. no complaint from me.

As for the study,

This is the final week for me... Honestly speaking I think I can't maintain my 4.0 pointer :((( because I can see a clear B in one of my class... huhuhu.. I did work hard though.. So, it the effort is taking into account.. I still have 40% chance of getting A... So, let us hoping for the best :) The final exam for this subject is this Friday (scareeeyyyy) and today, I have a final project presentation on remote sensing subject.. This one I believe i got 80% of chances getting A.. Anyway, nothing is written on the stone yet... and I'm bad at statistic :p

c ya! :)

Friday, December 04, 2009

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Kansas City - On Thanks Giving Break

Been some times...

I'm just gonna put a pictures here... :D


been bz...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life is full of surprises...

That's all I'm going to say...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Travel Plan Cont...

Winter break is commmmmminggggg!!!!!

Mean this is the time for travel... :)))

We already bought the tix!

The plan???

It is West this time...

Las Vegas ~~~~~~~~~~> Los Angeles ~~~~~~~~~~~> San Fransisco

Well... that's the plan.. the detail still in progress..

Flight tix:

Depart: December 25, 2009
Return: January 6, 2010


Ops.. Thanks Giving holiday is coming...

Well, I have projects, homework and Master project to do.. but....

Since I'm at Missouri... I should explore Missouri a little bit more right? So.. this one will be updated later :DDD

c ya!

p/s: just finished the exam today.. it's good :))))

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Way We Jam

Ring any bells???

that is the title of full English album by KRU..

Well... Once upon a time.. I'm a KRU fanatic!!! hahaha...

Dulu2.. kita dengar music pakai kaset.. CD hanya untuk orang kaya2 jer.. sebab orang biasa2 dengar lagu guna walkman.. orang kaya je ada CD player... Time tu mp3 player tak wujud lagik... mp3 file pun tak penah dengar...

So long story short.... Aku ada semua koleksi KRU punya album (tak termasuk yang sekarang la.. yang paling last tyco.. ala yang konon2 avatar nyanyi tu..) anyway.. semuanya kaset la.. Pernah la ternia di hati aku untuk mengekalkan taraf koleksi dengan membeli CD diorang tapi.. bila check kat kedai.. harga CD sama tarap je ngan CD josh groban RM40++ ( aku bukan la nak diskriminasi.. tapi rasa cam mahal la pulak kalau aku beli album lama ngan harga tu... pastu untuk lagu2 lama lak tu)

Anyway... Aku dah lama la teringin nak dengar balik lagu dari album "the way we jam".. lagu2 melayu diorang senang je nak dengar balik.. search la youtube, imeem.. dll yang sewaktu dengannya.. mesti jumpa.. tapi memandangkan "the way we jam" ni tak le glamer sangat.. maka mmg susah la nak dapat....

So, long story short again... Aku ada exam Isnin ni.. jadi seperti biasa aku ter- search album ni kat Wallaa.. tak sangka ade.. kekeke.. Dan yang lebih menakjubkan.. murah jer.. USD3.90 brand new with factory sealed katanye... hmmm... lagi murah dari kedai kat KLCC yang aku selalu singgah tu (hmm.. lupa lak nama kedai music tu. yang kat ground floor KLCC..) termasuk shipping jadi USD6.88.. tambah tolak bahagi.. dalam RM24.00.. ermmm...

So.. long story short again.. aku terbeli la.. hahaha... rasa cam pelik lak beli album KRU kat Amerika.. kakaka.... ok.. nak study.. bye!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Just got the mid-term result for my IoRwM subject... Not good but not unexpected....

Even though I already know this is coming.. but I do feel a little bit down... The weather is not helping.. It is so cold and there is no sunshine...

Even it's like this.. I still don't feel motivated to study... No motivation at all....



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Inside story.. ;-)

Hari ni aku buat special entry...

I give you some inside of my life... So, today, you can have a peek on my lunch... kekeke..

This is my lunch box:

Open it...

hmm.. what is it?

The main dish....

So, today I'll have sweet corns with fish fillet.. and also a banana and an apple.... :)))

End of special entry! ;-)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ramblings Ramblings and Ramblings only

Lately I notice I rarely update my blog...

