Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Finally. The Time Have Come.

I’ve changed the blog address. I won’t let everybody read my blog. I only give this address to those I wanna give them. I made up my mind. Why? Because it’s become more personal and personal each time I wrote. I love my blog. I want it to still be here and I don’t need anonymous to read it. I hate feeling afraid or terrified each time when I write something. I’m afraid people will be judgmental towards me. I hate thinking if my grammar was bad even it’s not important for some. I afraid I sound too childish or too crazy or too obsessive or too stupid. I’m afraid that I write too long or too emotional. I’m afraid a lot of things that I shouldn’t have to. So, I decide. I’m free now. Right now, only 2 persons know this new address. My sister that I used to share my heart and feeling even though maybe things change now when she got married. It’s ok because people do change in live. The other one is my bestfriend, the one that I talk with most for more than 3 years now. She just knows me so much that I think there’s nothing left for me to hide. But well, maybe there is. All people have a secretJ. So, I think this is what I’m doing. If some anonymous or friends found out my blog address and do reads my blog, I’ll consider it as god will. It’s fate. I can’t stop it and I won’t.

Alexander, Man of my dream.. I miss U!
From now on, I’ll write whatever I want. I’ll write about Josh a thousand times if I want. I’ll drone about Alexander. I’ll write about how good Linkin Park was or how sexy Sean Paul is or how I think Mariah Carey have a very sexy figure. If only I have all the time in the world, I’ll write how I love “The Apprentice”, “House”, “Las Vegas”, “The O.C”, “Charmed” and all. So, I think I can’t have all the time in the world but I’ll spend some. It’s my blog, my story, my time.

This is like I’m talking to myself. After quite a long time writing in this blog I also figure out the one that I want to impress most is not the readers but to myself. Me myself was a reader, is a reader and always be a reader to my blog. I always keep reading my journal/diary I wrote long time ago and I remember I wish people read it too. And when somebody do read my ‘pooh’ book, I remember I feel bad about it. So, I believe this is a good decision.

Sanzo...Even more, I think some people just read my blog for a wrong reason. I’m not a big fan of Mawi anymore. Mawi is the reason I start writing this blog, thanks for that and I still like him as an artist. He is the only one that I like and bored about. I never bored to Brad Pit or Jason Behr (known as max) or Harry Potter or Sanzo or Frodo. I don’t understand this, but I just turn off Era yesterday when Mawi was a DJ. I also don’t feel like reading mawifc anymore. Too fake. I guess I’ll never understand this and the only reason that I can think of is it’s because I always see him as unwise in everything and maybe I’m too good for this. I don’t know. How bad of me to judge him when I hate people judging me. But hack, he’s a public figure so deal with it.

I wanna say sorry to anybody who used to know my blog or had read my blog. I’m sorry to just back off (this sorry will only reach them if they happen to know this new one.. could it happen? I’m so sorry)

Right now, I feel so miserable. For all things that happen to me lately and still happen now. I feel so miserable, so lonely and so sad. I have no more energy to deal with stupid people. But I also believe I’m strong and independent women. I know I should be more in control. Oh, how pathetic I sound. Maybe I should just go on. Let things happen when it’s happen.

As I like, I end this posting by paste one of the very best songs from Josh Groban. The one song that really means a lot, really touch me. The song that I believe should be taken seriously. Even this song has nothing to do with my feeling right now but it really have a very deep meaning and I just want it to be here. I love this song and I wanna sing it in my head. Someday, I hope that I’ll have courage to fall. Someday…

By Josh Groban

Let me fall, Let me climb
There's a moment when fear and dreams must collide

Someone I am is waiting for courage
The one I want, the one I will become will catch me
So let me fall if I must fall
I won't heed your warnings I won't hear them

Let me fall if I fall
Though the phoenix may or may not rise

I will dance so freely
Holding on to no one
You can hold me only
If you too will fall
Away from all these
Useless fears and shame

Someone I am is waiting for my courage
The one I want, the one I will become will catch me
So let me fall if I must fall
I won't heed your warning I won't hear

Let me fall if I fall
There's no reason
To miss this one chance
This perfect moment
Just let me fall
Just Josh!

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Bad Bad Days..

Minggu lepas adalah minggu yang amat malang bagi aku.. It’s bad and I almost hate to talk or write about it.. But I talk about it anyway and now I’m writing about it. Huh?

Last Tuesday, somebody just hit my car! And I’m totally innocent! Aku tgh cari parking on a lovely day and I look strait ahead while waiting for a car in front of me to move.. Suddently, one stupid car mengundur dari tempat parking dan langgar pintu belakang kete aku.. And to make thing worst.. that stupid somebody is actually somebody who work at my place. So, I have to be nice and I have to be patient.. tak leh marah2 because everything will be settle in a good way.. Is it so?

Well, cont. story.. kete aku cedera ringan. But hell, pintu belakang kene ketuk dan cat.. and also bahagian tepi belakang sebelah pintu also kene ketuk.. so, its sekeping setengah yg terlibat (Aku actually tak tau the term of car la.. ) And believe me.. I TOTALLY believe aku tak salah walaupun 0.0001%.. what the hell? Pintu belakang aku kene langgar.. So, why the anger? That person yang langgar aku kata I should tgk kiri kanan waktu bawak kete.. Hello???? Its my back door.. that’s mean I already pass her car.. and the fact that she/they didn’t see me (like my car suddenly fly from the sky and land just behind their car waiting to be hit) is not my fault.. Dan dah berapa kali aku cakap I already pass their car about ¾.. that’s mean kenapa aku patut tau yang diorang ni nak undur dan langgar aku??? Some people just STUPID!

