Monday, March 31, 2008

I Am Paranoid...

Today everything seems to went wrong even it was nothing wrong actually.. I'm so tired and I not felt so good (Nothing to do with health since I'm completely healthy).. Okla.. first of all I thought Baby hate me.. Then I bengang ngan e-bay seller... Then I got no mood at all.. No mood to call Shelly or Catz or anybody to ask them going to free movie at Alamanda (I know I will do that if I'm not in this mood)..

First, the reason (silly me) I thought Baby hate me is.. Yesterday Baby did her laundry and after that she went out.. So, bila aku turun with my seguni baju.. aku nampak that Baby had finished her laundry and since tempat sidai baju limited, selalunya aku akan tangguhkan je and change my laundry schedule.. But yesterday, I felt Selfish.. Aku just alih all of Abby's baju and do my laundry and I used the whole penyidai.. So went Baby come home, she look not so cheerful with the incident and I felt a little bad.. I try to help Baby hang her baju with the little space left.. But then she went out again.. (I just kept quite and act innocent) So today, I call Baby and she didn't answered me. I thought.. Oh, she hate me now because of that stupid laundry.. Huhuhu.. So, today I burned the Anuar Zain CD as a gift to Baby and do all the cheerful thing.. like invite her to my room and try to have a good conversation (Usually I like to ignore people after work and give myself a space in my own space.. Hehehe..) But It end up, Baby had left her handphone and didn't heard my call.. She also had appointment yesterday and had to left home.. It just me.. Super paranoid.. and being silly or being negative..

Second, I e-mail the e-bay seller for my item, I thought I will get it today but I just found out that they don't even sent the item to me.. yet. Because of some stupidity & misunderstanding and I end up pissed off at them:
My 1st msg..:a little curios:
"Hi.. I still don't get my e-bay item. I thought you only need 2-3 working day."

They email me back about the payment.. Said that they didn't received it??? WTF! So my 2nd msg to them.. :a little angry:

"I already made a payment on Thursday (27/03/08) last week and I had notify you using ebay e-mail. (I forward the email shortly) and also included your email on maybank third party email address. How could you don't realize that I had already made the payment? (I attached the record from my maybank2u account - a cut and paste of transaction to your account)."

So my 3rd and last email, after they claim that my msg is not stating clearly that I already paid them.. (something to do with the process) :a little sarcasm now:
"Ok then.. By the way, in the message of mind I already said that I had paid via maybank2u and you don't say anything. And i also think that you should received the maybank2u transaction notification. Or maybe I should explore e-bay more and really understand it before try to buy anything there."
Tak la ganas sangat kan.. Tapi aku bengang la.. Dia patut notify la yang aku dah bayar Khamis lepas.. Dah hampir2 hilang ke-excitetan aku.. Tapi disebabkan belum dapat item lagi.. aku cool je la.. Huh.. Geram.. geram.. Now aku dah takde kat opis and had to ask Mimi to receive it for me..

Third, I also launch a boycott (by my own with no effect at all) to all the Football/soccer forums, all the internet news on Barcelona game or club or player.. I even stop myself to watch my daily Sport Center news on espn. I cut myself out of football and sport news (Even on tv3 news.. I rather watch Tamil News.. I actually did).. I even stop reading the fics.. Started from last Saturday, I launch a "I Hate Barca!" and "I hate football" and "I hate sport". How could they did this to me/us? I can't forgive them.. Not Yet.. By the way.. guys, I just want to tell you that the Barca pronunciation is 'Barsa' It's Spain you know.. (I had to correct my friend who read it wrong all this time)

Oh, by the way I just met my new boss today (my former boss decided that he need more time to do research and had to let go of the management thingy) and my first thought is "Oh.. I don't like him.. with all that slang.. mentang2 la baru balik U.K.. Huh" (He do the presentation on Seminar that I attend today) But on second thought.. "Why is that? He did nothing wrong to me and he might be nice. I should give him a chance" Hehehe.. like it matter.. It just the change.. People hate changes and I just being shallow.. I think it's only because of my mood.. I just love to feel bad and to think bad.. I have all the negative opinions in all issues today (Not all that I like to mention here..) So, I declare :

I'm a bad girl today... and this is a bad entry..

p/s: bad means negative :p

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Manga Hunting cont...

Bukannye aku takde keje lain.. bukannye aku ada banyak masa sangat.. bukannya ape2.. Ni memang dah lama jadi xtvt sampingan aku.. hihihi.. Now aku start balik my manga hunting.. Well, if any of you peminat manga macam aku (which I doubt).. Kat internet ni, korang leh dapat juta2 manga series.. Ni la antara merupakan keje masa lapang aku.. tapi disebabkan ada juta2 manga.. so kena la pilih mana yang berkenan.. mean: either kene baca review or by recommendation or just by pure luck.. Aku kat internet ni suka d/load manga je.. anime aku beli jer kat kedai. Reason: Download video is pain in the *ss.. Lama dan lembab satu hal tapi yang paling tak tahan.. cuba bayangkan kalau satu series ada 50 - 80 episode? Tak ke penuh hard disk and it will take your time like.. ermm forever? So.. beli je la.. Utk manga d/load je la, no hal punya.. Ok la.. my current manga hunting:

1. Fullmetal Alchemist (On going series -- so far 78 episode)
2. Onegai Teacher a.k.a Please Teacher (Complete series)
3. Mx0 (On Going series)

Saturday with L

Semalam aku gi jalan2 and tgk movie with Shelly.. Kitorng tgk "L Change The World".. Citer ni sebenarnya sequel dari movie "Death Note".. Death note ni adalah citer adaptasi dari Manga Death Note.. Aku dah baca manga death note ni dah lama.. So, bila citer dia dimoviekan... I'm so excited.. Hehehe.. Of course la movie dia lain dari manga tapi I still enjoy it.. At the end of death note, L mati (Huhuhu..) So, movie L Change The World ni adalah the last 23 days of L's life.. 23 hari selepas dia berjaya menumpaskan Kira (Light Yagami).. Cite ni best! Death Note 1 & 2 dan juga L Change The World aku kasi 4/5 stars..

Watak2 dalam L Change The World
Death Note Main Characters: L and Kira (manga pic)
Death Note Characters
Kira : The Evil Genius

Back from movie and jalan2.. Aku lepak2 kat umah Shelly pastu kitorang gi pasar malam and beli durian.. Hehehe.. dan membelasah duriaan sampai puas.. Hehehe... Yummy!

Oh, btw.. kitorang try malan kat restoren Lemon hari tu.. nanti after Shelly email i the pic.. i buat entry baru k.. with all the food's pic...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ok.. Words Vomit Now..

Now, dah kul 11.26 p.m.. I'm hungry now.. and tired.. I should sleep now coz tomorrow I'm going to Movie with Shelly and I'm gonna survey the PDA phone as well.. The whole this week I think I still don't cover my lost sleep.. Siang keje, malam lak shoppings or tgk movie, then nak kena baca buku Narnia lagi.. (Best gak la cite ni.. simple and fun) Isk sibuk betul kan.. Hehehe.. Pastu dok mengupdate blog lagik.. hiks..

Dalam kepala aku ni tingin benar nak menulis fiction sendiri.. Dah banyak cerita bersiri berlangsung dalam kepala aku ni.. Tinggal nak kuarkan dlm words ja.. Tapi isk malas betulla.. Yang aku rajin ialah mengomel dan mengarut. (like I'm doing right now).. Cannot stop la.. Right now ni walaupun selalu hujan tapi masih still panas lagi kan cuaca? Ermm.. Anyway suddenly teringat perbualan aku ngan Danny siang tadi.. Hehehe.. Dia nak ajak aku ngan Baby gi makan kat umah dia la.. Dia nak masak.. Yayyyy!!! Bila la agaknya kan? Teringin nak rasa masakan Danny.. lagipun dah lama tak kuar ngan Danny boy ni..