Last semester, every time aku nak start study, aku akan tulis blog dulu sebagai warming up.. So, by this barometer.. we know how lazy I am this semester.. Sebab tu every time somebody trying to talk to me into phd.. I just brush off the idea... Tengok la apa dah jadi sekarang.. 1st semester memang bersemangat abis... 2nd semester drop sikit.. Now 3rd semester dah macam semangat yang hilang... Kiranya this semester aku hanya buat ala kadar ja... I just make sure that I'm still on track.. that's all...

This feeling is not good... Now I'm stuck on the homework (hence, writing this blog as a warming up before reading more and try to settle it) Aku sangat sangat malas... Kalau boleh aku nak tido je sepanjang hari.. dan pegi gym..

Bercakap pasal "gyming" aku frust jugak la ngan weight progress aku.. Actually aku pegi gym at least 3 or 4 times a week.. Spent at least around 2 hours.. Tapi aku masih tak dapat cover balik berat yang aku gain time balik Malaysia summer hari tu... Last semester aku rasa walaupun aku tak sekerap ini ke gym tapi aku still lost more than now.. My friend cakap because of the brain xtvt.. Last semester, everytime aku ada project submission esp. on adsp subject aku akan lost at least 3 pounds on that week... But now, the intensity if studying is not as before.. Hence, this is the reason why my weight somehow constant.. So, my theory on how my brain need food is somehow true...

Ok la... got to start trying to solve the problems... Even though I did ask around it seems that most of them got stuck the same questions as I am.. So, I'm still on track.. Sometime, I amazed myself of how can I still survive with this rate of malas-ness...

Monday, November 09, 2009

The Story of Milk Tea... :)

Kat sini milk tea tersangatlah mahal.. dan hanya satu kedai je yang we all trust can provide a good tea.... So, disebabkan bukan selalu, I don't mind spent USD3.50 for a cup of milk tea...

But today, when my friends come to my house, they request a coffee or a tea.. Since it's already midnight, a coffee is not a good idea.... Tetiba aku teringat yang aku ada beli tea time visit Buckingham Palace kat London... Tak penah usik pun sebab as usual.. I drink what's available only and never make one unless... I have too.. like today...

The thing is it turn out very good... The tea is even better than the USD3.50 a cup tea (Say Gigi).. HAHAHA.. So, you know why I made this entry right? To do the "angkat bakul the series" HAHAHA..... but this time is not angkat bakul sendiri.. So, the questions is.. What is the secret?

A - The milk
B - The Tea
C- The Maker

Tooooottttt.. CORRECT!!! The answer is C.. HAHAHA....

end of story..

My Energy Restored!

Warning!!! - Silly post!

Today I decide to wear something girlish (meaning: not a t-shirt as usual)

Feeling good and lady like, I walk to the library...

Then, in front of me there is an American guy wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt walking in opposite way, listening to his ipod...

When we finally pass each other, Dang! Our eyes met and we exchanged a small smile... Damn! He's so C.U.T.E...

My bad, I'm not immune to a cute guy... Now, I'm so refresh and I'll be hardworking today....

This is the advantage of studying abroad.. HAHAHA....

c ya!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Washington D.C

Disebabkan now sangat malas nak menulis... I just put pichas ok.. story mory later... :D

The White House
Lincoln Memorial

The reason I'm going to Washington DC is:

With the group of 12:

No.. you count it correct.. 2 people is missing... :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Obama, Here I Come.. :p

Starting today until Sunday I'll be at Washington D.C

Will update later k..


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Whining... :(

The more I learned on quantum mechanics and high energy physics.. the more I feel that my brain is not ready for this level... I really don't want to go this deep, on the particle level where we have to consider its movement, velocity, force, energy, etc... botlzman equation, fluid equation, whatever... derive this.. derive that then integrate this and that.. microscopic motion whatever.. Urghh...

Honestly, I don't care about how the particles move, collide of whatever.. They can collide, scattered or have a momentum or have a complicated magnetic wave whatever...

I just want out of this...


updated (after several hours writing this post)

I found out the way to deal with this situation is by accepting it.. So, I just spent some time reading the material (well, you know I'm always m.a.l.a.s).. So, it was actually not that bad... It just when the instructor teach us... It looks really complicated and I end up feeling no interest and maybe a little intimidate with it.. Now, I see that there is light at the end of the tunnel... :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Love Fall...