Oklah.. after some argument to make me feel guilty.. (totally FAIL.. bcoz not a bit I feel guilty) story2 tak guna la.. then diorang mula cakap pasal budi bicara dan kesusahan diorang.. nasibla diorang tu kira old people la.. And I’m not that cruel.. Aku percaya duit boleh di cari tapi hubungan sesame manusia lebih bernilai.. Then, I’m agree to help.. not much tapi aku tolong la bayar sikit.. tapi I’m already hurt.. at 1st place because they didn’t even say sorry to me.. tapi keep insisting diorang tak nampak aku.. dan be defensive.. What I need is diorang just have to admit guilty dan minta maaf pada aku atas segala kesusahan fizikal dan mental.. Secara fizikal, aku ‘patah kaki’ sbb kete hantar workshop and mentally.. aku sedihla.. kete aku kene langgar.. I can’t be careful for someone else careless… Akhirnya diorang minta maaf dan kitorang settle..

budi bicara” term ni hanya aku guna pakai sebab dia satu tempat keje ngan aku dan juga sebab dia merupakan kakitangan sokongan yang sudah bekeluarga.. Even some of my friend think that I’m stupid.. (urgh, that’s hurt!) tapi aku buat agreement ngan diri sendiri.. kalau betullah the person yang langgar aku tu mmg mengalami kesusahan.. maka aku ikhlas tapi kalau aku tertipu maka aku hanya berserah pada tuhan saja.. How this things make me feel so lonely.. And it totally ruin my days..

Now, my car dah dapat balik tapi I still got the problem bcoz that stupid workshop salah cat kete aku.. kete tu dah ade 2 tone skrg.. Arghhh.. Aku kene hantar balik kete tu kat workshop utk dibetulkan.. Why I keep bumping with a STUPID peoples????

Monday, February 06, 2006

AJL 20

1st of all aku nak ucapkan tahniah kepada semua pemenang AJL

Jac "Gemilang" - Juara lagu
Jac "Gemilang" - Juara kategori Balada
Hazami "Kata" - Juara kategori Pop Rock
Mawi "Aduh Saliha" - Juara kategori Irama Malaysia/Etnik Kreatif
Persembahan terbaik - Mawi
Vokal terbaik - Hazami

Tahniah Again... Tapi biasala kita takkan puas hati dengan setiap pertandingan yang dianjurkan.. sebab bagi aku kalaulah aku ni sorang je juri dan juga merangkap ketua juri.. Pemenangnya ialah:

Juara Lagu - Ning "Awan Yang Terpilu"
Juara kategori Balada - Ning "Awan Yang Terpilu"
Juara kategori Pop Rock - Hazami "Kata"
Juara kategori IM/Etnik Kreatif - Mawi "Aduh Saliha"
Persembahan terbaik - Ning Baizura
Vokal terbaik - Jacklin Victor

Kehebatan Ning memang tiada tandingan malam tadi.. begitu menusuk jiwa.. Ning tak perlukan penari latar atau beautiful evening dress untuk persembahan Awan yang terpilu.. kesederhanaan baju kurung dan keindahan lagu tu pun dah cukup hebat.. Ning berjaya menarik aku masuk ke dalam lagu Awan yang terpilu.. Tapi sayang dia gagal mendapat apa2 anugerah.. Apapun bagi aku persembahan Ning memang hebat dan yang terbaik..

Lagu gemilang memang hebat.. suara Jac memang mantap.. kira ok la dia menang.. aku no argument cuma aku lebih sukakan Awan yang terpilu.. hehehe..

Mawi oh Mawi.. Mawi menari malam tadi.. hehehe.. disebabkan kamera tv3 yang biol, separuh tarian Mawi je dapat ditonton.. kacau betul la.. Mawi ok la malam tadi dan kemenangan Aduh Saliha memang di jangka.. sama cam Jac.. Tahniah Mawi..

Lagu Kata dari Hazami memang aku suka dan aku memang harap lagu ni yang menang utk kategori ni.. tapi tak la sampai dapat vokal terbaik.. ntah la..

Persembahan terbaik.. Walaupun dapat kat my dearest Mawi.. tapi kehebatan persembahan Ning tetap menjadi pilihan aku.. she really into it! Sebak dengar Ning nyanyi.. Mawi menang sebab CT jadi juri.. hehehe.. ops tak la.. sebab SMS mestilah dominasi pada Mawi.. aku yakin markah sms Mawi 40++/50.. so no wonder la Mawi menang.. Go mawi Go!

Persembahan2 lain semuanya hebat2.. memang best la.. Tapi Lida kata Adam tiru tarian Backstreet Boys.. ahaa tak tahu.. heheh.. Aku suka pengacara Ally Iskandar ngan Farah Fauzana.. Happening beb..

Pasal juri2 ni aku nak komen sikitla.. ok la juri2 tu tapi how could ct leh jadi juri? dia kan penyanyi sahaja.. apa bezanya ct ngan Ning? I wonder..

Okla.. aku komen sikit ja sebab keseluruhan event bagi aku ok la.. best.. tv3 berjaya menyampaikan motto "Evolusi Muzik berterusan" walaupun terlalu banyak hip-hop katanya Lida.. :)

Isu Gambar Kartun

"Asking me whether I regret publishing the cartoons is like asking a rape victim if she regrets wearing a short skirt Friday night at the discotheque."

Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten's culture editor

Isu Gambar Nabi Muhammas S.A.W dan penghinaan terhadap Islam amat mengganggu minda, hati dan perasaan aku.. Kita telah dihina dengan alasan "Fredom Of Speech".Kenapa kita begitu di pandang hina oleh masyarakat dunia.. Bila perkara begini terjadi apa yang harus kita lakukan? Apa yang perlu diubah? Kenapa mereka begitu berani? Bagi aku punca sebenar kejadian ini ialah kurangnya sensitiviti media barat terhadap penganut Islam seluruh dunia dan mereka juga TIDAK MENGHORMATI AGAMA ISlAM dengan mengaitkan Islam dan pengganas. Dalam erti kata lain.. kita telah di buli. Mereka merasa diri mereka kebal dan kuat. Orang Islam tidak bersatu.

Apa tindakan kita?
Adakah membalas dgn melakukan keganasan seperti membakar kereta, mengebom pejabat kedutaan atau ugutan bunuh merupakan penyelesaian? Tentu sekali tidak jawapanya.. Kalau nak berperang.. bagi aku perang betul2 bukan secara emosional dan memburukkan lagi pandangan kita di mata masyarakat. Tapi perang juga bukanlah penyelesaian.. Serangan ekonomi? mampukah kita? Selagi kita tak bergabung dan bersatu mmg impossible.. Jadi satu langkah yang bijak dan tegas patut difikirkan. Bagi aku Tidakan Arab Saudi dengan menutup kedutaan boleh diterima pakai.. Apapun aku mmg tak terpk langkah bijak apa yang patut di ambil.. Yang pasti aku harap kejadian ini dapat menyedarkan umat Islam sedunia bahawa betapa lemahnya kita dan betapa pentingnya untuk kita bersatu supaya tidak terus dibuli.
Langkah yang paling mudah ialah memboikot saja barangan dari Denmark.. We should start somewhere.. nak boikot every country yang siar gambar tu mmg impossible.. It is the least we can do.. impaknya? Wallahualam.

Paling dikesali?
Kegagalan media barat memahami sensitiviti masyarakat Islam sedunia memang patut dikesali.. Tapi itu terlalu kecil jika dibandingkan dengan kekesalan aku pada sesetengah orang Islam kita sendiri.. Pergilah ke forum2 seperti dan lain2 yang membincangkan isu ini. Dengan jelas wujudnya orang Islam yang memperlekehkan orang Islam sendiri dan menyokong tindakan media barat ini. Mereka mempersoalkan ketelusan agama Islam itu sendiri. Siapa mereka?

Adakah sensitiviti kita ini tepat dan kena pada tempatnya?
Fikir kembali.. selepas kemangkatan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, apa yang dilakukan oleh saidina Abu Bakar? Memerangi golongan murtad.. Kita perlu ingat dan jelas yang melukis dan menghina Nabi kita adalah orang kafir yang jelas tidak memahami agama kita.. Yang jelas tidak menghormati agama kita..

Semoga Isu ini dapat diselesaikan dan negara2 Islam akan bersatu. Pengajarannya.. Walau apa agama pun yang dianuti.. HORMATlah..

"Respect is something you have to Gain."

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Review.. My Josh.. ;-)

I would like to give my review on Josh’s DVD :-) Yes.. yes I know. I’m in the time capsule.. Maybe for most people out there this is not new malah dah outdated but.. since aku baru je dapat and I watch it so many times and I’m still in the mood.. so I would like to give my own review la.. tak kisah la.. like I say.. I’m in the mood of talking about him.. Since aku dapat dvd2 ni last week.. aku rasa aku baru je dapat the full impact of grobanites.. ala2 terkena gelombang tsumawi la ni.. hehehe.. So kalau boring tune other channel ok ;-).. I don’t mind bcoz this is for my own records only. I talk to myself. I’m crazy this way.. Hehehe. For info.. lagu yang berkumandang kat blog aku ni lagu “Remember When It Rain” – Josh Groban (Live At The Greek, LA) Enjoy!

Josh Groban In Concert (2002)

What can I say about this concert.. Nothing much. It’s perfect.. just perfect. Note to note. Everything was well prepared. At Pasadena Auditorium California. We can see the star is rising.. He sang all of his song in his 1st album plus one new song from Closer and “For Always”- soundtrack film A.I. He was a little bit nervous (I think) but half of the show he gets the standing ovation. Me myself almost clap when he really fall when he sing “Let Me Fall”.. Really impress me.. AWESOME! If its not because of the band and the orchestra behind him.. I would say it is too perfect to be true. Well, after do some reading.. I learn that this dvd get a #1 sold rank at that time. He really give a high mark for himself..

5/5 stars for him.. Everything is Beautiful and Perfect!

Josh Groban Live At The Greek (2004)

Did I say perfect = boring? Yes I should say that.. No deny his 1st concert really impress me. Really perfect. But this dvd (Live At The Greek) is the one that I always keep re-Run.. No so perfectly presentation because it’s LIVE babeh.. and really Live. Outdoor concert on Summer Tour at LA’s Greek Theater Arena. I don’t think he prepared any script.. it’s like he just do it and its rock! I love it.. He was more confident, spontaneous.. being himself and really rock.. The only frustration point is that he did not sing all songs from Closer and I really love Closer album very much! Anyway, because I love this concert soo much.. I’ll go one by one.. be ready to doze off fella.. or maybe just don’t read it. hehehe.. Lets ROCK!

This is an opening song for Closer and also opening song for this concert.. So it’s nice.. He sound ok and the crowd really crazy..

Per Te
If “You’re Still You” was the song that introduce me to him.. “Per Te” was the song that made me fall in love with his voice. So beautiful.. So Romantic even I don’t know what this song means at that moment.. I really hope he sang this song at the end of the concert or say more about this song.. but he treat this song just average.. Anyway he co-compose this song and I’m still in love.. hehehe..