Citer pasal Danny ni, aku actually suka berkawan ngan dia.. Dia baik, fun dan sbgnya.. Hehehe.. Dan dia ni jenis non-commitment guy (well, aku pun bukannya nak commit ape2 pun ngan dia) Tapinya dia ni mmg sweet la.. So, aku suka la kuar makan2 ka minum2 ka ngan dia.. He is a good friend.. Cuma pastu aku cam freak out sikit nak kuar ngan dia sebabnya.. ermm.. adala.. kiranya aku takut la aku melukakan perasaan dia or aku takut aku kalah ngan temptation.. hehehe.. So, aku rasa aku cam selalu elakkan kuar ngan dia.. Tapi dia pun sangat sibuk and aku pun tak la sibuk sgt.. Hihihi.. Kitorang pun cam jarang kuar dah.. tapi hari tu dia gi Jakarta aku pesan kat dia the whole season of Ally McBeal.. Beli kat indon murah wei.. So, bersarang labah2 la DVD tu kat umah dia.. Hehehe.. Sian dia.. aku tak gi amik2.. Tapi ok la kan.. tiap kali dia tgk DVD tu mesti dia ingat kat aku.. Hehehe..

Danny tadi aku tgk cam dah kurus sikit.. aku lak.. hmm.. (rahsia) Hehee.. Danny.. Danny.. Danny.. Very interesting guy.. Oh, ada sekali tu aku kuar ngan kawan aku (guy la) then kitorang terserempak Danny ngan kawan dia (girl la) kat pintu wayang.. Hehehe.. Cam kelakar gitu.. Serius, aku rasa cam movie.. hik hik hik.. Sbbnya aku rasa baru je kitorang kuar sehari dua sebelum tu.. Dua2 ngaku takde girlfriend and takde boyfriend.. (That guy pun mmg bukan boyfriend aku.. kawan2 ja) Hehehe.. tapi kelakar la.. That girl lak aku tgk cam cuak jer.. Hehehe.. mesti menaruh hati kat Danny tu.. hiks.. I'm not surprise.. Tapi dalam banyak2 org, leh lak aku terserempak ngan dia.. tgk wayang yg sama and dalam cinema yang sama lak tu.. jumpa betul2 depan pintu masuk hall cinema.. Nasib baik aku bukan tgk wayang sorang2 waktu tu (kekadang aku suka gak tgk wayang sorang2).. Kalau tak, how pathetic.. Terserempak dia ngan somebody while I'm alone.. Thank God! :D

Anyway.. Danny a gentle non-committed man, look soo same and unchanged.. Ramah and baik gitu.. I can't wait nak rasa masakan dia.. And I'm actually glad that he had invited Baby as well.. (Maybe he can read my mind? Hehehe)

- Another stupid rambling... Hehehe..

Catz The Star... Hehehe..

Right now.. I tgh cit cat ngan catz.. She so excited and nerbes you know.. Sebabnye kan.. Hehehe Hahaha.. Dia dah pemes skrg.. Hahaha.. Dah jadi star!!! Menurut statistik.. Dia ada ramai peminat... Ramai pembaca senyap dan jugak pembaca tak senyap.. Hahaha.. relax la catz.. Jadi celebrity ni mmg susah.. Jgn hilang identiti dah la ek.. Hehehe..

Jangan marah la catz.. I nak tumpang glamer you je ni.. Hehehe..

Anyway I ni selalu jer berkawan ngan star..

Catz - hehehe
Eva - My housemate yang selalu kuar TV1..
Salwa - My schoolmate, pembaca berita ntv7

Sape lagi ek? Lebih dari 2.. kira ramai la tu.. hehehe..

Personal Perception?

Tempat keje aku ada banyak senior and most of them ni boss.. but not all of them is my boss.. Tapi unit we all ni star.. selalu wat keje ngan bahagian lain dan ngan boss orang lain.. So, we all ada banyak experience keje ngan boss org lain.. So.. al-kisahnya, boss G (bekas boss) ni mmg terre la wat keje tapi dia amat la tak suka kat boss J.. So, selalu la dia ngutuk si boss J ni kat kitorang... Boss J ni pulak mmg ada bad reputation of stabbing people back.. took undeserved credit from others.. So we all believed la boss G ni.. So, suddenly bila boss J ni acquired aku utk wat keje ngan dia.. Aku cuak la.. this back stabbing people boss want to work with me? And worst, he actually request me directly to the top management mintak aku keje direct under dia.. Waat??? This guy want to be my boss??? Mean: He want me to work Only for him, don't want to share2.. NOOO!!! I told my real boss, boss A to fight for me.. Don't let him be my boss... Please... Well.. my boss A is a great man.. I'm too cute, of course he will not let me go.. Hehehe..

But, boss J had a new trick.. He suddenly request more projects with me.. I got scared la.. He want to kidnap me. Help! So, I got my trick as well.. Telling him I'm bz.. bla bla bla.. cannot have too many projects at the same time.. So, Aku wat satu projek je ngan dia and kasi the other project kat my other colleague.. hehehe.. So, felt save now..

Tadi, aku discuss2 projek ngan penanggung keje aku tu.. aku cakap la, this boss J ni susah la wat keje ngan dia.. (We are doing the boss J projek k) But kan.. my colleague ni balas balik.. "Dia ok per" Hmm.. aku suddenly cam terkezut gitu.. "Tapikan.. ko kan tau dia camne.." Then, we had some conversation la about him.. And I come with conclusions..

1. That boss G (no longer my boss because he had an affair with my friend and I lost all the respect to him.. and he chose to hate me.. so, he disqualified from being my boss, btw.. he is not my real boss and also unprofessional as well :s) pun bukannya baik sgt pun yang aku terpengaruh ngan kata2 dia..
2. Boss J tu always talk sopan je ngan aku.. Always nice jer (depan aku la)
3. Boss J tu tak penah buat salah pun ngan aku (technically)
4. Aku yg bias when anything to do with boss J (Partly fobia.. takut kena kidnap)

So.. Aku rasa bersalah sikit la skrg, mmg la management org ni pelik2 tapi aku tak patut being judgemental about him... Rasa macam tak patut pulak selama ni aku macam nak tak nak je wat keje dia..

p/s: Maybe sbb aku akan berkursus lama ni.. suddenly asyik pk pasal keje je and people around that...

- Just a stupid rambling...

I'm Not Confuse Anymore...

Cam ne ye nak mula.. Well, aku kena gi kursus next week.. 6 minggu (lama ko..) Tapi kursus ni perlu untuk menyediakan diri aku b4 terbang u know.. So, ok la kan.. tapi aku dapat rasakan yang boss aku macam overly nerbes pulak.. maksud aku, dia dok la email aku tanya kursus start bila? Dah dapat surat pelepasan ke blom? tanya keje aku camne? Isk isk isk.. serius ni, aku confius.. aku gi 6 minggu ja.. nanti bulan 5 aku masukla opis balik.. lagipun kalau aku takde, projek aku tu tunggu je la.. bukannya tak bergerak unit aku tu kalau aku takde sekali pun.. Ada satu kali tu, dia kasi email kat aku mintak senarai keje2 aku dan mintak aku cari orang ganti untuk tanggung keja aku tu.. Nak je aku jerit .. AKU GI SEBULAN SETENGAH JE LA!!!! tapi memandangkan dia Boss dan aku bukan boss, aku cari la colleague yang aku rasa ada capability utk wat keje sama2 ngan aku.. lagipun aku rasa.. maybe bagusla jugak kot kalau ada orang tengokkan projek aku dan sambung bila aku blah nanti..

