Monday, November 09, 2009

The Story of Milk Tea... :)

Kat sini milk tea tersangatlah mahal.. dan hanya satu kedai je yang we all trust can provide a good tea.... So, disebabkan bukan selalu, I don't mind spent USD3.50 for a cup of milk tea...

But today, when my friends come to my house, they request a coffee or a tea.. Since it's already midnight, a coffee is not a good idea.... Tetiba aku teringat yang aku ada beli tea time visit Buckingham Palace kat London... Tak penah usik pun sebab as usual.. I drink what's available only and never make one unless... I have too.. like today...

The thing is it turn out very good... The tea is even better than the USD3.50 a cup tea (Say Gigi).. HAHAHA.. So, you know why I made this entry right? To do the "angkat bakul the series" HAHAHA..... but this time is not angkat bakul sendiri.. So, the questions is.. What is the secret?

A - The milk
B - The Tea
C- The Maker

Tooooottttt.. CORRECT!!! The answer is C.. HAHAHA....

end of story..


CATZ said...

now bukan masuk bangkul angkat2 ..
now ni masuk lift tekan seniirik berapa tingkat ko nak naik, or masuk lift tekan semua butang...hahhahaha...
bravooo..sedap sgt lah ekkk..
bak le secawannnn...

Saira said...

biasa je lah.. tapi sebab kat sini susah nak dapat yang rasa macam teh ais Malaysia... somehow, we crazy about it.. Come to think of it.. here people take serious on all small thing..

CATZ said...

err..teh ada jual kan?
and..ssu pekat manis ada tak??
if ada dedua tuh no problem at all lah...bleh bukak kedai teh tarik ye cik maslina...