To Where You Are
This is the song from his 1st album.. I like this song averagely.. He sang it in one of Ally McBeal series.. The song that really give an impact to most people.. maybe this is the song that made him soo recognized..

Mi Mancherai (il Postino)
Great violin from Lucia Micarelle.. Great Voice from Josh.. Great Musician.. So what u want more? :-D

Mi Morena
This is a new song to me and it immediately captured me. I cant help to love this song and I wish he’ll put it in his 3rd album.. but maybe not bcoz I think maybe its already in the album which I don’t know.

Another song form his 1st album.. a Spanish song. Great!

Canto Alla Vita
Also from his 1st album.. Originally feat by Andrea – The Corrs.. But this time he do it himself and he really rock! He play piano at the beginning of the song and end it by playing a great GREAT drums.. So nice.. enjoy and really show his talents! I love it! U rock Josh!

Nocturne/Bohemian Rhapsody (Performed by Lucia Micarelli)
Great violin from Lucia.. If u love instrumental.. this is one of the greatest.. She get standing ovation for this.. and Josh also an executive producer for her album “music from a farther room”.

Alla Luce Del Sole
Also from his 1st album.. Ok.

My December
This is new to me.. A cover version of Linkin Park song.. Nicely done by Josh Groban..I love it!

I just know that this is an Italian song.. I always LOVE this song.. so beautiful and sound so sad.. I just fly with this song.. Josh say that this is the song that he like when he was a kid.. so this is a cover version.. cair gile.. I don’t have to know the meaning to love this song.. just feel it.. Josh made it possible.. “This is a song SONG!” – JG

Remember When It Rained
Lyrics by Josh.. WOW! Wow factor is everywhere.. Sound Powerful and Beautiful and Strong all at the same time.. He play piano while singing this song.. Great! Wow! Wow! Wow! This is the song for my blog at this moment..

The Stary Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)
From his 1st album.. It is a song for artist: Vincent Van Gogh and his famous painting “The Starry Night”. A song that really speak.. and I still don’t understand what’s the meaning of the painting.. Josh!!! Please explain to me.. hehehe..

New song.. takde dlm Closer.. This is a soundtrack for Troy.. Really Really Good.. I Love the Song, I Love the Movie, I Love Josh and I Love Brad Pitt.

You Raise Me Up
Best giler.. The choir is nice.. Makes this song feel stronger.. This is the song that really hits the charts in US. Everybody loves this song and nobody can present this song better than Josh. I really mean Nobody. That’s a full stop. :-)

Beautiful Song written by Paul Simon (Ntah la sape ni.. somebody la..) I like this song averagely but I really like the way how Josh’s voice rhythm and sound when he sang this song. I can’t explain it.

Never Let Go
The last song for this concert and totally not the least song. It has soo much energy and even I’m not at the concert but I can feel it. This song also co-composes by Josh, so I think this is a perfect song to end this concert. The lyric is so endurance. U can read the lyric of this song on my past post. Something different (in a good way) that he shows in Closer.

Bonus Song* Believe – A soundtrack for “The Polar Express” Movie.
Special Features* – “On The Road Footage with Josh Groban” Heheh, it’s nice to watch he talk about the road tour. I wish I can be in one of it.

4/5 stars for him.. I can’t give him a full mark for this bcoz it’s not perfect but it’s ALIVE! Josh Groban really ROCK!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Josh really makes me crazy!

My Josh!
He is young! He is cute! He has a powerful, beautiful baritone voice! And I really love him! Hehehe.. This craziness, madness and love are started long time ago in 2001 when I first heard him in the episode finale Ally McBeal season 4.. But not until I bought his second CD: Closer that I became totally drools to him. Exactly after I watch him on MTV singing “Per Te” I know his album is now on the market, since then (2003/2004) he is my best friend everytime I’m driving.. I listen to him until I have to go to Germany. The mistake I did was I forget to bring his album with me and that made me feel a little bit frustrated. Thanks to Luigi, my Italian friend who copy me the first album Title: Josh Groban..(which I don’t have: Thank You Luigi!) and he keep telling me that Josh’s father is Italian actually (??) Anyway my housemate there give me his 2nd album: Closer as a farewell gift to me.. I’m so happy (well, I already have actually :-) it doesn’t matter)

That’s a little bit how I started to know and fall in love with Josh.. (Love? Ahakss).. But why now? Why I become extra crazy about Josh on this time? When there is nothing on the air right now. It’s happen when I watch Troy on HBO recently and I listen to Josh soundtrack “Remember”. Then I know, I have to find this song.. and then Lida went to Bali.. What a good news when she told me that she found Josh’s concert DVD..
1. Josh Groban In Concert (2002)
2. Josh Groban Live At The Greek (2004)

I want it and I get it! Thanks Lida.. but it also make me become crazier and now I cannot stop watching him.. How great was his performances.. Absolutely fabulous, fantastic, bombastic.. He has the VOICE! I almost register myself to FOJG and become Grobanites but then I realize that I’m not in US.. so don’t waste the money.. (Annual fees is USD39.90) I don’t mind actually but I have to be realistic. (“I’m realistic” say Jesse-Malaysian’s Most Beautiful--> Malaysian’s most stupid program I ever watch hehehe.. ops, off topic!)

Ok lah.. I write this stuff also due to the fact that I cannot stop want to talk about him.. listen to his song.. Everything is relive now.. I listen back to all his song.. and I forget a little bit about my Mawi.. Other reason is that I hate to open at the moment.. diorang suka gaduh2 la.. I hate it! People might say anything but sometimes I think mawifc dah lari dari arah tujuan.. minat Mawi kan.. minat je la.. asyik rebut kuasa ja.. stop it la.. any personal agenda or whatever.. I don’t care la.. so, right now I think I just want to support Mawi dari jauh je la.. takde hal punye.. I define mawifc is a very highly political club.. I wish there is harry potter fc where the idol/hero doesn’t really exist.. this will prevent all the politics.. I hate Politics! Ops, off topic lagi!