Anyway, aku rasa tak perlu la aku buat dokumen bagai untuk menyenaraikan keje2 aku kan.. So, bila boss beria mintak jugak aku rasa down gila.. Aku dah pk macam2.. Boss rasa aku ni buat keje tak ok ke? Dia rasa aku ni tak leh harap ke? Dia memang tak percaya kat aku ke? Mesti dia rasa aku malas, lembab dan yang sewaktu dgnnya.. Sebabnya dia tak mintak kat orang lain pun (bukan aku sorang kene gi kursus tu).. Mmg aku down gila la hari tu.. (Boss aku plak orgnya pendiam, mmg susah nak agak apa dia pk)

Then, semalam aku pk lagi.. Apsal ek? Hmm.. aku rasa aku dapat agak la akhirnya.. dan hari ni aku confirmkan ngan PA dia.. hehehe.. Rupa-rupanya dia nak kasi orang tanggung keje aku.. Mean: My colleague tu akan dapat elaun tanggung tugas.. Mean: Dia akan dapat tambahan gaji sebanyak 1/4 dari jumlah gaji pokok aku.. (Banyak gak tu wei) Mean: aku kena mintak dia belanja aku makan ni.. Hehehe.. Serius, ape ke he' nye nak tanggung tugas aku tu.. SEBULAN SETENGAH JE!!! Tapi aku suka la.. sebabnya nak mintak kawan aku tu belanja aku.. Hehehe...

I'm Not Confuse Anymore... (Aku paranoid rupanyer..)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol...

Tadi aku chatting2 ngan catz.. dia tanya aku.. "Why aa, heran ek, you tak tulih langsung pasal AF".. Well, dulu2 aku memang fanatik sikit ngan AF ni.. ala waktu zaman dia gah seantero Malaya.. Tapi ntah la now, aku rasa cam kureng sikit.. maybe blom lagi tapi mmg dari season 4 ke atas, aku rasa af dah tak berape besh..

Anyway, I always ikut American Idol.. bukan sebab aku nak pi Amerika no.. Dolu2 tak penah ku terpikio nak gi America.. I nak gi Spain u know.. huhuhu.. Barcelona gitu.. tak pun as close as possible la.. U.K for example.. huhuhu... Apapun, back to story.. I like la American Idol ni sebab diorang selalunya berbakat beso.. dan aku selalu ada fav.. tapi selalunya fav aku kalah la.. huhuhu.. for example, yg 2 season lepas, aku suka Katherin McPee (ejaan aku sure salah ni) dia kalah ngan mamat rambut putih main harmonika yang tak la best sangat tu.. Pastu last season aku minat si Blake tu, ala mamat yang hip tu yang selalu buat ala2 Justin Timbelake (Tapi Justin wat tak besh la, dia lg best).. Tapi si Jordin tu lak yang menang.. So this season aku minat kat..drrrrrrrrrrrrr (ala2 bunyi drum slow)rrrrrr.... DAVID!!! YeeHaaa!!!!! Bukan! NO! Not that David, the other David.. meh la ku letak pic dia..

Ni David Archuleta kegilaan ramai tu.. Dia ok la.. best.. tak dinafikan..

Tapi ni la David yang aku maksudkan.. Marvelous gitu.. David Cook nama dia.. Remember his name guys..

Walaupun ramai (memang ramai gila la) yang minat David yang aku tak minat tu, tapi David yang aku minat ni performance dia selalu tip-top.. David yang aku tak minat tu dulu2 mmg dia best dan plus cute tapi sebagai seorang yang mementingkan bakat (hihihi) David yang aku minat tu memang marbelos gitu.. So, minatla David yang aku minat.. hehehe.. And this week.. perghhhh.. best gila.. dan aku akhirnya berjaya menjumpai... the new american idol! Percayala.. tapi ada kemungkinan la dia kalah.. huhuhu.. sbb takat ni yang aku minat semuanya kalah.. Tapi kalau orang america tu bijak cam aku.. si David Cook ni la yang akan menang.. Hihihi..

Ok la.. Selesaila mengomel serba sedikit pasal dunia hiburan.. hehehe... Oh, lagi satu Tuesday is the best day in Malaysia.. Why?

9.00 pm - Heroes
10.00 pm - Prison Break..


Mendoza Backpack Laptop Bag...

Ok la.. Ni la entry yang aku tak larat tulih smlm.. hihihi.. Sebenarnya aku bukannya apa, aku dah beli backpack laptop bag yang baru tapi bag lama aku masih lagi elok, lawa, cun dan sebagainya.. Alasan aku beli bag baru ni pon sebab aku rasa bag lama ni tak cukup besar la utk aku gi USA nanti.. Anyway, cukup besar la utk 2 - 3 hari travel (Aku dah penah buat la) dan sedang elok kalau bawak jalan2 dan gi kuliah.. Tapi aku akan dapat beg laptop baru (backpack jugak la) dalam masa terdekat ni dan saiz pun sama (normal saiz).. So, aku bercadang nak jual beg ni half prize dari harga beli (Aku beli 2007 - setahun baru tau and rarely used).. Aku akan jual bag ni kat ebay.. tp saje je announce kat sini dulu, mana tau korang minat..


Beg baru beli semalam yg hitam tu.. Beli sbb saiz la.. Beg lama yg belah kanan tu.. Utk pengetahuan korang, beza harga beg ni RM100
Ni dari pandangan depan..
Ni main compartment.. Laptop saiz 12" - 14" boleh muat.. Ada tempat wayar n mouse.. and bhgn depan jaring2 tu.. boleh buh, erm tumbdrive ke, CD ke, notes ke..
Yang ni bahagian depannye.. boleh buh macam2 gak.. agak besar jugak la & dalam..
Yang ni pandangan belakang.. Ada pengaliran udara dan sponge yang lembut dan tebal.. memang selesa la..

OK.. Aku terlupa nak ukur dimension tapi saiz biasa la.. Kalau ada yg tanya domension nanti aku balik umah ukur.. Harga jual RM189, aku beli after diskaun 20% RM151.20.. Tapi aku nak jual RM75.00 ja.. Murah wei.. Gerenti tak dapat di pasaran.. Condition tip top like new.. (Kalau balik kg pun, i pakai beg laptop sandang sbb nak masuk dlm beg kotak tu) kiranya jarang guna la..

So, kesimpulannya..

Type: Backpack Laptop Beg
Brand: Mendoza
Price: RM75.00
Shipping: Excluded

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hehehe.. Hahaha.. HAHAHA...

Balik keje... Me and Baby duduk lepak2 minum2 makan sikit2.. borak2.. Ntah apa la yang kitorang borak... Tetiba sampai la ke satu topik yang paling best sekali..

"B (Nama pendek Baby.. hehehe..) B.. B.. Ko tau tak aku ada tgk satu kasut kat Primavera ni kan.. New arrival tau.. Kasut comfit, aku suka la, kaler merah gitu.." O____O

"Ko tau la kan, aku kena panjat tangga batu cave tu hari2... bla bla bla penat bla bla tak kurus pun bla bla bla.. kasut kena selesa.."

"... Kalau ikutkan aku la B, aku nak je gi beli sekarang.."

(Seperti biasa, I always do all the talking.. hihihi)

Suddenly.. B cakap.. "Really? I love to temankan ko shopping"

Hahahaha.. Hehehehe... HAHAHA.. Really? Seperti orang mengantok disorongkan tilam.. Hihihi.. So.. Let's go babey... Jadi, dijadikan citer.. hari ni aku gi shopping lagik!!! YoooHooo!!! Nak tengok kasut baru I?

Cun tak? For comfit sandle kira ok la kan.. hehehe merah gitu.. promoter tu kata merun.. Ermmm...
Promoter tu kata, kalau aku nak tunggu kasut ni ada diskaun bulan 6 tahun depan.. Tu pun kalau ada lagik.. Ceh.. :p

B kata dia cannot shopping more shoes (after kasut yang dia berkenan tu takde saiz :p ) katenye sbb last month je dia dah beli 3 pasang kasut... Hmmm... Tapi true lady need lots of shoes.. Hehehe.. (Not me la, aku rasa aku tak la selalu beli kasut... ^_^)

So, I do more shopping (B do more consultancy.. hehehe).. I beli a new laptop/travel beg (Nanti I nak buat entry baru, sbb adala.. baca la ek).. So we shoppings some groceries.. some cloths.. some foods.. And akhirnya balik kepenatan...

