Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I have a confession...

I think I like staying here...

I love Fall... It's so beautiful...



PurPlè said...

seriously despite limited choice of food compare to msia (limited tp mkn tetap byk), actually living abroad with 4 seasons is fun. i miss it! enjoy ur time there!

PS: ko ada amik ke software Xilinx ISE? aku carik kt opis x jupe...

Saira said...

Yes Purp.. Kalau ikutkan hati......

Anyway, aku tak amik la software Xilinx.. takde kat Aira ke? hmm.. tak pun cuba ko tanya Lojius.. aku tak ingat la, tapi aku rasa aku tak amik la.. cam tak logic la plak aku amik software tu..