Oklah.. I heard that Josh 3rd album will come around middle of this year.. I can’t hardly wait! He is what can I say is the most talented singer I ever come across in my life..

Some fact about Josh:
1. He is a funny guy.. not a jiwang one walaupun nyanyi lagu2 jiwang (dia kata la).. it’s all because of the kind of voice he possess.. hehehe..
2. His hometown is LA and he was discovered by David Foster when he was 17 (1998)
3. 1st album title: Josh Groban (2001)
Hit song: “To where you are”, You’re still you
I Love most: “Vincent”, “U’re still U”, “Canto Alla Vita” and “Let Me Fall”
4. 2nd album title:Closer (2003)
Hit song: “You Raise Me Up”, “Remember When It Rain”
I Love most: “Per Te”, “Caruso”, “Broken Vow” and “Remember When It Rain”
5. He can play Piano and Drum very well! He even play Piano for “Remember when it rain” and co-compose 3 of the songs in Closer.
6. He sings in English, Italy, Spanish and France..
January Jones7. His girlfriend: January Jones (actress) manyak cun ini minah ooo..
8. Josh actually wanna be an musical theater actor but his destiny made him become a singer (he still wanna be in theater when the time come) His real ambition actually is to become an actor who can sing..
9. His records sold nearly 10 millions that make him the most low profile artist that hit the market.
10. A lots more but I cannot think right now.. hehehe.. Find it yourself! Read it all in

But the fact is.. Not so many Malaysian or at least not my circle of friends know him.. That also means I cannot share my likeness and craziness with my friends except Lida who never fail to listen.. Thank you Lida! And as u know me.. all this craziness will halt somehow.. but it will always here..
Vincent (starry, starry night)
You are... Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)!
Mellow and laid back, you value comfort over
trends. After all, it's true that a remake of
a classic is just as good... if not better!

Which Josh Groban song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Allo semua.. harap korang suke ngan perubahan kaler blog aku ni.. aku pening la.. pening! boring! jadi aku nak menulis sikit utk menghilangkan boring dan moga dapat juga mengurangkan pening..

Apa yang aku nak cakap kali ni ialah PENGARUH..

Pengaruh kekawan.. pengaruh keluarga.. pengaruh idola.. pengaruh bos dan juga pengaruh persekitaran.. semuanya sebenarnya sedikit sebanyak memberi pengaruh kepada kehidupan kita.

Pengaruh kekawan..
Geng!Rasanya inilah pengaruh yang paling besar sekali.. terutama bila kawan kita tu hampir dan baik dengan kita.. main game sbb kawan main game.. tgk movie sebab kawan rekemen.. main bowling sebab kawan ajak.. makan banyak sebab kawan belanja.. kesimpulannya kawan kita kadangkala membentuk diri kita.. kuat pengaruh kawan ni.. cuma pastikan kita juga mampu memberi pengaruh kepada kawan.. jangan asyik terpengaruh ja.. tapi lama2 kita akan kenal jugak diri sendiri dan akan terbentuk juga common interest yang merapatkan hubungan kita.. cth kecil: lida suka lagu bersamamu - Sarah.. aku pun dah jadi suka lagu tu.. cth besar: aku beli laptop ringan dan kecil.. lida sibuk nak jual laptop dia nak beli yang baru yang lebih ringan dan lebih kecil.. hehehe.. jgn mare..

Pengaruh keluarga..

Ayah saya doktor.. mak saya pun doktor jadi saya pun nak jadi doktor.. hehehe.. ini mmg wujud. Tapi aku rasa pengaruh keluarga lebih kuat sekiranya melibatkan abang atau kakak.. aku sendiri terpengaruh nak amik engineering sebab kakak aku.. tapi bila dah besar aku nak jadi lecturer tapi aku tolak tawaran satu institut ni sebab kakak aku dah jadi lecturer kat situ.. so aku tak mahu terus di cop mahu mengikut jejak langkah dia.. kononnya tak nak sama la.. ini juga merupakan contoh pengaruh keluarga.. kalau aku jadi lecturer kan best.. anyway 2 dari adik aku juga di bidang engineering.. pengaruh keluargakah?

Pengaruh idola..
Dr M dan D.TrumpSiapa idola anda? Mawi? Dr M? Ayah sendiri? Pak Lah? Bos? Siapa pun idola kita.. kita pasti nak tiru gaya, cara hidup dan lain2 perkara.. kadang2 kita sendiri silap memilih idola kita.. Tapi aku rasa kita pilih idola pun boleh ikut kriteria tertentu.. contohnya nak dihargai macam Mawi.. nak hebat macam Dr. M.. nak kaya macam Donald Trump.. nak cun macam Erra Fazira.. kekeke.. macam2 la.. tapi kalau boleh pilih la idola yang sesuai dan realistik.. idola aku suatu waktu dulu ialah superman sebab dia mampu mengalihkan taufan dan menyelamatkan bandar metropolis dari bencana.. wakakaka.. p/s: aku penah curi baca diari adik aku.. dia kata nak jadi best macam kakak dia.. ehemm.. :8)

Pengaruh bos..
heheheIni pengaruh paling komplikated sekali.. wakaka.. contohnya hari ni aku malas sebab bos aku outstation.. hehehe.. esok aku rajin sebab aku kene buat testing system ngan bos aku..wakaka.. Anyway.. kalau bos kita menghargai dan mengiktiraf kerje kite.. secara automatik kita akan terus cuba buat yang terbaik utk impress bos dan juga utk kepuasan diri sendiri.. kalau bos hampeh maka kita hanya akan buat utk diri sendiri sahaja.. percayalah pada kepimpinan melalui teladan.. YES BOS!