I think I said it before :D


Friday, October 23, 2009

Am I Serious?

Ok.. nak dijadikan cerita.. Aku dengan suka hatinya register untuk amik "SPEAK Test" (Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Kit Test)

Bila orang tanya, apsal ko amik test tu? Aku cakap "Just for fun!" Seriously? Ada ke orang amik test just for fun? Well, that is half true.. I indeed that this test for fun... First of all, it's free.. So, why not? Secondly, aku teringin nak tau kalau aku amik speak test ni.. berapa la agaknya aku dapat.. so, second reason is curiosity...

Tapi bak kata orang puteh... curiosity killed the cat.. Tak pasal2 je hari ni aku berdebar2 mengambik test ni.. Siap rasa nak lari lagi.. panic attack! Walaupun semalam aku dah practice, aku tetap rasa aku screwed up the test.. huhuhu.. One of the task is to give the direction based on the map given.. masa diberi 30 saat.. Bila aku bagi direction, tup2 aku sedar yang aku tersilap.. and times up! Waaaaaa!!! stupid! stupid! I don't know which one is more stupid? Me taking the exam or me giving the wrong direction... Urghhh...

Talking about half true, the other reason I took this test is because if somehow I got a good mark on this test.. I will have a chance to apply for a T.A (Teaching Assistant) position. The reason other people taking this test is this actually, but for me I can't say that it was my intention. Anyway... I'm very tempted to try and apply for a T.A (if the result favor me).. I'm curious... What is it feel to teach undergrad Americans student? Dulu2 time kat USM, I did became a tutor for 1st year students (when I'm in final year).. So, I think it must be interesting if I can experience it here as well....

So... Let hope the grader ignore my stupid mistakes and give me a good mark.. :p.. If not... It is really just for nothing... Well, nevertheless, I will still say that this is an interesting experience.. :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Despite this, I still wish I am Paris Hilton..

I think one of these days.. my brain gonna explode!
I really hate Quantum Mechanics! :-(
Save me!!! ( Superman!!! HELP!)
-------------- class just end ----------------

The story is, I have a midterm exam tomorrow on DSP in RS... And last night instead of having a good sleep, I keep thinking of my master project. For my project, I used a lot of EM but somehow I really miss programming a code. ( I also don't believe it that there will be a day that I'll be missing writing a program..) So, for the whole night last night, I'm thinking on how to make my project automatic. I'm also planning to propose it to my advisor.. So, my brain keep working and working and thinking for the whole night.. I can't sleep! Hence, today I feel damn tired! And I have an exam tomolo!!!! Arghh... My priority is upside down!

FOCUS! Focus! I need to study remote sensing! Say "remote sensing" 44 times... and tomorrow I'll do well! Yes! :p

p/s: I blame Mimi and Purp for this.. You guys always talk about fpga.. fpga.. fpga.. And Mimi, you even said that you love reading the 'Nuclear Electronics' book... Urghhh... it makes me feel inferiority complex! :p

------------------- off to "trying" to study... huhuhu ----------------------

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I have a confession...

I think I like staying here...

I love Fall... It's so beautiful...


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Phantom Of The Opera...

My friends!!!!!

I did it!!!

I realized one of my dreams.... I watched "The Phantom of the Opera"

For those who knew me.. you know that I'm crazy of POTO.. For me it just awesome! And being able to watch it live in the Broadway series is just unbelievable.... I'm still smiling until now.. :)

When my friend told me that they are coming here at St. Louis.. We just like.. "Booked the ticket quickly.. we r not gonna miss it!"

I love all the songs in this play.. The voice of the actors is really really good... So powerful and it is a lot lot better than the movie version.. (Anyway, the movie is also very good)..

Here some pictures... :)))

The tix! :) There is 4 level of price (1- highest 4 - lowest) This is price no. 3
Before entering the theater house
People taking seat
During intermission
The stage - view from my seat (during intermission)
Lobby hall

This is a huge theater hall. Fox Theater House at St. Louise, MO. The moment we enter the hall, it feel so awesome... And actually, no camera is allowed once we enter the theater house.. But.. hehehe... I manage some... :)

This is the clip from the original cast - Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman
The Music Of The Night