Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ramblings Ramblings and Ramblings only

Lately I notice I rarely update my blog...

Last semester, every time aku nak start study, aku akan tulis blog dulu sebagai warming up.. So, by this barometer.. we know how lazy I am this semester.. Sebab tu every time somebody trying to talk to me into phd.. I just brush off the idea... Tengok la apa dah jadi sekarang.. 1st semester memang bersemangat abis... 2nd semester drop sikit.. Now 3rd semester dah macam semangat yang hilang... Kiranya this semester aku hanya buat ala kadar ja... I just make sure that I'm still on track.. that's all...

This feeling is not good... Now I'm stuck on the homework (hence, writing this blog as a warming up before reading more and try to settle it) Aku sangat sangat malas... Kalau boleh aku nak tido je sepanjang hari.. dan pegi gym..

Bercakap pasal "gyming" aku frust jugak la ngan weight progress aku.. Actually aku pegi gym at least 3 or 4 times a week.. Spent at least around 2 hours.. Tapi aku masih tak dapat cover balik berat yang aku gain time balik Malaysia summer hari tu... Last semester aku rasa walaupun aku tak sekerap ini ke gym tapi aku still lost more than now.. My friend cakap because of the brain xtvt.. Last semester, everytime aku ada project submission esp. on adsp subject aku akan lost at least 3 pounds on that week... But now, the intensity if studying is not as before.. Hence, this is the reason why my weight somehow constant.. So, my theory on how my brain need food is somehow true...

Ok la... got to start trying to solve the problems... Even though I did ask around it seems that most of them got stuck the same questions as I am.. So, I'm still on track.. Sometime, I amazed myself of how can I still survive with this rate of malas-ness...

1 comment:

PurPlè said...

caiyok! caiyok!
enjoy ur life as a student...
really somehow i miss it!!
pasal weight loss program, so far mine shows good progress... hehee... will blog bout it later.