Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Selamat Datang 2006!!! Selamat Tinggal 2005!!!

Masa berlalu dan pergi.. pantas tanpa kita sedar.. like a blink in the eyes! Cepat betul masa berlalu, macam nothing happen in 2005.. Nothing that really give an impact to me.. Well manusia jarang bersyukur.. bila fikir2 balik.. yes something does happen.. Aku lebih matang, lebih terbuka but I’m still the old me.. Yes, I’ve seen more and I learn more instead I open 2005 by went to German but maybe that is the only best part of this year.. like a dream that doesn’t really happen.. What else? Hmm, I’ve found new interest.. Mawi.. But can I count it? No, of course not.. Just another obsession.. Doesn’t really give impact to my life.. just my money, time and some crazy moment.. Maybe.. :-) But it’s just typical me..

Ok.. Let’s divide to good things and bad things..

we go to feeling first, Am I happier in 2005 better than 2004? Or I feel worst in 2005 compare to 2004? Answer.. I think I feel same.. so, Nothing change for feeling..

Let see money.. I think this improve a lil bit.. I think I have more money in 2005 compare to 2004.. So, this has improvement but yet I’m still not rich :-)

Hmm, friendship? Am I having more friends in 2005? Yes I do.. but I also lost some friends.. not really lost but when your bestfriend get married, u’ll fell u lost them a lil bit.. no more good ‘lay park’ days or nights at stall in no time..hehehe.. but friendship is still there, they just move on.. So, I think this one is improving..

What about work.. This is the least thing I wanna talk about.. not that I hate my job.. I like it just don’t love it.. So, ok la.. takde beza yang ketara.. still tak dapat anugerah khidmat cemerlang.. but so does my boss.. kepimpinan melalui teladan kan.. So, nothing really change.. but I don’t feel bad so, it’s ok.

Love.. What can I say about this? Still single.. bla bla bla.. Tak larat dengar soalan mak.. tapi takpe sebab abah aku suka backing aku.. jadi I assume my father had prepare himself to have unmarried or late married daughter.. Hahaha…

Secara keseluruhan.. aku sebenarnya tak ingat ape azam 2005 aku.. Ntah la aku ade berazam atau tidak.. aku betul2 tak ingat.. or azam 2005 aku ialah “just go on living and see what’s happen..” So untuk 2006.. aku akan berazam supaya ade rujukan next year..

Azam 2006
1. Setelah mendengar komen dari kekawan.. aku buat keputusan 2006 aku akan cuba menjadi lebih bersifat kewanitaan.. means I should Be Nicer.. :-) and lebihkan peruntukan untuk beli baju yang cantik2 kurangkan beli DVD, VCD, CD, buku dan lain2 yang tidak berapa wanita.. hehehe
2. Berjimat.. aku akan kurangkan perbelanjaan.. I still don’t know how tapi I think to save money consistently is a good idea.. dan maybe cari side income??? Don’t know but I’ll remind myself.. Don’t start a new costly hobby.. :-) money matters..
3. Works.. be better.. that’s it!
4. Heath.. Aku harap aku akan lebih luangkan masa utk jogging, swimming dan watch what I eat.. (ops! I’m not really serious about watch what I eat.. that’s only for old people.. hehehe)
5. Sambung azam 2005 kot.. “just go on living and see what’s happen.. It’s doesn’t matter what the prob is.. What matters is how u handles it! So this year I’ll handle everything better! :-)

Aku harap list aku kat atas ni cukup untuk dikira sebagai azam tahun baru.. aku harap aku success.. aku takde azam yang solid.. contohnya.. tahun ni nak beli kereta baru atau tahun ni naik pangkat atau tahun ni nak pergi umrah.. or something like that.. Too much pressure is not good.. but accept what life offer u and be thankful is much better but it should not stop at that.. BE AMBITIOUS is very important as well. So kene bersyukur dan dalam masa yang terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan diri.. (at least talk about it and hope u’ll really do it!)

WELCOME 2006!!!

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