Pengaruh persekitaran..
heheheKalau kita tinggal dipersekitaran yang mana semua orang pakai kete.. maka secara automatik kita pun mesti nak ade kete.. kalau semua pekerja pakai baju kurung maka kita pun akan terikut2 jadi ayu.. tapi kalau semua orang pakai jeans.. kita pun tak kuasa nak pakai baju kurung.. hehehe.. tapi kalau nak jadi lain dari yang lain pun no hal.. barulah highlight sikit.. tapi kalau kawan2 kita asyik melancong je.. kene soal2 sikit tanya camna nak uruskan bajet.. hehehe.. apapun pengaruh persekitaran mmg banyak dan berbeza2.. pandai2 la jaga diri.

P/s: welcome to my pren arys sebab baru je buat blog sebab terpengaruh ngan aku.. hehehe..

Monday, January 23, 2006

Song That I Love and Bali..

Hari ni aku mencuba sesuatu yang baru utk blog aku.. hmm mungkin tak baru bagi orang lain tapi baru bagi aku.. aku cuba masukkan lagu dalam blog aku.. tapi aku tak nak lagu as a background tapi as media file where people can stop it whenever they like.. as we all know.. not all people like it. Well, music on your web also included in the annoyed web catagory..

Song That I Love sidebarActually, aku dah berjaya masukkan media player object dan open file mp3 ni dari geocities server tapi the problem is aku nye file mp3 terlalu besar so aku ade problem ngan Data transfer limit yang diperuntukkan oleh geocities.. skrg dah tak leh play dan tak leh donlod (kat "Love it with me") baru kejap tadi boleh..huhuhu.. :( tension tul la! Solutionnya yang aku rasa perlu ialah kecilkan size file dengan mengurangkan bit rate (kbps) yang pastinya akan mengurangkan kualiti lagu..Masalahnya i need "Sound Forge" software. I have this software but not here.. kene balik umah dulu buat dalam laptop aku.. but I want it NOW! arghhh.. kalau nak donlod yang trial version.. it takes.. so long long time.. boleh jem ma.. ini opis server.. hehehe.. So, aku nye "Song that i love" jadi template je lah dulu.. until tomorror. :)

Ok lah, for the record: Aku tulih blog kali ni atas 2 sebab:
1. Aku tension sebab hanya half success masukkan lagu dlm blog
2. Aku boring gile sebab my bespren Lida sedang bercuti kat Bali skrg..

Pic from Lida's blog!Hmm, satu-satunye reason nape aku tak berada di Bali skrg ialah waktu Lida plan nak ke Bali aku tak jumpa sorang pun yang nak join aku gi Bali.. well, Lida go there with her husband.. so i need other partner.. barula jadi the four of us! But semua kekawan lain yang aku ajak gi bali tak nak pegi.. ade yang takut kene bom.. hehehe.. masalah masa, masalah ekonomi dan ade jugak sebab tak ready (i wonder.. ready 4 what?) so.. tinggal la aku di sini.. right now.. my mind ade separuh kat bali.. menyebabkan aku mengular sekejap.. monday blues la katakan.. hehehe..

Semalam Lida sms aku to tell me that she found josh groban DVD live in Concert.. Really made my day.. aku dah cari dvd ni kat banyak kedai kat Malaysia ni tapi tak jumpa.. nasib baik ade kat Bali (pelik kan?) tapi tak pe la.. asal ade.. I'm really happy, so i call her and confirm it to her that i want it.. and ask her to buy it for me first! I love u Lida! ;-) I'm sure she's in the spa right now..

Oklah.. it's late and i should continue my work.. and forget about Bali and my song..

Friday, January 20, 2006

I can’t sleap! Arghh….

This is not me! :)
It’s late but I cant much to think.. so much to do.. and I’m in love with Josh Groban.. ok.. don’t start! Orang kata kira kambing biri2 kalau nak tido.. tapi what a boring thing to do.. tup2 nanti aku akan pikir ADC jenis apa yang patut aku pilih, can I have more than 1 clock in the circuit? What type of SRAM yang patut aku pilih? Kalau dulu waktu study buku adalah ubat tido tapi skrg dah jadi lain.. Ini semua salah bos aku.. ade ke suruh aku pilih komponen awal2.. I really need time.. Mana boleh pakai hentam je.. I have to design it first.. tapi thanks to Lida (She’s my best friend ya! merangkap opismate aku.. hehehe) we make a resolution! We just have to believe.. BELIEVE that we can do it! “Have Patience. All things are difficult before they’re easy..” Ok la stop this mind-killing topic!

Yesterday I went to Plaza Low Yat.. with my housemate.. she wanna buy a new laptop for her sister. what a very tiresome day 4 me.. Don’t drive to KL after opis hour.. it will kill u! So, kitorang change our mind drive only until LRT BTS.. around 7.30 baru sampai.. not enough time sbb kul 9 kedai dah tutup.. nak survey lagi.. tapi we have a good deal, as penasihat to her aku berpuas hati. Dalam masa yang sama aku mengusha gak my Twinhead laptop yang aku beli around 10 months ago.. Guess what? In 10 month the price reduces is RM700. digital mp3 player Inilah dia.. bukan sesuatu yang di luar jangkaan.. kalau dulu USB pen drive tu mahal sangat.. skrg, u can get 1GB for just RM200++.. So, should I wait to buy digital MP3 player? Inilah bendenye yang aku nak sesangat beli right now.. aku bercita2 nak jogging sambil dengar lagu Josh Groban.. ekekeke.. My friend just buy it for her boyfriend as a birthday present. What a gig.. hehehe.. sape la nak belikan utk aku ek.. kene beli sendiri la gamaknye.. not so soon… not so soon.. ehehehe.. I’m asking myself.. why I’m so crazy of Josh Groban voice right now??? Not that I just know him.. So, I really think that I need AF4.. boring arr skrg.. kekekek… Ops, doesn’t mean that I’m not Mawi fan anymore.. Go Mawi Go! hehehehe… aku. mengong.