Wait for my next entry ek... I got something to tell you (No.. No.. takde kena mengena ngan hidup or mati or jodoh.. None of that.. :p)

Almost Noon Notes... I got Facebook!

11.45 a.m

Today, gi keje cam biasa.. try to settle the problem with my program.. Still, I don't find a way.. Risau ni, macam mana la aku nak cakap kat boss ni.. isk isk isk.. Tolong la jadik.. harapan terakhir ialah menunggu e-mail dr Vietnam.. Please.. Anyway, skip the boring talk.. Hehehe..

Semalam, my friend invite aku jadi friends dianye facebook - Serius, aku ni jahil friendster, my space and now.. facebook.. pastu kawan aku ni kata facebook ni bagus la.. pabala ntah.. bla bla bla, so okla.. aku dengan blurnya register la facebook ni.. So! I got an account now.. hihihi.. tak la susah sangat, okla untuk friend2 kan.. So, just to announce kalau korang ada facebook invite la aku jadi kawan korang ek.. Facebook ni khas utk sesape yang tahu and kenal the Re-al me je.. hehehe.. kalau you all only knew me as Saira, means that you are not eligible to be my facebook friends.. Hihihi.. (Dgn perasaan perasan yang ada unknown baca blog aku.. hehehe)

- Saira

Monday, March 24, 2008

Morning Notes...

10.51 a.m

A little late for a morning notes.. Tapi ok la kan.. Hari ni aku terlompat2 kat bilik waktu bersiap ke opis because I CAN'T BE LATE AGAIN! Well, I'm not late.. the timing is perfect! Pagi2 aku dah decide malas bancuh nescafe sendiri and go to kantin beli makanan.. This time, again I ask for lebih nescafe.. and thank you, my nescafe look a better color.. (finally) Hihihi.. This morning, 1st to do is check email.. Everything well and ok.. my colleague from Vietnam reply my e-mail.. I'm happy, he gonna help me.. and again aku dapat e-mail dari Mizzou University (University of Missouri), bagi my personal record account.. Hmm, nampak gayanya Uni ni yang paling cepat and cekap wat keje.. Stevens masih lagi suruh aku check missing documents (Wut the hell? bye bye Stevens the lembab and the banyak songeh.. maleh aku nak layan ko! Mizzou love me more :p) So, aku nak cont process with Mizzou ni tapi masih teragak2 sebab ada 4 Uni lagi yang aku nak consider which is Purdue, Pittsburgh, Minnesota and Ohio State (Aku ada perasaan yang aku akan dapat empat2 ni.. cuma diorang ni lembab sikit la.. hiks perasan kan..) So, to make a Re-al decision I have to consider all the options.. So wait some more la kan.. (Lembab.. Lembab.. Lembab.. huh.. )

On the other notes, I'm overjoy with the recent development of La Liga.. Hooray!!! Hip Hip Hooray! Barca WON last night and Real Madrid LOST! YAY! HAHAHA.. Now only 4 points gaps.. Hehehe.. I suka I suka.. Ok la.. Saira nak wat keje.. :D

- Saira Yay!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Me and Books and Books and Books...

Saje je rasa nak tulih entry ni.. maybe as a noted to myself or maybe as a result of boring-ness or maybe for no reason at all but just love fill in my blog.. Apa2 pun.. whatever la kan..

Right now, I am looking at my shelf of books.. I want to categorized it to 3 categories..

1. Books that I love so much that I re-read it sooo many times
2. Books that I like and already read it
3. Books that I think I like it, I bought it but still in my waiting list, for whatever reason I still have no time to read it..

1. Books that I love so much..

Ok, as said above I have a tendency of re-read the books that I love and this is the main reason why I found myself no-time to read the books in the 3rd category.. I love fantasy/adventure books.. So, mostly these kind of books in this list.. So, the list:

1. Harry Potter Series -Seriously, I think I re-read them more than 5 times.. please times it by 7 books
2. LOTR series - I read it like.. ermm at least 2 times.. ops maybe 3 times..
3. His Dark Material by Philips Pullman, ala citer yg one of it is "The Golden Compass" - This one is on attemp to read it for 2nd time.. Baru beli jer buku ni end of last year..
4. The Firm by John Grisham - This is my fav for non-fantacy.. So... Well... U know...
5. Something Wonderful and Whitney, My Love by Judith McNought - Sometimes I craved for romantic books and I always found myself re-read these..

This list can be long but I stick for the books that I constantly re-read only la kan..

2. Books that I Read..

The list is too long.. Can't put a list ok.. Reason: Malas.. banyak la.. ada yang aku sewa beli.. ada yang memang beli. ada yang pinjam.. Oh, just to mention that I mostly already read all John Grisham books (I like John Grisham), All Judith McNought books, and lots of V.C Andrew books, Sydney Sheldon books.. And I won't mention the Salma Hamid a.k.a Nancy Drew books (Ni kira zaman kanak2 dolu.. hihihi).. Lots of randoms books mostly by suggestion by my friend or just found it interesting.. whatever.. bla bla bla..

3. Books in my waiting list...

I love to buy books.. I'm addicted to it.. I just like to buy books.. I want to read it but well sometimes you just don't have all the times in the world.. But still I want to read them.. Really! Ok.. aku gi korek buku2 ni from my shelf ok.. Sian diorang.. Hehehe.. (The worst is, I keep buying new books)

The waiting list..

1. The Face by Dean Koontz - aku beli buku ni tahun 2005 kat Germany
2. The Beach by Alex garland - lama dah beli.. baru baca separuh pastu lost interest
3. A King's Ransom by James Grippando - Beli sama ngan The Face
4. Gravity by Tess Gerritsen - Medical thriller, seriously aku nak baca buku ni
5. The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen - No time not yet..
6. The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum - Dah baca separuh, got interuppted by other books tetiba terlupa..
7. The Dark Tower, Wizard and Glass by Sthepen King - Ni beli sbb murah hehehe.. never a fan of Mr. King but I'll find time
8. Undue Influence by Steve Martini - Aku hampir lupa aku beli buku ni.. baru td jumpa and baca sipnosis, very interesting.. I know why I bought it tp have no idea why tak baca.. obvious reason - aku selalu beli byk buku at one times so maybe i miss this accidentally..
9. The Millionaires by Brad Meltzer - Beli kat Germany gak.. nampaknya too much party times makes reading come 2nd
10. Malachi's Moon and Hogs Hog Down - Beli waktu jualan murah, I doubt I will read these..
12. The King of Torts by John Grisham - I wonder why? maybe get saturated by John Grisham at that time and terforget this one.. then it hide behind other books..
13. Ashes To Ashes by Tami Hoag - Dah baca separuh.. got interrupted
14. Stardust by Neil Gaiman - What can I say, aku beli buku ni serentak ngan "His Dark Material" by Philips Pullman (in 1st category) which I like it so much.. So, buku ni tertinggal bas.. sian.. nak baca aa ni..
15. Gone With The Wind by Margeret Mitchell - Beli sbb cite ni kira legend la kan.. tp lum start baca lagik..
16. Three books by Agathe Christie - Ada jualan murah hari tu. aku beli 3 sekali.. tp satu pun tak baca lagik..
19. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella - Borrow from catz, baca sikit pastu ntah.. got interrupted as well
20. Memoirs of A Geisha by Arthur Golden - Borrow from Mimi, dah jd harta aku dah sbb tak start2 baca..

See? Berapa banyak buku dalam waiting list.. And I just bought "The Chronicles of Narnia" (7 in 1 books) yesterday.. Gladly said.. I'm reading it now! Aku buat keje ni lagik.. This waiting list ni mmg buku yang ada kat my room right now, waiting patiently to be read by me.. Huhuhu.. Buku yang aku terlupa or ada kat opis or ada kat kampung tak tau la.. tak kisah la kan.. So, should I smacked myself now for letting this happen? Or should I stop re-read books and finished the unfinished (noted for myself).. But for now, I'll buried myself with Narnia's Chronicles..

