Thursday, September 17, 2015

Urrrr urrrghh?

Just looking back at my blog.. Reading my 2015 resolution! I was like.. "Shame on you!" lol.. Honestly, I don't even remember that I made such resolution.. Now it is already September.. and i already missed the whole 9 months of my so called resolution~~~

So what to do?

Honestly, nothing.

I will again trying to come back here and start writing because this is what I love to do. I did still writing to be honest.. But, it was a different channel and has a different purpose. Something that I rather keep it for myself.. Unless, I change my mind.. Oh wells, maybe not. haha..

Anyway, this is a good start as I just want to say that I forgot my own resolution and I feel bad about it. There is so much things that happen to me but I guess nothing is major of life changing.. Just me being me and in my own exclusive world.. Which, sometimes I love it too much to even share.

Ok. That's it for now and it is a rambling anyway. I also would like to blame the SNS world called Instagram, twitter, tumblr etc.. Because of them, this little blog of mine had been neglected.

Ah ha.. Ta-ta *insert wave emoticon* p/s: failed attempt of being cute

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 Resolution~

Hello.. Hola.. Hi.. to myself... or whoever read this..

It's been a long time..

I think it is a waste for me not to update this blog anymore. I was lazy and probably still. But blogging is a way of recording my life, my feeling and whatever significant or insignificant things that happen in my life. I love myself and I love to read and reread my post. So, I guess, I should continue writing this blog.

So this is my resolution. I will try to come back to previous event that happen in 2014 and recorded it here. I miss me who loved to write blog.

So.. Dear me, please don't be lazy and continue writing the journey of your own life. Your life may not be interesting to others but I believe you don't share the same feeling. ^^

So way to go! Let's us keep this memory lane alive!