Monday, February 21, 2011

A Major Step Up!

Dolu2... Bila aku tengok orang pakai cermin mata, I wish I can wear it as well. Sebabnya for me, those yang pakai cermin mata look so cool and intelligent. So I was like.. I wanna wear it too! I'm thinking about wearing glasses without 'power' on it. Just to show off... Then, I got a tip! People said... To wear glasses, you have to always read books at night. 

Life style asrama penuh make things easier on me.malam2 jer bila warden dah tutup lampu, baru semangat baca buku aku timbul (Inilah rahsia kejayaan aku.. hehe)... The first time aku realize aku kena pakai cermin mata.. power mata aku ialah 125 on both side... Then by time, it gradually increase to 175, 225, 250, 275 and finally 300. I always have the same index for both of my eyes.. So, aku tak tau la apsal some people mata sebelah kiri lain, sebelah kanan lain... I guess I'm a fair person :PPP I always used my eyes equally.. Haha... There was one time, my eyes index increase to 350.. But it going down back to 300 after half a year. And for more than 7 years, my eyes maintain at 300 power. (How can I proud of this???? :PPP)

But you know guys... Recently, I started wearing contact lenses... Then I realize one thing.. On my third pairs of contact lenses (mean 3 months - 1 pair = 1 month) I'm having a headache every time I'm wearing the contact lenses. I began to suspect that something might be wrong. I'm almost sure that my eyes' power is going down. Because that happen before.. maybe i'm back to 275. Yes!

So, last week.. before buying a new pair of contact lenses... I did the eyes check...

I went to England Optical and tell them my problems when wearing a contact. You know what, The machine said that my eyes index was 4.25 (425)... WUT???? Are they crazy??? Increase by 1.25??? It totally doesn't make any sense at all! And that lady who did the eyes check seems "lazy". I don't think she did a good job. (I'm not kidding! seriously). And she told me, the machine usually not accurate. What the heck? So, I went to the shop that I usually bought my glasses. This time, the test seems more reliable. And the result is... 3.75!!! Still, I feel like.. WUT???? But this time, the guy told me that the machine is accurate. Huhuhu...

Now that I'm conscious of this... I began to realize during the seminar that I attended... I can't read properly without forcing my eyes muscle when the words were small. This is not something that I like. Not at all. I don't want to have more than 3.00 index. I'm on panic attack! How can I reduce it back to 300???


And I take it back! I don't think wearing glasses is cool anymore!


PurPlè said...

too late 4u to take it back anw, hahahaa.

catz said...

nak cerahkan mata..katanya kena amik vit C which nrmally people suggest to eat carrot.
so my suggestion are:

1. eat 1kg carrot/day
(if badan/muka jadik oren dont blame me eh..)

2. suntik vit C kat mata (sebulan 20 jabs)

3.makan tomato 1/2 kilo sehari

4.nak baik terus, cepat silalah cuba buat LASIK treatment tuh..cure pakai laser, terus tak rabunnnn. sebelah mata cost around 2.2k katanya. dunno lah kot ada yg murah lagi..errr..nak cantik punya pasal kena invest..hehheheh.

aku antara org yg index sebelah lain-lain. dah lebih 10 tawun kanan 3.25, kiri 3.00.