Me, a book addict but mostly I think.. Me, a book's shopping addict..

Saturday Shoppings and Movie...


Well, as planned aku gi Mid Valley semalam with some targets in mind.. So, bertolak dari umah with purp around kul 11.00am (Bertolak awal coz takut susah dapat parking).. Kami sampai around kul 12pm la.. My appointment for facial kul 12.30pm, so we go buy tiket wayang dulu la.. 27 Dresses kul 4.40p.m (Aku ingatkan kul 4.50p.m-I'll tell you later k, we late 10 minutes :frust: )

So, I left Purp roaming around by herself for 1.5 hours while I do my facial.. Ntah la pasal facial ni, aku tak rasa bertambah jelita pon (hihihi).. That Chinese girl from Beyond Beauty tu explain ape ke bende ntah pasal whatever, treatment ni treatment tu.. good for my face.. Bla bla bla.. Last sekali aku cakap la kat dia.. (after all the "ok la..", "yes", "uuh hu") aku ckp kat dia.. "Well, I actually don't understand a thing!" Kui kui kui.. Leh lak minah tu tanya aku "Am I speaking too fast?" Hahaha.. Seriously, that's not the problem.. Not At All! Aku ni jahil la pasal treatment2.. or apa2 tips kecantikan ni.. Apa yg dalam otak aku hanyalah "Get done with it girl! I already paid you big money to make me beauty!" So, at the end aku just cakap.. "well just do as we agree before.. Don't add anything or whatsoever.." At 2.00p.m Done! Thank you very much... Urghhh..

So, aku met balik ngan Purp.. Makan kat "The Mahattan Fish Market".. and cont shoppings.. hehehe.. Aku tinjau balik for the last time.. huhuhu.. my RM700++ long coat for Falls/Spring.. Arghh so beautiful and perfect for me.. :-/ Tapi atas nasihat kekawan dan muhasabah diri aku batalkan niat beli coat tu dan settle with my new jacket (baru beli Khamis hari tu.. hehehe) and also my old jacket la.. So maybe enuff is enuff lagipun coat tu akan memberatkan lagi beg aku.. hihihi.. Suddenly aku rasa aku ada extra RM700 for shopping.. Hehehehe.. Hahaha... Hihihihi... Wakakaka..

So, aku target nak beli new beg pack for laptop+traveling (yg old one rasa cam kecik la).. New wallet (old one already boring) and some books and maybe new shoes.. new bla bla (can't think yet).. So, semalam aku beli book Narnia series.. saje je aku beli buku ni sbb tak tau nak beli buku ape, lagipun aku rasa aku patut beli la.. ntah la.. Then Ta Da!!! Aku beli new wallet.. Hehehe.. Aku rasa kalau kira balik back 5 years back, this is my 5th or 6th wallet.. Ntah la dah tak ingat.. hehehe.. Somehow aku never satisfied ngan wallet aku tapi aku rasa yang ni the last one la.. Aku harap aku leh maintain this one for at least ermmm.. 3 years (hope more..hikss) This is my new one..

Cute? Balenciaga new arrival (kata promoter tu la..)
From inside..

Nice ha? Ok la kan.. sebab aku nak settle lama ngan wallet ni.. so black is good.. Beg pack aku tak nak beli kat sini coz aku dah survey kat Alamanda, aku dah ada yg berkenan just saje je nak tgk other option kat MV ni.. Then jalan2 some more.. shoppings some more.. then it's time for 27 Dresses...

Well.. Citer ni best! fun! cute! enjoyable! bla bla bla yang seangkatan dengannya.. Aku bagi 3/5stars.. Citer ni best tapi aku tak leh nak buang feeling frustrated sebab masuk tgk movie ni lewat 10 minit.. How could aku tak perasan yang movie ni actually start kul 4.40pm bukan 4.50p.m.. Sepenjang wayang ni aku cuba menceriakan diri aku dan membuang feeling ni.. Citer ni still best even with the missed ten minutes tapi it can be better.. Anyway dah terjadi pun so, I try my best to enjoy it.. Hmm.. Ending citer ni bagi aku quite lame.. too easy.. I don't expect it to be difficult either cuma aku harap more challenging or more worthy the love.. whatever la kan..

Back from MV.. I put all my stuffs and food.. Aku tgk AF6.. Ok la.. AC Mizal quite boring tapi maybe anybody is better than Aznil (bukan aku tak suka Aznil) sbb dah bosan maa.. Aku tak de fav and just tgk je la kan.. Good that Saturday will be more fun now.. Hehehe..


- Saira

Friday, March 21, 2008

Morning Notes...

9.05 a.m

Hari ni aku masuk keje awal 2 minit.. hehehe.. Good for me.. I can't be late anymore anyway.. Semalam tidur kejap ja sebab tgk Barca game.. Diorang kalah! Ceh! Hampess.. Now they are out of Copa Del Rey.. 2 trophy to go.. Marah la ni.. Anyway malam tadi ngan pagi ni cuaca macam kering sgt.. aku bangun pagi ngan perasaan yang dahaga semacam.. So, aku decide hari ni gi beli makanan kat kantin sebab nak beli nescafe ais.. Keadaan dahaga melampau ni hanya boleh disettlekan dgn ais.. Tapi aku tak paham betul la kantin ni.. Which part yang aku kata lebih nescafe tu yg dia tak paham.. Aku tgk air aku tu koko muda ja.. Isk isk isk nak marah pun maleh.. Kiranya hari ni aku kurangkan pengambilan caffeine la.. That's settle then.. Semalam cuti, rasa macam tak larat lak nak wat keje hari ni.. Jadi untuk menceriakan hari anda... Aku pakai apa yang aku shopping semalam.. Yay! Hahaha.. Esok nak gi MidValley pulak.. Buat facial and shopping some more.. YAY! Semenjak dah dpt confirmation dari Uni in USA ni.. otak aku asyikla.. Shopping Shopping Shopping.. Nanti tak muat pulak beg aku tu.. Hihihi..

- Saira

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Aku Merajuk..

1.09 p.m

Hari ni cuti Maulidur Rasul.. Me, doing nothing in my room.. tgk tv main internet.. berangan some more.. duk pk2 nak tulih fic.. then, tetiba rasa cam nak gi alamanda.. Okla.. call Shelly.. Lagipun Shelly cakap kalau dia ada plan hari ni dia akan call aku.. So, aku nak gi alamanda la..

Kring.. kring.. kring..
"Shelly, kat ne? I ingat nak gi Alamanda la"
"I kat PKNS ni, ngan Zizi.. Makan.. Mai la"
"Tak pe la.. aku tak mandi lagi ni.. next time la"

Ooo.. kuar ngan Zizi tak ajak aku.. tak pe.. Ada ubi ada bas.. Ceh, camne ngan plan aku nak gi alamanda ni.. Beratnya bontot ni nak pg bilik air.. Makan pun blom lg ni.. dalam otak dah siap masak udang ngan sos tiram.. urghh.. Jap gi la.. aku nak gi Alamanda jugak.. duk umah pun bukan boleh buat apa2 pun.. Nak buat keje pun malas..

SMS Ring Tone...
"Saira, I'm home now, I can go to alamanda with you"
Eleh.. orang dah jauh hati tau..
"Ermm.. Takpe la, tgk la camne"
Dalam erti kata lain.. Boleh blah!

End of story, aku nak bangun la ni, gi mandi pastu bersiap pastu gi Alamanda.. No.. Not with Shelly... prghhhh...

- Saira buat perangai... hehehe

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

YES! A Great NEWS... :D

Congratulations on your acceptance to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program. Please see the attached acceptance letter.