Ok la.. pening betul kepala aku ni.. I don’t think that I write properly this time.. So, I think sometime we have our undefined time.. like right now.. 2 a.m in the morning with Josh Groban song as a background and all the datasheets and papers around.. and me in the pajama thinking of digital mp3 player and what to wear tomorrow.

One of my fav song lyric..

Oh.. I'm so in LOVE.. i love u JG!Never Let Go – Josh Groban

I can’t understand it
The search for an answer is met with a darker day
And we’ve been handed these moments forever
But I’m reassured there’s another way

You don’t have to close your eyes
There is room for love again
Ease the pain to realize all that love can be
Forced apart by time and sand
Take a step and take my hand
And don’t let it go
Never let go

Broken, once connected
We were so strong and so blessed in a simple way
So don’t let me go it alone

Turn your head up to the sky
Nothing down below but me
Face the truth to realize all that we could be
Torn apart by rage and fear
Hold on to what brought you here
Don’t let it go
Never let go

Monday, January 16, 2006

Harta oh Harta...

Bila kita bercakap pasal harta.. aku rasa ini adalah isu sensitif dalam masyarakat kita atau mungkin ia merupakan isu sensitif setiap individu tak kira di mana sahaja. Tak dapat dinafikan, kita hidup dan mengumpul harta.. tak kira untuk apa tujuan sekali pun. Antara sebab-sebabnya:

1. Sebagai jaminan masa depan atau masa tua. Bila kita tak mampu bekerja lagi dan mungkin ketika itu kita tiada anak cucu yang boleh diharapkan.. jadi harta adalah jaminan untuk keselesaan hidup masa hadapan.

2. Sebagai warisan pada anak cucu. Kita hidup di dunia ini kadangkala mahukan kesan.. kita bukanlah ceaser yang namanya kekal pada setiap pemerintahan Rome tapi dengan harta kita dapat meninggalkan trace di bumi ini bila kita tiada.

3. Untuk kepuasan diri. Kadangkala mempunyai banyak harta juga merupakan kepuasan diri dan juga sebagai trofi kehebatan kita dalam menguruskan kehidupan.

Dan banyak lagi sebab lain yang bergantung pada individu. Tapi walau apa sebab sekalipun.. kita harus ingat harta ini kita tak bawa ke mati.. ia akan meninggalkan kita dan kadang kala harta yang ditinggalkan juga boleh menyebabkan pelbagai insiden yang kita takkan sangka akan terjadi. Tak kiralah sama ada banyak atau sedikit harta yang di tinggalkan ia mampu mengubah sikap manusia.. ia mampu menggoncang dunia kecil kita. Aku tidak berbicara perkara ini berdasarkan drama-drama melayu yang aku tonton di kaca tv, aku mengutarakan isu ini berdasarkan pengalaman dan juga berdasarkan peristiwa sebenar yang aku yakin tidak hanya berlaku dalam drama-drama melayu sahaja.. malah ada orang lain di luar sana merasainya.. mungkin lebih teruk ataupun tidak.. hanya tuhan yang mengetahuinya..

Mengapa harta yang tak seberapa itu menjadi rebutan? Bodohkah kalau kita membiarkan sahaja tanpa menegaskan hak kita? Bagi aku jika itu bahagian kita maka ambillah tetapi jika ia bukan hak kita.. janganlah menegakkan benang yang basah dan mengatakan perkara yang bersifat defensive semata-mata untuk membenarkan apa yang ternyata tidak benar. Tetapi berkata-kata tidak semudah melaksanakan.. di sinilah pengurusan yang baik dan ikhlas memainkan peranan penting. Sebenarnya setiap perkara berkaitan perlulah di perjelaskan dengan terang dan terperinci biarpun ianya hanyalah perkara kecil. Sesungguhnya memahami apa yang tidak jelas dapat mengelakkan salah faham yang besar. Kelembutan berkata-kata tanpa di pandu oleh emosi dan keegoan juga perlu ada. sekali lagi aku ulangi.. berkata-kata tidak semudah melaksanakan..

Aku masih ingat lagi.. suatu hari dulu aku pernah berebutkan topi dengan adik aku.. tiba2 abahku berkata pada mak.. "Kita masih hidup lagi, mereka sudah berebut harta" Ketika itu aku terdiam dan agak marah dengan kenyataan itu.. tapi bila aku melihat perubahan sikap yang terjadi apabila isu harta yang tidak selesai.. sekali lagi aku terdiam.. adakah kami akan bersikap begitu juga? Ketika ini, aku yakin tidak tapi aku hanya mampu berdoa..

Kesimpulannya, tulislah wasiat walau kita masih muda.. InsyaAllah ia akan memudahkan pengurusan di kemudian hari..

Friday, January 13, 2006

Tribute to my sister.. Selamat hari Raya AidilAdha!

Gaya ke Langit.. Wakaka!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!!! Aku harap it's not too late for me to wish all of u...

