Monday, February 13, 2006

A Bad Bad Days..

Minggu lepas adalah minggu yang amat malang bagi aku.. It’s bad and I almost hate to talk or write about it.. But I talk about it anyway and now I’m writing about it. Huh?

Last Tuesday, somebody just hit my car! And I’m totally innocent! Aku tgh cari parking on a lovely day and I look strait ahead while waiting for a car in front of me to move.. Suddently, one stupid car mengundur dari tempat parking dan langgar pintu belakang kete aku.. And to make thing worst.. that stupid somebody is actually somebody who work at my place. So, I have to be nice and I have to be patient.. tak leh marah2 because everything will be settle in a good way.. Is it so?

Well, cont. story.. kete aku cedera ringan. But hell, pintu belakang kene ketuk dan cat.. and also bahagian tepi belakang sebelah pintu also kene ketuk.. so, its sekeping setengah yg terlibat (Aku actually tak tau the term of car la.. ) And believe me.. I TOTALLY believe aku tak salah walaupun 0.0001%.. what the hell? Pintu belakang aku kene langgar.. So, why the anger? That person yang langgar aku kata I should tgk kiri kanan waktu bawak kete.. Hello???? Its my back door.. that’s mean I already pass her car.. and the fact that she/they didn’t see me (like my car suddenly fly from the sky and land just behind their car waiting to be hit) is not my fault.. Dan dah berapa kali aku cakap I already pass their car about ¾.. that’s mean kenapa aku patut tau yang diorang ni nak undur dan langgar aku??? Some people just STUPID!

Oklah.. after some argument to make me feel guilty.. (totally FAIL.. bcoz not a bit I feel guilty) story2 tak guna la.. then diorang mula cakap pasal budi bicara dan kesusahan diorang.. nasibla diorang tu kira old people la.. And I’m not that cruel.. Aku percaya duit boleh di cari tapi hubungan sesame manusia lebih bernilai.. Then, I’m agree to help.. not much tapi aku tolong la bayar sikit.. tapi I’m already hurt.. at 1st place because they didn’t even say sorry to me.. tapi keep insisting diorang tak nampak aku.. dan be defensive.. What I need is diorang just have to admit guilty dan minta maaf pada aku atas segala kesusahan fizikal dan mental.. Secara fizikal, aku ‘patah kaki’ sbb kete hantar workshop and mentally.. aku sedihla.. kete aku kene langgar.. I can’t be careful for someone else careless… Akhirnya diorang minta maaf dan kitorang settle..

budi bicara” term ni hanya aku guna pakai sebab dia satu tempat keje ngan aku dan juga sebab dia merupakan kakitangan sokongan yang sudah bekeluarga.. Even some of my friend think that I’m stupid.. (urgh, that’s hurt!) tapi aku buat agreement ngan diri sendiri.. kalau betullah the person yang langgar aku tu mmg mengalami kesusahan.. maka aku ikhlas tapi kalau aku tertipu maka aku hanya berserah pada tuhan saja.. How this things make me feel so lonely.. And it totally ruin my days..

Now, my car dah dapat balik tapi I still got the problem bcoz that stupid workshop salah cat kete aku.. kete tu dah ade 2 tone skrg.. Arghhh.. Aku kene hantar balik kete tu kat workshop utk dibetulkan.. Why I keep bumping with a STUPID peoples????

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