Director of Graduate Studies
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Missouri-Columbia

YES! YES! YES! Finally I got the acceptance letter from one of the Universities that I had applied... Otak ni masih keawan-awangan lagik.. Heheheh.. Hahahaha.. Well, MU bukan la my first choice tapi I feel save now.. Anyway, aku tak tau la what is my first choice pun... kiranya aku suka la.. maybe aku pilih university ni akhirnya.. Well.. I'm happy.. HAPPY! Happy! happy! HaPpY! hApPy! HAHAHAHA...

Okla.. Thank you Allah...

I Love You... Love you all...

Morning Notes...


Pagi ni sampai lewat seminit (improve from yesterday).. Tapi lewat ni pun disebabkab ada kete lembu kat depan yang menyebabkan kete2 pagi ni jadik keretapi. Urghh.. Anyway pagi ni check email lagi.. Tension lagik.. Stevens still tak update my profile (lembab!).. Ohio State and Missouri still evaluate.. yang lain2 entah la.. Memang kalau ikutkan nak pegi je sana ketuk kepala sorang2.. buat keje cepat sikit!!!

Pagi ni aku nak mulakan keje dgn cemerlang (hehehe), malam tadi siap mimpi2 lagik yg program aku ni success.. Isk isk isk.. I just need some peace please.. Nescafe blom bancuh lagik ni sebab malas nak angkat bontot basuh cawan and masak air..

Come-On Saira! Mulakan hari anda!!!

- Saira

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Diary Like Blog...

Ok.. I just read my old e-diary.. Nowadays I never write anything there, maybe due to constantly writing in this blog.. So, I decide today I would like to write this blog like I wrote my e-diary.. First of all, I have to switch language.. back to Malay rojak.. Hahaha.. Main reason I write this blog in English pun bcoz 'konon2'nya nak improve my English.. but My English still sucks anyway...

OK.. switch toooooo...... diary like now....

6.59 p.m

Today, as usually aku lewat lagi masuk opis.. well 4 minit only la.. still lewat.. Got appointment with consultant tp disebabkan dah terlewat tu, aku lupa lak nak bawak breakfast.. so kena singgah kantin beli makanan.. Sampai kat opis, check e-mail 1st.. So, I got an email dari Pittsburgh cakap yang result TOEFL still tak sampai lagi. S*it! Bodoh betul la ETS ni.. amik duit aku tapi buat keje lembab.. SLOW! Memang nyampah gila kalau dipkkan pasal US ni.. Apsal la aku tak dapat U.K (ok stop wishing now)..

Aku then teruskan keje cam biasa dan still pening2 lalat ngan programming yang tak mau2 jadi.. Farid help a lot and he and his comp belanja makan tgh hari,, well with diorang nye marketing department.. I like deal with them anyway, without that lunch.. they still my 1st choice.. Back office then, still working very hard and problem still tak settle.. Arghhh... Apsal la tak jadi2 ni??? Tick tick tick time fly fast.. Purp dah tgk jam dua tiga kali.. tapi Farid cam tak nak stop.. aku pun kalau ikutkan taknak stop tapi otak dah jammed ni.. So.. we stop gak la.. finally.. Still a lot to figure out!!! Tension.

Ok.. Balik dari opis tadi.. aku sekali lagi tension and piss off ngan my car.. Apsal la left speaker aku pecah pulak.. Tension ni!!! Aku bukak Josh nye album... dengan harapan dapat tenangkan fikiran tapi speaker pecah tu buat aku more pissed off.. Then waktu aku kat round about.. kete sebelah aku tu tak nampak ke aku bagi signal??? bodoh betul! Almost accident tadi.. pastu bawak slow2 belakang aku.. takut la tu.. aku slowkan kete gak sebab memang bercita2 besar ni nak bagi jelingan maut.. tapi tak kesampaian.. So dengan perasaan masih marah ni aku cont drive and sampai kat t.light merah la pulak.. so aku cont drive amik short-cut and buat U-turn.. Disebabkan terlalu rapat.. kete aku naik atas divider la plak.. S*IT!

Sampai umah.. semua parking dah penuh.. Ada orang baru pindah umah sebelah aku ni.. so kena parking jauh sikit.. tapi takpe la.. Asalkan aku leh parking dah la.. Now (sambil tulis diary-blog) ni aku tgk repeat Barca game kat astro.. hari tu tak dapat tgk sebab gi P.D.. Well Barca seri again and no Messi.. so, this is no comfort gak... Ok. I'm suck at life!

- Saira

Monday, March 17, 2008

Life Me is Like That…

Sunday – Arrived at PD

Right now at the moment, I’m writing this blog offline, so bored in Port Dickson. I’m not on vacation, nor working. I am here because of my dearest sister.. She has a team building activity or something.. organized by her comp., so she flied all the way from Kuching, Sarawak to KLIA.. And me, as always – an unauthorized pickup taxi, picked her up. So, I took this opportunity to stay at PD with her.. and try to have a free vacation away from office.. Hehehe.. My conclusion – there is NOTHING in PD! Maybe it’s ok for those who like/love beach, but I lived in Lumut and that should tell a lot.

I am here with NO internet connection, NO Astro and NO books.. My plan is: working on my programming (work) in hotel room while my sister doing her whatever activity outside.. So, I didn’t bring anything here except my laptop and my log books. I purposely didn’t bring any book of non-working related at all. NONE.. Ha ha ha.. Who’s I’m kidding? Anyway, my day is quite busy because my dearest sister didn’t realize that most of her program are outdoor activities.. :-/ So, I have to go out shopping for her.. (her activities quite pack you know..)

So fellow friends.. This is the pics that I took.. Beautiful indeed but it is just not a vacation place for me…

This is the view from my hotel room’s window..

The beach.. 6.00 pm

My dearest sister.. She complaint that I never put her pic in my blog.. Here you are!

Here you are again!!! Ha ha ha!!!

Ala ala ayu gitu…

The shops near the beach…

Yummy! My sis is ‘hantu’ durian.. Hehehe..

Monday – Back to Bangi

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Spiderwick Chronicles...

I'm watching this movie with my friend Linda.. Well we love it! I'm glad that this movie is good and funny coz well I want to have a good time.. And a good time indeed.. 4/5 stars. This movie is from the book (I check it at the store) well, it's a children book but very interesting.. Yes, people can say it's like Narnia and Harry Potter but it was different.. maybe same genre but different story and I feel the originality. I love this movie and I'm planning to buy a DVD of this movie (later)..

It's about this book by Arthur Spiderwick - The book of secrets

Thumbletack- The House Brownie.. Easily get angry but will settle down if you give him honey.. It is so cute and funny!

Hogsqueal - A master plan of everything but easily get distracted by a bird.. Love bird so much.. The savior at last.. Hehehe..

Mallory, Jared and Simon Grace.. I like the sister.. She is cute and cute.. And the different char between the twin.. Just for you to know.. Main char: Jared Grace.. always the rebellious get the main char ha..

The Goblin - There are lots and lots of them.. Bad bad bad.. Mulgarath 's slave.. Scary and funny! Beware!

Jared and his great grandfather, Arthur Spiderwick.. poor aunt Lucinda.. Great man..

Cute? The sprite - one of the great secret of the hidden world.. Flying flower.. cute sgt..

Mulgarath - The bandit! The ogre! He is after the secret in the book.. He want it all and destroy it all.. He can change to any form to deceive people.. Too bad he change into bird at the end.. Hehehe..

Ok.. Obviously I love this movie...

Friday, March 14, 2008


I just cannot stop hating her...
I should stop hating her... (noted)
She's not worth it! (noted)

I can't help myself, everyday I hate her more.. Why? Did I miss her? Did I jealouse seing her talk with other people/friends? Did I need her? She just doesn't know what she is missing! She missed out our moment of joy! She missed out our moment of sad! She missed out the complexcity of our little life! And she look content and happy.. She clearly don't miss us a bit! I hate her!! Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate her so much!

