Friday, October 23, 2009

Am I Serious?

Ok.. nak dijadikan cerita.. Aku dengan suka hatinya register untuk amik "SPEAK Test" (Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Kit Test)

Bila orang tanya, apsal ko amik test tu? Aku cakap "Just for fun!" Seriously? Ada ke orang amik test just for fun? Well, that is half true.. I indeed that this test for fun... First of all, it's free.. So, why not? Secondly, aku teringin nak tau kalau aku amik speak test ni.. berapa la agaknya aku dapat.. so, second reason is curiosity...

Tapi bak kata orang puteh... curiosity killed the cat.. Tak pasal2 je hari ni aku berdebar2 mengambik test ni.. Siap rasa nak lari lagi.. panic attack! Walaupun semalam aku dah practice, aku tetap rasa aku screwed up the test.. huhuhu.. One of the task is to give the direction based on the map given.. masa diberi 30 saat.. Bila aku bagi direction, tup2 aku sedar yang aku tersilap.. and times up! Waaaaaa!!! stupid! stupid! I don't know which one is more stupid? Me taking the exam or me giving the wrong direction... Urghhh...

Talking about half true, the other reason I took this test is because if somehow I got a good mark on this test.. I will have a chance to apply for a T.A (Teaching Assistant) position. The reason other people taking this test is this actually, but for me I can't say that it was my intention. Anyway... I'm very tempted to try and apply for a T.A (if the result favor me).. I'm curious... What is it feel to teach undergrad Americans student? Dulu2 time kat USM, I did became a tutor for 1st year students (when I'm in final year).. So, I think it must be interesting if I can experience it here as well....

So... Let hope the grader ignore my stupid mistakes and give me a good mark.. :p.. If not... It is really just for nothing... Well, nevertheless, I will still say that this is an interesting experience.. :D

1 comment:

PurPlè said...

gd luck!

ps: the ISE software is missing in action. b4 asking u, i already asked aira & lojius. i even told aira the same - mcm x logik je ko amik. but no harm in asking.