Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Whining... :(

The more I learned on quantum mechanics and high energy physics.. the more I feel that my brain is not ready for this level... I really don't want to go this deep, on the particle level where we have to consider its movement, velocity, force, energy, etc... botlzman equation, fluid equation, whatever... derive this.. derive that then integrate this and that.. microscopic motion whatever.. Urghh...

Honestly, I don't care about how the particles move, collide of whatever.. They can collide, scattered or have a momentum or have a complicated magnetic wave whatever...

I just want out of this...


updated (after several hours writing this post)

I found out the way to deal with this situation is by accepting it.. So, I just spent some time reading the material (well, you know I'm always m.a.l.a.s).. So, it was actually not that bad... It just when the instructor teach us... It looks really complicated and I end up feeling no interest and maybe a little intimidate with it.. Now, I see that there is light at the end of the tunnel... :)

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