I have too much things in my mind right now. Too much problems. Too much feeling.. I feel unsecured and vulnerable.. and I hate her more and more everyday. She suppose to be at my side right now! and comfort me at this moment of my life. Oh, God I hate her soo much.

I just cannot stop hating her for what she did! Why oh why? Her egos will makes her alive and happy. damn it! She is damn happy with her life??? I hate her for loving her egos first and most of all.

To stop hating her is to stop caring about her... (noted)
Don't care because she doesn't! (noted)

Conclusion: I HATE HER!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Got to Sleep But...

I know I should sleep now. It's 2.00 a.m and I have to be ready to work hard tomorrow.. Times is ticking! But somehow I just can't. I want to write something.. So, blogging is a perfect solution.

Tonight is a great night. I have no planned for tonight but Baby and Paris ask me to join them to dinner.. So, why not? I need to get out from my unmanageable room anyway (Reason: I prefer staring at the wall instead of keep it tidy.. hiks) but instead of having a dinner, we (they?) (no matter) decide to play bowling at Alamanda. Great! Hehehe.. It's a long time since I last play it.. maybe a year ago? Hahaha.. my inner talent can't wait to kick out.. Well, there is a lot of people.. All the lane full and we have to wait for awhile. So.. this is the place where people nowadays love to spend their quality time with family.. (Flash back: I never play bowling until I'm 22 years old.. huhuhu). There is a kid (around 5 years old I guess) in my opinion played better than me.. Kui kui kui.. I lost in both games.. Conclusion: I'm sucks at Bowling!

SuperBowl Alamanda at 10.30p.m weekday

Bowling story - I think I injured my arm muscle (hamstring maybe) because I don't stretching properly.. hehehe.. So, note to purple, it is likely that my ability to write an intelligent coding into the Xilinx programming will decrease.. Because it's common: When injured; case "true" <= Performance down! Hehehe... Sorry... I really hope I don't go all 'mandom' tomorrow. Please blame the injury crisis..

Vid of us from my hp.. not bad ha? :D (Me: took the vid) Title: "Baby is Leading.."

After bowling, we stop by at my new favorite stall (kerang bakar's place la) but no kerang bakar today.. maybe bcoz it's raining and maybe gak bcoz it too late.. around 12.30a.m (not so late la kan) Anyway, no kerang bakar and I eat chicken wing.. which is tasty.. Paris order Nasi Goreng Kampung (8/10) and Baby order chaw ko teaw (not so tasty).. After eat we go back home and I chat a little with my friend catz who is outstation at Penang/Perak..

Ok now I feel tired and want to sleep.. (2.35 a.m now) Ok la.. Esok2 la kalau ada idea nak add2 story here.. Adios for now.. Hik hik hiksss.....

I still feel it!!! ARGHH!!!! Like something missing in my heart. A HOLE. Maybe it's Messi? Hahaha Or the unsolved problems at office.. Or the hate that I still carry and hold towards her, the one who don't even deserved my thought? Or the fact that I'm still worried about the University offer...

Really adios! :p

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My New Banner!

I change it again! Hahaha.. It just I never satisfied by one design. I get bored easily.. Or maybe my inner talent kick in.. Hehehe..

This one is just kind of silly.. I'm so bored and lazy at office.. So, I did what I like most.. Doing useless things.. hehehe.. How you guys think? It's Cute? Hihihi..

p/s: This entry mostly served as a record of time I changed it.. B'coz.. believe me.. It will change again.. from time to time.. :p

Me, Living in Selangor...

Monday's Joke of The Day..

"Sahaja aku keluar barisan, menaiki roket menuju ke bulan demi keadilan.." Amin...

This is the talk around office on Monday, in fact it was the Only talk we had on Monday.. from 9 to 5..


Working time! Solution solution solution.. Still don't got it anyway.. Life Sucks!

Anyway, that's not the point of this entry. Living in the state of opposition (from government la) really interesting and a rare opportunities.. Here, there is no ashame on admitting the opposition's side. People who do support the government is the one who need to subdue their opinion and become a listener. Yesterday, when I stop by at a stall to buy laksa, this guy start to talk about how bad for Perak to lose to DAP but wrong place man.. This is Selangor.. You just trigger the wrong topic.. It was so funny to see that guy to finally agree the argument of opposition's side. I truly believe he just pretend and 'bengkak' inside. HAHAHA..

For me? I'm not at any side. I have my own opinion and I believe this situation is great. Now, government has to be careful to win back people votes and the oppositions got their chance to prove that they deserved this opportunities. I'm at the side of Malaysian!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ta Daaaa!!!

Today I went out to Plaza Lowyat with my friends.. Baby want to buy a laptop.. So, me as an unofficial unpaid IT consultant was dragged there.. Well, after several hours (HOURS) walking and surveying, finally Baby make a decision to buy Acer Laptop.. I'm so jealous coz I like her laptop.. (I still love my Twinhead laptop Hehehe..) BUT I WANT a NEW one! Arghhh!!!! So, to be fair to my laptop, I buy a new LCD protector.. May it always looks new and beautiful.. Hehehe..

Then... I remembered!!! My ipod need a new cloth.. Yes.. looking for ipod's cloth mission started.. Hehehe.. And this is the result:

From outside..
From inside..

There is also other color and other style.. but I like black since I know pink didn't fit with me.. and I'm not careful enuff to wear white.. So, like the leather cloth??? Hehehe...

BN Gagal dapat 2/3...

Artikel from Malaysia Today :

Pimpinan Pak Lah punca BN Kalah Teruk..

I agree..

Wedding on Election Day..

Today my old time friend wedding at Selayang.. So, too bad it was on the election day.. but being a good friend, I got to go la.. I drive all the way from Kajang to Selayang.. The traffic was horrible.. Jammed Gila! I took more than 3 hours to arrive to my destination... But I got one interesting story...

The traffic was horrible.. My leg sore. Ada ala-ala menyesal.. hehehe.. and I wonder, why it was so bad? (certain2 area the traffic was totally horrible) So.. we passed "PAS" station.. the people angkat2 sepanduk and wearing the bendera.. Ohh... Then we passed "BN" station.. the people even wearing a mask of their calon.. Ohh.. Then we passed "PKR" same things.. the people wearing the flag and full of spirit gitu.. Ohh.. Lots of them look young (I mean around my age la).. Then the traffic seems to be ok a bit.. Then, from far I can see this one guy kibarkan bendera.. Full of spirit! He is the champion of all.. I wonder, what party ha? It was so hot out there.. This guy must love his party soo much.. But The flag is Red.. Hmmm.. DAP ka? I don't think so.. We come nearer and nearer.. and guess what?? It's Mc Donald's flag! It was so surprising and I don't realize I just took the wrong route.. So, we pusing2 Selayang.. stop to ask peole a few times and almost give up.. Thank god around 3.00++ we arrived at my friend's wedding..

There is another story at the wedding.. about a cute couple from Penang..

We arrived and I introduced myself to my friend (because my friend totally forget my face.. they said I look different.. maybe more beautiful now than before.. Hahaha).. Anyway, we sit next to this pak cik (can consider atok la.. so old).. He begin the conversation with us.. He ask me, "Dah ngundi ke?", So, I said "Oh, dah tadi".. He told us, he come right away after voting kat Penang sana (jauh tu) but this is his family (sepupu) wedding so, he came.. (with anak2 la). Then he asked again "Pangkah ape? dacing ke bulan?".. Hehehe.. We both answered "Undi adalah rahsia" Kui kui kui.. But at the same time, his wife pitch him and warning him.. "jangan nak kempen kat sini" and he answered "bukan dapat duit pon".. But they look so cute together.. that nenek look malu2 gitu.. Wow so cute.. and that atok pun cam amuse ja.. I love that moment and I captured it in my memory.. Life is beautiful...

The End... (sorry for my bad writing.. malas gila ni)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday Blues???