Sebenarnya aku baru balik bercuti raye.. semalam baru masuk opis.. banyak lak keje awal2 tahun ni.. maklumla.. report 2005 kene submit, pastu perancangan utk 2006 pon kene buat.. jadi aku yang malas ni jadi tambah malas hehehe..

Ok la.. sebenarnya dalam kesibukan ni aku nak tribute to my dearest sister sebab hari raya aidilfitri hari tu dia tak balik kampung jadi hari raya haji ni kira ganti balik la.. Tapi still tak lengkap sebab kali ni abang ngan adik aku plak tak balik kampung.. sibuk la katakan.. inilah yang terjadi zaman sekarang ni.. kalau zaman kanak2 dulu.. hari raya mesti grand.. mesti balik kampung.. mesti sambut sama2.. nampaknya keadaan dah berubah.. apapun keadaan ja berubah, hati masih sama.. telepon masih berbunyi.. :)
Ni gambar family kakak aku.. so, she's not abailabel anymore.. hehehe.. kat perut tu ade satu lagi.. aku cadangkan kalau dapat anak pompuan bubuh nama aku nur **** (nama sebenar aku.. kekeke) tak pun bubuh je nama Nur saira sedap jugak kan? tapi kakak aku ni pilih nama ikut buku.. so... tong!

Oklah.. to my sister.. enjoy your pictures.. and remember u're photogenik.. actually u r not as beautiful as in the picture.. hehehe...

Ana and her hubby!Ana and her hubby!

Who's more beautiful? mestila Mak!Who's more beautiful? mestila Mak!

gaya ayu..gaya ayu..

Fikri.. bakal model majalahAkmal Fikri.. bakal model majalah

No! I hate this topi! No! NO!No! I hate this topi! No! NO!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Selamat Datang 2006!!! Selamat Tinggal 2005!!!

Masa berlalu dan pergi.. pantas tanpa kita sedar.. like a blink in the eyes! Cepat betul masa berlalu, macam nothing happen in 2005.. Nothing that really give an impact to me.. Well manusia jarang bersyukur.. bila fikir2 balik.. yes something does happen.. Aku lebih matang, lebih terbuka but I’m still the old me.. Yes, I’ve seen more and I learn more instead I open 2005 by went to German but maybe that is the only best part of this year.. like a dream that doesn’t really happen.. What else? Hmm, I’ve found new interest.. Mawi.. But can I count it? No, of course not.. Just another obsession.. Doesn’t really give impact to my life.. just my money, time and some crazy moment.. Maybe.. :-) But it’s just typical me..

Ok.. Let’s divide to good things and bad things..

we go to feeling first, Am I happier in 2005 better than 2004? Or I feel worst in 2005 compare to 2004? Answer.. I think I feel same.. so, Nothing change for feeling..

Let see money.. I think this improve a lil bit.. I think I have more money in 2005 compare to 2004.. So, this has improvement but yet I’m still not rich :-)

Hmm, friendship? Am I having more friends in 2005? Yes I do.. but I also lost some friends.. not really lost but when your bestfriend get married, u’ll fell u lost them a lil bit.. no more good ‘lay park’ days or nights at stall in no time..hehehe.. but friendship is still there, they just move on.. So, I think this one is improving..

What about work.. This is the least thing I wanna talk about.. not that I hate my job.. I like it just don’t love it.. So, ok la.. takde beza yang ketara.. still tak dapat anugerah khidmat cemerlang.. but so does my boss.. kepimpinan melalui teladan kan.. So, nothing really change.. but I don’t feel bad so, it’s ok.

Love.. What can I say about this? Still single.. bla bla bla.. Tak larat dengar soalan mak.. tapi takpe sebab abah aku suka backing aku.. jadi I assume my father had prepare himself to have unmarried or late married daughter.. Hahaha…

Secara keseluruhan.. aku sebenarnya tak ingat ape azam 2005 aku.. Ntah la aku ade berazam atau tidak.. aku betul2 tak ingat.. or azam 2005 aku ialah “just go on living and see what’s happen..” So untuk 2006.. aku akan berazam supaya ade rujukan next year..

Azam 2006
1. Setelah mendengar komen dari kekawan.. aku buat keputusan 2006 aku akan cuba menjadi lebih bersifat kewanitaan.. means I should Be Nicer.. :-) and lebihkan peruntukan untuk beli baju yang cantik2 kurangkan beli DVD, VCD, CD, buku dan lain2 yang tidak berapa wanita.. hehehe
2. Berjimat.. aku akan kurangkan perbelanjaan.. I still don’t know how tapi I think to save money consistently is a good idea.. dan maybe cari side income??? Don’t know but I’ll remind myself.. Don’t start a new costly hobby.. :-) money matters..
3. Works.. be better.. that’s it!
4. Heath.. Aku harap aku akan lebih luangkan masa utk jogging, swimming dan watch what I eat.. (ops! I’m not really serious about watch what I eat.. that’s only for old people.. hehehe)
5. Sambung azam 2005 kot.. “just go on living and see what’s happen.. It’s doesn’t matter what the prob is.. What matters is how u handles it! So this year I’ll handle everything better! :-)

Aku harap list aku kat atas ni cukup untuk dikira sebagai azam tahun baru.. aku harap aku success.. aku takde azam yang solid.. contohnya.. tahun ni nak beli kereta baru atau tahun ni naik pangkat atau tahun ni nak pergi umrah.. or something like that.. Too much pressure is not good.. but accept what life offer u and be thankful is much better but it should not stop at that.. BE AMBITIOUS is very important as well. So kene bersyukur dan dalam masa yang terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan diri.. (at least talk about it and hope u’ll really do it!)

WELCOME 2006!!!