Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wedding on Election Day..

Today my old time friend wedding at Selayang.. So, too bad it was on the election day.. but being a good friend, I got to go la.. I drive all the way from Kajang to Selayang.. The traffic was horrible.. Jammed Gila! I took more than 3 hours to arrive to my destination... But I got one interesting story...

The traffic was horrible.. My leg sore. Ada ala-ala menyesal.. hehehe.. and I wonder, why it was so bad? (certain2 area the traffic was totally horrible) So.. we passed "PAS" station.. the people angkat2 sepanduk and wearing the bendera.. Ohh... Then we passed "BN" station.. the people even wearing a mask of their calon.. Ohh.. Then we passed "PKR" same things.. the people wearing the flag and full of spirit gitu.. Ohh.. Lots of them look young (I mean around my age la).. Then the traffic seems to be ok a bit.. Then, from far I can see this one guy kibarkan bendera.. Full of spirit! He is the champion of all.. I wonder, what party ha? It was so hot out there.. This guy must love his party soo much.. But The flag is Red.. Hmmm.. DAP ka? I don't think so.. We come nearer and nearer.. and guess what?? It's Mc Donald's flag! It was so surprising and I don't realize I just took the wrong route.. So, we pusing2 Selayang.. stop to ask peole a few times and almost give up.. Thank god around 3.00++ we arrived at my friend's wedding..

There is another story at the wedding.. about a cute couple from Penang..

We arrived and I introduced myself to my friend (because my friend totally forget my face.. they said I look different.. maybe more beautiful now than before.. Hahaha).. Anyway, we sit next to this pak cik (can consider atok la.. so old).. He begin the conversation with us.. He ask me, "Dah ngundi ke?", So, I said "Oh, dah tadi".. He told us, he come right away after voting kat Penang sana (jauh tu) but this is his family (sepupu) wedding so, he came.. (with anak2 la). Then he asked again "Pangkah ape? dacing ke bulan?".. Hehehe.. We both answered "Undi adalah rahsia" Kui kui kui.. But at the same time, his wife pitch him and warning him.. "jangan nak kempen kat sini" and he answered "bukan dapat duit pon".. But they look so cute together.. that nenek look malu2 gitu.. Wow so cute.. and that atok pun cam amuse ja.. I love that moment and I captured it in my memory.. Life is beautiful...

The End... (sorry for my bad writing.. malas gila ni)

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