Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday Shoppings and Movie...


Well, as planned aku gi Mid Valley semalam with some targets in mind.. So, bertolak dari umah with purp around kul 11.00am (Bertolak awal coz takut susah dapat parking).. Kami sampai around kul 12pm la.. My appointment for facial kul 12.30pm, so we go buy tiket wayang dulu la.. 27 Dresses kul 4.40p.m (Aku ingatkan kul 4.50p.m-I'll tell you later k, we late 10 minutes :frust: )

So, I left Purp roaming around by herself for 1.5 hours while I do my facial.. Ntah la pasal facial ni, aku tak rasa bertambah jelita pon (hihihi).. That Chinese girl from Beyond Beauty tu explain ape ke bende ntah pasal whatever, treatment ni treatment tu.. good for my face.. Bla bla bla.. Last sekali aku cakap la kat dia.. (after all the "ok la..", "yes", "uuh hu") aku ckp kat dia.. "Well, I actually don't understand a thing!" Kui kui kui.. Leh lak minah tu tanya aku "Am I speaking too fast?" Hahaha.. Seriously, that's not the problem.. Not At All! Aku ni jahil la pasal treatment2.. or apa2 tips kecantikan ni.. Apa yg dalam otak aku hanyalah "Get done with it girl! I already paid you big money to make me beauty!" So, at the end aku just cakap.. "well just do as we agree before.. Don't add anything or whatsoever.." At 2.00p.m Done! Thank you very much... Urghhh..

So, aku met balik ngan Purp.. Makan kat "The Mahattan Fish Market".. and cont shoppings.. hehehe.. Aku tinjau balik for the last time.. huhuhu.. my RM700++ long coat for Falls/Spring.. Arghh so beautiful and perfect for me.. :-/ Tapi atas nasihat kekawan dan muhasabah diri aku batalkan niat beli coat tu dan settle with my new jacket (baru beli Khamis hari tu.. hehehe) and also my old jacket la.. So maybe enuff is enuff lagipun coat tu akan memberatkan lagi beg aku.. hihihi.. Suddenly aku rasa aku ada extra RM700 for shopping.. Hehehehe.. Hahaha... Hihihihi... Wakakaka..

So, aku target nak beli new beg pack for laptop+traveling (yg old one rasa cam kecik la).. New wallet (old one already boring) and some books and maybe new shoes.. new bla bla (can't think yet).. So, semalam aku beli book Narnia series.. saje je aku beli buku ni sbb tak tau nak beli buku ape, lagipun aku rasa aku patut beli la.. ntah la.. Then Ta Da!!! Aku beli new wallet.. Hehehe.. Aku rasa kalau kira balik back 5 years back, this is my 5th or 6th wallet.. Ntah la dah tak ingat.. hehehe.. Somehow aku never satisfied ngan wallet aku tapi aku rasa yang ni the last one la.. Aku harap aku leh maintain this one for at least ermmm.. 3 years (hope more..hikss) This is my new one..

Cute? Balenciaga new arrival (kata promoter tu la..)
From inside..

Nice ha? Ok la kan.. sebab aku nak settle lama ngan wallet ni.. so black is good.. Beg pack aku tak nak beli kat sini coz aku dah survey kat Alamanda, aku dah ada yg berkenan just saje je nak tgk other option kat MV ni.. Then jalan2 some more.. shoppings some more.. then it's time for 27 Dresses...

Well.. Citer ni best! fun! cute! enjoyable! bla bla bla yang seangkatan dengannya.. Aku bagi 3/5stars.. Citer ni best tapi aku tak leh nak buang feeling frustrated sebab masuk tgk movie ni lewat 10 minit.. How could aku tak perasan yang movie ni actually start kul 4.40pm bukan 4.50p.m.. Sepenjang wayang ni aku cuba menceriakan diri aku dan membuang feeling ni.. Citer ni still best even with the missed ten minutes tapi it can be better.. Anyway dah terjadi pun so, I try my best to enjoy it.. Hmm.. Ending citer ni bagi aku quite lame.. too easy.. I don't expect it to be difficult either cuma aku harap more challenging or more worthy the love.. whatever la kan..

Back from MV.. I put all my stuffs and food.. Aku tgk AF6.. Ok la.. AC Mizal quite boring tapi maybe anybody is better than Aznil (bukan aku tak suka Aznil) sbb dah bosan maa.. Aku tak de fav and just tgk je la kan.. Good that Saturday will be more fun now.. Hehehe..


- Saira


Bangla Tambak Johor said...


rm700 hengget for falls/spring???


hang ni duit berkoyan koyan haa!!

my advise is..fotget it ah...kat US sana nanti,bnyak yang cantik dan uptodate with material lebih sesuai untuk cuaca sanaaa...

rambang mata nanti sampai sana..hik.cayerrr ler...heheh


Saira said...

Already forget it la.. hehehe.. mmg aa patut beli kat sana jer.. kalau ikut napsu mmg sudah ku beli.. Kalau duit berkoyan2 mmg pasti beli tapi tak aa.. dah say bye bye dah kat baju tu.. walaupun it's 'perfect' for me..