Friday, April 25, 2008

Look Good? Or NOT?

Well, catz told me to just show whatever you cook here.. Well, if I am catz.. Of course la kan.. But since I'm not catz and my cooking is utterly rubbish when compared to her, but I still took her advice.. Let see la what I cooked for my dinner today.. I don't know what you guys think about the look but it certainly taste good.. Hehehe..

Very the healthy maggi goreng.. Kalah kedai mamak tau..

Maggi Mamee Kari Berapi
Bunga Kobis
Cili Api
Bawang Merah
Bawang Putih
Hot Dog

Mula-mula rebus Maggi, Carrot, Brokoli dan Bunga kobis.. sejukkan
Tumiskan bawang putih, bawang merah, cili api dan hot dog sehingga garing.. Bancuhkan serbuk kari manggi dgn sedikit air.. masukkan ke dalam tumisan.. Kemudian masukkan maggi bersama sayuran.. Gaul sampai rata.. Masukkan telur dan gaul sehingga telur masak..

Perghhh.. gerenti sedap dan pedas.. Hehehe...

On the other note.. I Love Messi.. HAHAHAHAHA...


CATZ said...

wahhhh...saira cooking..kelezzzz mek ko...nampak sedappppp..nak skettt..

Anonymous said...

looks delicious indeed...