Sah! Sah! I've been a bad employer today.. No mood at all.. Actually I'm reading something and try my best to understand it.. it just so confusing and I think I had used most of my brain capacity this week. Why it's so confusing? I understand all the theory (well mostly).. by theory it should work! But damn it! Why I got the crazy data??? Why oh WHY?

Well, this is mostly what happen day in day out of my job.. Trying to understand the impossible until it is not impossible anymore.. Do some testing and experiment and do it again and do some design and debugging or create something.. Simplified things which maybe end up makes it more complicated.. Arghhh!!! I don't know if this is what I imagine to be when I'm still young. I'm suppose to be a doctor! Or Hotel manager.. Yes, I always dream to be a hotel manager, at my own hotel.. I want to be the boss.. talk talk only and wait for the result.. Hahaha.. Who can imagine I will end up working in the lab? and try my best to virtually understand how the data actually transfer? Boring!

Start Saira Start! Look at that piece of note! Read it all.. If still don't understand.. bring it back home and rebus it.. drink the water and let it be in your system.. for a moment.. hehehe before it eventually flush out!


Messi Again.. (Cute moment) v1.0

I just can't put him off my mind..
I know I'm crazy...
But Messi is Messi... and I still sad for Messi and really upset about his injury (Not as much as him)

This is Messi cute moment..

p/s: Tak cukup pic collection la kat PC ni.. got to look at my laptop at home.. will add soon.. hehehe..

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Being Mc-Guyver == Free Chicken Chop == FAT

Tonight is the 2nd night for me being a Mc-Guyver.. Yesterday, Paris locked Baby's room and left the key inside.. Who was she looking for savior?>>> The Great Saira! Today, Eva left her keys at her office.. Who was she asked for help? The Mc-Guyver>>> The Super Saira! If yesterday the service was free tonight I got rewarded.. Free chicken chop from "Mama Chops Papa Grill".. Since Eva owned the MCPG, the rewards was acceptable.. Because for a small favor like this, I will never ask anything in return.. Reason? Because it was too easy.. No sweat at all..

Tools needed to open a locked door:
1. Card (Unused SOGO Birthday's Card is enuff)
2. A little skill
3. A little patient

2 minutes.. DONE! If you got lucky.. a minute is enough..

So, a great diet(?) night was RUIN! I just ate chicken chop at 11.15p.m!!! (Eva tapau it from her restaurant).. I don't want to eat it, I just want to taste it a little and save it for tomorrow but.. BUT.. It's there.. calling me to eat it! Arghhhh!!!! Now, I RUIN myself! It's a pity to my body.. I will sleep very soon... I should NOT eat!!! And now I'm FULL and Angry at myself for the lack of SELF CONTROL! That's the keywords: Self Control!!!

What's done is done! Catz!!!! I'm Calling for you!!! PLEASE! Let's go swimming with me tomorrow.. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee........ Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee........ Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee........

Sin : Gluttony

Friend Or No Friend..

I am not talking about Mimi bestfriend okey..

I have this story.. I like a guy who is friend and I wish to be his friend forever but I'm afraid he wants me to be his friend too.. Coz I want him to want me to be more than a friend..

End of story..


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

MeSsI InJurEd AGaiN!!! Oh No! And He CRY!!

NO!! My Messi injured again... I feel so bad.. so sad.. Why Messi Why? And I know he ask the same question.. I never see Messi cry.. He must be very frustrated.. Messi will miss SIX weeks! Six weeks without Messi mean six weeks of incompleteness in the world of football.. Messi.. Please recover soon and Faster..

We all pray for your fast recovery Leo... Please don't cry..

Barca WON! But there is no joy.. Barca won>> It just what it mean to be, I never doubt it.. I knew we will win.. The Messi injury really effect me and all of Barca fan.. We with you Messi..

This is the video of the event.. Messi is so psychological devastated.. Love you Messi.. Tomorrow never die..

Messi is young.. His body is young.. he will recover fast.. His constant injury maybe because of the youngness..
Full name: Lionel Andrés Messi
Date of birth: June 24, 1987
Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina
Height: 1.69 m
Club: Barcelona (Forward - No. 19)
National team: Argentina
Girlfriend's Name: Saira

God Bless Messi...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ohh Buhsan!

No Barca on TV..
No interesting story on the net..
No mood to do job..
No Nothing..


Monday, March 03, 2008

Me, BSB and The Concert...

It still makes me smile.. It still makes me feel giddy.. I still can't believe it! Arghhhhhh!!! BRIAN I LOVE YOU!! NICK! HOWIE-D! AJ!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! I Scream!!! and SCREAM! I scream my heart out! That'me, That's me at BSB concert.. Hilang segala keayuan.. No more self control! All adrenalin drive.. it took over me!!! And Yes! I've been in BSB concert.. Still.. Really? I've been there? Hahahaha... Yes.. It's not a dream.. ARGHHHH! *pengsan*

Yes, I am that excited. They ARE GREAT! Really GREAT! It worth every penny.. (even only RM88) I would pay more if I have to.. I don't care.. The experience was priceless.. This is the best experienced I had since this is my first time going to international artist's concert.. It can be considered as a successful 1st timer. I have to admit, the management somewhat suck! Big time! I had been waiting (queuing for about 2.5 hours) and they suddenly open a new entrance for newcomers who, well don't queue as much as us and causing the riot. Once that happen, people start pushing and all the 'bad' words start flying. How stupid they can be? People Have LIMIT! Things goes crazy for a while and thank god.. I'm safely enter the sunway lagoon. That was the most stupid decision by the management (2nd entrance)!

When we are in, immediately looking for a perfect position. Yes! We found it.. very near to the big screen and still we can see the stage clearly.. There is no more space for us to squeeze in.. I like our spot. Then, we have to wait for 45minutes more (exact schedule was 8.00pm) and my feet is start killing me.. my energy drain but my heart jump... where are you BSB? please don't kill my feet anymore.. Then.. HERE WE GO! ARGGHHHHHHHH!!!! "Larger Than Life" - A perfect song for a perfect intro.. LOVE Love LOVE the whole 90 minutes plus felt like nothing.. I WANT MORE! MELTsssss several time... (*Oh my feet still killing me*) Meltsss some more... They are GREAT! AWESOME! I LOVE BSB! BSB rocks!!!(*old time flash back* and it's pop hehehe..)

Highlight of the concert
>>>> All people is around my age.. well we grow together with BSB.. Hik hik
>>>> BSB never change! They dance like 10 years ago.. still fit and gorgeous..
>>>> Unbreakable album is up to the par.. They are up to the par..
>>>> All people cool.. Got some funny 'sotong' that cheer us up during the most tension moment (the entrance)

Downside moments..
>>>> Management SUCK!
>>>> The girl next to me.. consistently complain to her boyfriend how tired she felt (Kalau u got low energy level.. balik umah la.. tgk TV.. This is no place to manja2.. It was annoying!)
>>>> The girl behind me is so short and thought I ni pokok nak panjat2.. Eee Rimas la.. Thank god, I move from her position in the middle of concert
>>>> After change my position, the guy beside me stand still like a statue! It makes me felt a lil bit awkward for jumping and screaming my heart out.. (a little only la.. I basically don't care!)

After all, like I said before.. It was a great moment of my life.. It was a moment of joy where I can scream my heart out! Everything goes smoothly.. peace and happy moment.. You can read at everyone face that night! We Enjoy the moment! ARGHHHHHH!!!! BRIAN I LOVE YOU!! NICK! HOWIE-D! AJ!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE YOU!! And I still smiling while listening to BSB song inside my car.. ;-)

p/s: pics will be added later, but u ols know kan.. there nothing much that pics can capture at the night concert and esp with a free standing tix.. My babbling worth more than any pic.. Right? Hehehe..

p/s: read more on purp's blog - a more sensible p.o.v.. Hehehe..

~~~@ Backstreet Boys Unbreakable World Tour, live in Malaysia - 27/02/2008 @~~~